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Opinion / Editorial

How long with such small salaries, Mr. Prime Minister?

How long with such small salaries, Mr. Prime Minister?

The poorest people in Europe with the highest taxes. To put hands on head. And then they ask mischievously "Why are the Albanians fleeing?" And the politicians in the stale oratory point the finger at each other, coming out like a spoon.

Who was that diabolical mind that, after 1992, put the taxes on food and consumer goods for the people at 20%, nobody says. Aleksander Meksi and some ignoramuses who slandered us as ministers pretend they know nothing and say they have served the people (read rjepur).

You are also saying something, O Sali Berisha, as the orator that you are, because you are the originator and executor of this massacre of the poor. Maybe you didn't know that Albanians should at least not have food tax at all. We are the poorest people in Europe with the highest taxes. This makes living in Albania impossible and motivates the citizen to leave the Motherland as if it were a desert land where there is no life.

Yes, let's move a little in the wings of politics.

Why does this left-wing party in power for more than 12 years not have in its program the reduction of taxes and the increase of the welfare of the people. They are not compensating the citizens even as much as the annual inflation of the lek. They don't even do the indexing. The governor of the State Bank comes out and talks about the strengthening of the lek when the lek is in galloping inflation. Meat, cheese, milk, and many other foods have doubled in price, which a normal logic means that the lek has 50-100% inflation. Where do they find the strengthening of the lek? Maybe they consider the Albanian people stupid.

The question arises, do the parties have economists who can draw up real development programs, because with idiotic speeches and historical references about the glory of the provinces, they are just throwing water into the mortar. They don't make a real promise, they don't say a figure that can be realized.

Do you know how much taxes are in America, where the income is up to 20 times greater than that of Albanians?

Food is not taxed. Consumer goods are taxed at 5.75%. At least in Washington DC and Virginia around this figure, we present the receipts of some purchases of clothing and food. So that it doesn't seem like they're playing word games like the panelists and political pundits do on TV shows.

How is it possible that politicians, MPs do not talk about this, and the people do not protest against poverty. We have become a miserable people. Because we have no voice to ask for humane treatment, we remain silent even when we are robbed. The ministers turned out to be thieves with sacks and no one in the people did anything. Do not let the servile power unions and associations that have turned into nurseries of extortionists and flatter your governments like prostitutes for some stinking money. They are not stinky, one can say, because the presidents of the associations have shops and parking lots in at least two villas built after 1990. And they don't even dare to ask to reduce the catastrophic taxes for the Albanian citizens who are the poorest in Europe.

Why then did you want to give these fraudulent politicians the vote and become MPs and ministers? Have you heard any MP talk about the people's problems? Ask yourself "Why?". Have you heard any puppet MP in the Parliament raise as a problem the 20% food taxes of the poorest people on the continent? No, because those taxes that are collected are for their luxuries.

That with those taxes by Government decision with the signature and seal of the Prime Minister, the salaries of deputies and ministers will increase by 10 times the salary of a worker. It's time to remember the $150 per month pensions that we poor people can barely breathe.

I wanted to remember a saying of the great poet Lasgush Poradeci. Great poet, but salary at the other extreme. One day they saw him passing thoughtfully on the street of Kavaja and respectfully asked him where he was going. Lasgushi did not hesitate and said:

"I'm going to get my roach."

The word spread and fell on the ears of the cadres of the League of Writers. One of those in the presidency who had a fat salary asked him why you call him money and not salary? Lasgushi, who was not lazy with sarcasm, responded by showing him the hand where he had some money:

"Why did you get a salary?"

The head of the League, who received several times more than the great Lasgush Poradeci, remained as a shell.

And I wanted to ask: "How long with such small salaries, Mr. Prime Minister?"