The USA warns of the "non-women" declaration of the Democratic Party, the Democrats risk sanctions, the American Embassy declares a "bombshell", people who associate with Sali Berisha and his family should be careful

The USA warns of the "non-women" declaration of the Democratic Party,

Alert for corrupt senior officials, the high-ranking US official lands in Tirana on June 20, Joe Biden extends "national emergency" to eradicate corruption in Albania, the document that sinks the "Berisha" family is revealed, asset seizure for corrupt ...

Alert for corrupt senior officials, the high-ranking US official lands in Tirana

Here is who is the well-known character of the world of crime who will sink Ilir Meta in SPAK, Kreshnik Spahiu reveals details from the wiretapping that, if taken seriously by the authorities, could open "Pandora's Box" in politics

Here is who is the well-known character of the world of crime who will sink Ilir

This is how the oligarch Klodian Allajbeu is "harvesting" money without criteria from the state budget due to theft and mismanagement, the American Hospital has zero investment in equipment and uses doctors from public hospitals, the government has no ...

This is how the oligarch Klodian Allajbeu is "harvesting" money

The question marks of how Belinda Balluku rose from a cleaner in Greece, to No. 2 in the government and minister of tenders in Albania, here are the hard details revealed by the Greek media about Rama's colleague, from the "party" with 50 million euros...

The question marks of how Belinda Balluku rose from a cleaner in Greece, to No.

Meta-Kryemadhi intercepted by BKH, here are the details from the file that prosecutor Sotir Kllapi is investigating, in the scanner properties and bank accounts, from the withdrawal of 20 thousand euros in 2008, building permits, villas in Lalzi Bay, t...

Meta-Kryemadhi intercepted by BKH, here are the details from the file that

The arrest warrant is ready for Ilir Meta, this is the last session of his questions in SPAK, here is the evidence that has sunk him, the lawyer Romeo Kara brings out the hard details

The arrest warrant is ready for Ilir Meta, this is the last session of his

The alliance between Sali Berisha and Ilir Meta has broken, Myslym Murrizi reveals what is happening within the opposition and shows the "recipe" that will overthrow Edi Rama from power

The alliance between Sali Berisha and Ilir Meta has broken, Myslym Murrizi


Here is the American "big punch" in the face of Sali Berisha, Frrok Çupi confesses the unsaid after the proposal of Argita as the head of "Rithemelim", from the murders under his power and the details from the night when he was elected president, how he screamed and stamped his feet on office boards

Here is the American "big punch" in the face of Sali Berisha, Frrok

The well-known analyst, Frrok Çupi, has commented on the strong statement of the senior official of the US Department of State, Gabriel Escobar, about former Prime Minister Sali Berisha and the recent movements of Argita Malltezi, who is preparing to take over the leadership of "Foltor". According to Çup, the Americans gave "a big punch" to Berisha's face, stating that they are in a clear position that "we don't like Sali Berisha", since he brings back the dark times of the 90s. Çupi also says that now that Argita is being proposed as president, Berisha's movement will return to evil. The analyst talks about the black period that Escobar mentioned. "Now America itself is saying it openly, which gave a hand to the 'optimistic' creature of 1990. The DP of that 'bad time' is already reaching its end; the more it is divided, the smaller the evil becomes. Until today, how many times has PD been talked about, even on the screens, it has been talked about as if the PD were a saint. In fact, it turned into the biggest devil for human destinies. It started with the murders, the most coveted of the monster governors. On the first day of the 'democratic' elections, as soon as it won Shkodra, PD killed its own activists: Four martyrs, among them Ben Broci - the citizen activist, golden and honest. This would shadow the DP thugs. The children of murderers, PD decorated them and now has them at the head of it. Shkodra suffered the wound for 30 years. Sali Berisha was in competition with the murderers in power during the past history. Enver Hoxha was left behind, Berisha killed without law, while he at least had laws as he had them. To this day, arrested, he will not know about the law. There were thousands in the line who lost their lives under his rule," he said.

The night he was elected president

Çupi also shared the untold details from the night when Berisha was elected president. "Berisha became the head of the DP like a rapist. It was a January night in 1991. The Provisional Commission met after midnight to elect the chairman. Three candidates competed: Gramozi, Leka and Saliu. Saliu lost with only two votes, one his, the other Azem's. Then he took the whole world on foot. Scary night, Saliu screamed and slammed his feet on the boards of the office. What did the 'defeated', who are unfortunately called the founders of DP? There were 13. They promised Saliu: 'Doctor, just calm down. You will be the chairman. Leka told him that he forgives his votes, but he did not accept it. Then, sometime in February, another meeting was held with many people from different parts of the country. At the door of the hall stood two 'democratic personalities'. They brought the ears of the newcomers to their mouths: 'Vote for Saliu because the river took us!' Saliu became the chairman. PD destroyed the election system, washed it with blood and soiled it with dirt. Now the president and the daughter are coming out... Then the evil will return to its roots?", says Çupi, among other things.

The role of SPAK

Çupi added that SPAK is already dealing directly with crime, and that the role of investigation in Albania is much greater than that of trial. "For many years, Albanians have not had justice and the word republic was used in vain. Berisha has governed with the tribe, with whispers. So the law did not exist. In reality, when there is no justice, the state is not functional, the individual needs guarantees, at home, at work, in court. This was not there, and now we all see how the enthusiasm for SPAK has exploded. But what happens now that there is this great SPAK value? SPAK has a structure that directly confronts crime. I heard that the court of serious crimes and SPAK say, we are in a very strong period of investigation. So the role of the investigation in Albania is much greater than that of the trial. So both gangs and leaders are frozen. SPAK is investigating them, it is leaving them like fish in the fridge", highlighted the analyst Çupi as he was invited to a media.