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Opinion / Editorial

"Betrayed in the hands of sinners"!

"Betrayed in the hands of sinners"!

Painful, but true. The sovereign does not ask us to eat the gold with a spoon, as expressed in the early nineties by some fools who, due to lack of experience in politics, were washed away before him, but at least to preserve some values ??as a nation and develop them by embracing the values of time, finally separating from this painful transition, ending the institutional reforms, guaranteeing what is written in the fundamental law of the state, the constitution of the Republic of Albania, and the judges of the "poplars" to retire now that they have completed the years of Recently, in the turmoil of an opposition that seeks to replace the majority that has just come to power, through "peaceful" rallies, which the Rama government is trying to oppose with a "renaissance", on the pages of in the written press, even in some leading dailies, a lot has been said and is being talked about a region somewhere in northern Albania, in the middle of the Alps, where even there spring has come early, the green trees and those with snow; a village that has not changed a bit in these 30 years, and even for the sake of politics, many sons of mothers have fled this world who today wander old from years and pain in the alleys of the city "Bajram Curri". We think that the honest intelligence that works, thinks about Tropoja, is not of one mind with the local political and state leaders, leaving aside momentary grudges for perhaps narrow and petty interests, and work for the good of Tropoja, because maybe tomorrow is, and the caravan is added They fled their homeland for a better life, at least for their descendants. Yes, Tropoja is and remains the pearl of Albanian beauty, among the 10 most amazing places, Tropoja continues to produce prominent intellectuals, Tropoja continues to preserve the virtues of generosity, faith, hospitality. We are only illustrating a very significant fact: although these years of transition Tropoja cost a lot of bloodshed of its sons and daughters, no family is isolated, where it is known that the bash in Tropoja is the epicenter of the canon. Tropoja continues to produce talented creators, winning prestigious international awards, Tropoja continues to qualify students who are among the most prepared in the world, Tropoja remains the sine and cosine, also of democratic cohesion in Albania, Tropoja is the place where powerful revolutions have erupted democratic, with a river that people run to in civil situations to baptize newborn children with her name, Valbona. We have carefully followed the actions of our politicians in the parliament, mainly the opposition, the statements but also the media writings of the analysts, it seems that something that is in order and on the right path, is suppressed, underestimated, and these hallucinations of these evil mouths , simply, are inexplicable. Fortunately, political and socio-economic developments do not depend on these little souls,that Albania is not their personal property. And, with all this, educational, political, economic developments, that is, social developments in general, do not depend on these pseudo-politicians. So are we, the Albanian society, sick? This without a doubt. This is not even worth mentioning. Now, we have to find the medicine to recover from this disease, and the sovereign believes in the ruling majority. But who will heal us? Who are they who will administer the general social developments? The Albanians answered this question on June 23, 2013, that the current government is putting the train of the future on the tracks. This is what the sovereign thinks too.