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Opinion / Editorial

Desperation is human, Molotov-throwers are cruel

Desperation is human, Molotov-throwers are cruel

More and more impoverished. From Tuesday to Tuesday, the militants leave the protest one by one as if they are sick or threatened by some pandemic. Even though they don't love Erjon Veli, they understand that the vote opens the doors of that beautiful building. She ascended to power. Not Molotov cocktails. Protesters, since they are a negligible number, understand better than organizers or initiators and ideators that they cannot, they do not have the strength to impose themselves on anyone. They see all this fading and lack of support as a failed cause. Only a few molotov-throwers go with the idea that we are few and we have to compensate with violence. What is evident in the protests of the opposition in front of the town hall every Tuesday, hidden behind the "Alliance for the National Theater", whose name has now been completely forgotten, is the reduction in geometric progression of the participants. Fire the second day, fire and only fire. Now that they've run out of popcorn, as they say, the only Molotov-throwers left are those who have a hobby of igniting flames and setting fires. Even T-shirts with Berisha's portrait printed on the front and the slogan, "Free the opposition leader" do not work. In a statement, Berisha's daughter, professor Argita, who has the right to protest like all other citizens, stated that she feels very depressed. And for her judgment, it would be very good for the revolt to extend even further. To be tougher. In February, there would be a greater escalation of violence, as the time is such that, according to her, it gives the opposition the motive to be more aggressive. This is a perception that does not suit the professor of jurisprudence at all, a well-educated lady who knows very well that with desperation and revolt you can't get anywhere, no longer climbing to power or freeing anyone from house arrest, whether they are your people or not. closest. Everyone's desperation is human but Molotov throwers are just cruel individuals. The claim that there is a protest for the benefit of the citizens for their troubles is simply a packaging to present the violent protests in the center of Tirana as sugarcoating and nothing more. These protests with such a limited number of supporters show that there is no cause and they have no value. They cannot be imposed on anyone, especially the central or local government concentrated in the capital of Albania, in Tirana. This is not the same as having nothing to protest. There are even many. Every protest must have a product. What has been achieved to date? Which of the objectives have been achieved? Are the people of the capital scared or have the authorities in the municipality of Tirana wavered? None of these happened. On the contrary, the protests have been accompanied by maximum indifference of the citizens of Tirana. Except for some of the councilors of the two parties, that of the "Reestablishment" and the Freedom Party, who are too much after themselves, gladiators who are ready to clash with the police in the name of the objective they have in mind,the others are some newcomers from afar, known soldiers of noise and clashes with the police. No one can be forbidden in a democracy to protest. At the same time, no one can justify the Molotov cocktails and flakadas or the beating of the police who are there to protect those who protest, and at the same time the object where the local government of the capital exercises its legal activity. So far, eight protests have a negative balance for the organizers. They have weakened the power of the protest. The number of protesters has been lost. They have shriveled to the extent that it does not constitute any achievement, even minimal. In the end, every movement has an objective, it has a goal to aim for or achievement. And when for eight weeks you haven't managed to advance even a single millimeter and you haven't climbed a step in the objective you have revealed to remove the mayor of the largest municipality in the country, then you have to admit that you have failed and you have to change your strategy . Nobody supports violence. The people, the citizens hate noise and seek peace, they want to live and work in peace. If there were protests with a healthy motive then the whole city of Tirana would be in those protests and maybe they would go from all over Albania. Citizens do not have complaints. That they have no reason to protest. They are alert to everything that happens in this country. It is not that they are pro-corruption or forgive those who break the law. But they judge the solution differently, they are rational and practical, they want to do everything according to the law and not with Molotov cocktails. It is for this reason that after eight protests in front of the municipality of Tirana, the organizers have reaped a regrettable balance. They have also lost what they had in the beginning, the support since no one can come out in protests that are aimed at individual benefit and not at public concern and concern. Nor despair. Not even Molotov cocktails will bring you to the shore of hope or victory. On the contrary, they consume physically and morally. Reduce participation and increase violence. None of them are achievements. They all have the name: Failure!And when for eight weeks you haven't managed to advance even a single millimeter and you haven't climbed a step in the objective you have revealed to remove the mayor of the largest municipality in the country, then you have to admit that you have failed and you have to change your strategy . Nobody supports violence. The people, the citizens hate noise and seek peace, they want to live and work in peace. If there were protests with a healthy motive then the whole city of Tirana would be in those protests and maybe they would go from all over Albania. Citizens do not have complaints. That they have no reason to protest. They are alert to everything that happens in this country. It is not that they are pro-corruption or forgive those who break the law. But they judge the solution differently, they are rational and practical, they want to do everything according to the law and not with Molotov cocktails. It is for this reason that after eight protests in front of the municipality of Tirana, the organizers have reaped a regrettable balance. They have also lost what they had in the beginning, the support since no one can come out in protests that are aimed at individual benefit and not at public concern and concern. Nor despair. Not even Molotov cocktails will bring you to the shore of hope or victory. On the contrary, they consume physically and morally. Reduce participation and increase violence. None of them are achievements. They all have the name: Failure!And when for eight weeks you haven't managed to advance even a single millimeter and you haven't climbed a step in the objective you have revealed to remove the mayor of the largest municipality in the country, then you have to admit that you have failed and you have to change your strategy . Nobody supports violence. The people, the citizens hate noise and seek peace, they want to live and work in peace. If there were protests with a healthy motive then the whole city of Tirana would be in those protests and maybe they would go from all over Albania. Citizens do not have complaints. That they have no reason to protest. They are alert to everything that happens in this country. It is not that they are pro-corruption or forgive those who break the law. But they judge the solution differently, they are rational and practical, they want to do everything according to the law and not with Molotov cocktails. It is for this reason that after eight protests in front of the municipality of Tirana, the organizers have reaped a regrettable balance. They have also lost what they had in the beginning, the support since no one can come out in protests that are aimed at individual benefit and not at public concern and concern. Nor despair. Not even Molotov cocktails will bring you to the shore of hope or victory. On the contrary, they consume physically and morally. Reduce participation and increase violence. None of them are achievements. They all have the name: Failure!