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The USA warns of the "non-women" declaration of the Democratic Party,

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Alert for corrupt senior officials, the high-ranking US official lands in Tirana

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Here is who is the well-known character of the world of crime who will sink Ilir

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This is how the oligarch Klodian Allajbeu is "harvesting" money

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The question marks of how Belinda Balluku rose from a cleaner in Greece, to No.

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Meta-Kryemadhi intercepted by BKH, here are the details from the file that

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The arrest warrant is ready for Ilir Meta, this is the last session of his

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The alliance between Sali Berisha and Ilir Meta has broken, Myslym Murrizi

Opinion / Editorial

Observation and suspicion!

Observation and suspicion!

On Wednesday, May 22, 2024, the Foreign Secretary of the United Kingdom, Lord David Cameron, visited Albania. At the end of the short visit, together with Prime Minister Edi Rama, they gave a press conference, where they talked about the joint efforts to fight illegal immigration as well as the projects for the advancement of the initiated reforms and the economic development of our country. Cameron focused on Albania's achievements, as he again emphasized the judicial reforms, for which he said that Britain will continue to help. For migration, he said, we have a successful and wonderful partnership, because throughout Europe, irregular immigration is a problem that everyone faces. In the case of Albania and the United Kingdom, you have shown that you are innovative and creative, you work for these partnerships, and in this work you achieve excellent results. At the end of his speech, Secretary Cameron announced the construction of the Durrës - Pristina Railway, sponsored by the United Kingdom. Due to his pressing agenda, after the meeting with Prime Minister Rama, and after the joint press conference, Cameron left for England, interrupting other planned meetings. The reasons were soon found out: England, on July 4 of this year, is going to early elections. Therefore, he had to go to the government cabinet meeting as soon as possible. But what interests us, Albanian citizens, was the conversation and the real "project agreement" between the two men, from the Albanian state and the English one, which, with only fragments of words from the press conference, remains somewhat obscure. Three were the main points of Cameron's speech at the press conference:

- First: - That Albania had achieved significant results in the economy, in tourism, and especially in the fruitful cooperation with the EU and even with the Security Council, where our country had its "chair of honor", where sat and directed and lectured the meeting of the highest institution of the Globe, our charismatic Prime Minister!

- Second: - The sudden announcement that the United Kingdom will sponsor the Durrës-Prishtina Railway, a dream that we have not dared to see even at night, let alone during the day.

-Third: - The joint commitment of the two states to discipline illegal refugees who travel by boat and dinghy clandestinely from Albania to England, a commitment that Albania has carried out with amazing innovation...

The first two issues, that of "significant successes" in the economy, tourism, and reform; especially "the sponsoring of the gigantic Durrës-Prishtina Railway opened our mouths with delight. While that work of "cooperation for refugees" lowered our ears and nose to the ground. How will this "cooperation" be with the big country in the north of Europe, for the illegal refugees who go to the big island by clandestine boats and dinghies?! My suspicions, about the possible agreement that may have been rumored, have a basis, even a strong and centuries-old basis. At all times, Great Britain has been against Albania's interests; at least from 1878 until 1990. Especially the period 1945 - 1990, was the wildest period in the state relations between Albania and Great Britain. During this period, not only was the green light not given for diplomatic relations between the two countries, but on the contrary, it was accompanied by subversive groups that started from England, or countries where it had its own "institutions", towards Albania, to raise the Albanians to revolt against the power, which they themselves had won with blood and sweat during the common war with the progressive world against the Berlin-Rome-Tokyo Nazi-fascist-militarist axis. Unfortunately, I cannot explain that, even in the 34 years of the "democratic" transition from the United Kingdom, no great British state personality has appeared in Albania. Exclude the period after the Kosovo war against the Serbo-Slavic genocide, when Tony Blair came to our country... In his book "Anglo-American danger to Albania", Enver Hoxha, among other things, said: "ALBANIA - A MARKET FOR " THE "BRITISH LION"! This "story" true in all old and new times, makes me doubt the praises and gifts of the British Cameron. I am following this doubt with a rhetorical question: Is it possible that the praise for our successes up to the Security Council, and the promise for the Durrës - Pristina Railway, is related to some "agreement" like Rama's with Italy's Meloni?! That our political and state leaders, like the work of Rama, Saliu, Meta, and some others after them, for a government chair, are ready to return Albania to the "European Round"! I wish it turns out differently and my "suspicion" is untrue!