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The USA warns of the "non-women" declaration of the Democratic Party,

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Alert for corrupt senior officials, the high-ranking US official lands in Tirana

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The alliance between Sali Berisha and Ilir Meta has broken, Myslym Murrizi

Opinion / Editorial

"Balconization" of Albanian politics

"Balconization" of Albanian politics

It has been five months since former President Berisha, currently the head of the main opposition in Albania, is under house arrest. Since almost half a year, he has been cut off from direct connections with the broad mass of people. Stay closed in the family; he eats, drinks, reads, meditates and in the evenings, regularly broadcasts political messages in public. As you think about this, the first thought leads to the natural question: what effect is it having and what is the isolation bringing to this personality put in a cage, of course not in prison conditions? However, before that, another question naturally arises: is he really isolated and virtually cut off from his associates, as well as from the broad mass of people who support him? Anyone who would answer this question with cold logic would say: the former President is not isolated. Not at all detached from those who believe it. Because he has found the way, even the way to communicate even with the general public: he lectures from the balcony. From above where he lives, he feeds and inspires his associates. There are "working hours". Under the balcony, senior politicians of the Reestablishment regularly come, why not - also others from the Albanian right, and receive orientations. Orientations and inspirations. As if to encourage him, leaders of right-wing political forces also come there. The President of the newest party, "Partia e Lirisa" was not absent either! If until yesterday the head of Reestablishment provided contact with the media or the public through press conferences once or twice a week, now he has made it more frequent: he has daily contact. Of course, no one knows the specific charge or charges for which or for which he will be judged, but the fact that he is under house arrest lets people understand that something will happen to him as long as the measure of arrest is not it is being removed from different levels of the Judiciary. When the isolation measures are expected to be strengthened, the opposite is happening: foreign televisions go to his house and interview him, as do foreign MPs, even famous artists! Unique in his character as a person and as a politician, Berisha makes public statements about internal and external events almost every day. He is daily present in the Albanian political environment through the opinions he expresses, which are also broadcast daily on television alongside those made by other well-known figures of Albanian politics. As if he were in the office, the head of Reestablishment radiates political orientations every day, directing the activities of the main opposition himself and analyzing and maintaining strong political positions towards Prime Minister Rama and his political opponents. Analyzing Albanian politics in general, he understands that it would be difficult, if not completely impossible, for the opposition to win, that's why he doesn't call for early elections, but does the other: from the balcony he calls for a political attack on to all high socialist officials,to disfigure them as such and to create the idea that "Rilindja", according to him, has lost the chance to stay in power. In fact, from the balcony he directs, inspires, and even organizes the attack on the Municipality of Tirana, hoping and believing that the resignation of the mayor of the capital would be a very good omen of hope for the entire Albanian opposition, at a time when it is torn apart and greatly weakened. This is why the protests continue periodically in front of the City Hall for the resignation of its mayor, even with violence! And after each protest, the participants go under the balcony as if to receive the congratulations of the occasion, of course also the next inspiration for another revenge in front of the City Hall. Already, many right-wing and no less left-wing people keep their eyes and ears, in some way, even just out of curiosity, on the balcony. The prime minister speaks, but what do you think of the balcony?! A political event happens, but how does the balcony comment? A decision is made or a law is adopted, but how does the balcony evaluate it? Because after every political movement, there is also the balcony that comments. In short, the entire Albanian politics has been "Balconized". The balcony is in the thoughts and hopes of those who believe in Berisha. They also come from the town halls of the country and they can't help but go under the balcony once in a while. They want to get the message straight. In other words, even the public environment has been "balconized", so that in the evenings, almost all television studios deal only with the main leader of the opposition, even though he is locked inside the four walls of the house! From what is said from the balcony, the entire Albanian social environment is conceived. From that balcony, he hears the United States of America being thanked, support for Ukraine expressed, Putin criticized and Great Britain "clarified" about their "non-women". From that balcony, he hears criticism of Justice and SPAK, Rama is "dismissed" and calls are made to the deputies of the Democratic Party to unite in one, but "without Lulzim Brava", or "hostage Basha". Although under house arrest, former Prime Minister Berisha has factored into politics. It continues to be an actor and factor in the politics of the day. Without further ado, the entire Albanian politics, like it or not, has been "Balconized".Already, many right-wing and no less left-wing people keep their eyes and ears, in some way, even just out of curiosity, on the balcony. The prime minister speaks, but what do you think of the balcony?! A political event happens, but how does the balcony comment? A decision is made or a law is adopted, but how does the balcony evaluate it? Because after every political movement, there is also the balcony that comments. In short, the entire Albanian politics has been "Balconized". The balcony is in the thoughts and hopes of those who believe in Berisha. They also come from the town halls of the country and they can't help but go under the balcony once in a while. They want to get the message straight. In other words, even the public environment has been "balconized", so that in the evenings, almost all television studios deal only with the main leader of the opposition, even though he is locked inside the four walls of the house! From what is said from the balcony, the entire Albanian social environment is conceived. From that balcony, he hears the United States of America being thanked, support for Ukraine expressed, Putin criticized and Great Britain "clarified" about their "non-women". From that balcony, he hears criticism of Justice and SPAK, Rama is "dismissed" and calls are made to the deputies of the Democratic Party to unite in one, but "without Lulzim Brava", or "hostage Basha". Although under house arrest, former Prime Minister Berisha has factored into politics. It continues to be an actor and factor in the politics of the day. Without further ado, the entire Albanian politics, like it or not, has been "Balconized".Already, many right-wing and no less left-wing people keep their eyes and ears, in some way, even just out of curiosity, on the balcony. The prime minister speaks, but what do you think of the balcony?! A political event happens, but how does the balcony comment? A decision is made or a law is adopted, but how does the balcony evaluate it? Because after every political movement, there is also the balcony that comments. In short, the entire Albanian politics has been "Balconized". The balcony is in the thoughts and hopes of those who believe in Berisha. They also come from the municipalities of the country and cannot help but go down the balcony once in a while. They want to get the message straight. In other words, even the public environment has been "balconized", so that in the evenings, almost all television studios deal only with the main leader of the opposition, even though he is locked inside the four walls of the house! From what is said from the balcony, the entire Albanian social environment is conceived. From that balcony, he hears the United States of America being thanked, support for Ukraine expressed, Putin criticized and Great Britain "clarified" about their "non-women". From that balcony, he hears criticism of Justice and SPAK, Rama is "dismissed" and calls are made to the deputies of the Democratic Party to unite in one, but "without Lulzim Brava", or "hostage Basha". Although under house arrest, former Prime Minister Berisha has factored into politics. It continues to be an actor and factor in the politics of the day. Without further ado, the entire Albanian politics, like it or not, has been "Balconized".former prime minister Berisha has factored into politics. It continues to be an actor and factor in the politics of the day. Without further ado, the entire Albanian politics, like it or not, has been "Balconized".former prime minister Berisha has factored into politics. It continues to be an actor and factor in the politics of the day. Without further ado, the entire Albanian politics, like it or not, has been "Balconized".