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The USA warns of the "non-women" declaration of the Democratic Party,

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Alert for corrupt senior officials, the high-ranking US official lands in Tirana

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"Albania, immersed in rampant corruption", Berisha makes a statement to the media: Today, 4 times less cases sent to court than in 2008-2009

"Albania, immersed in rampant corruption", Berisha makes a statement

Former Prime Minister Sali Berisha, on the afternoon of this Saturday (May 25), issued a statement to the media where he focused on corruption investigations, making a comparison with the period of 2008-2009 when he himself was in charge of the government with the period of now, where the socialists rule.

During his statement, Sali Berisha said that, in the years 2008-2009, when Altin Dumani led the Task Force against corruption, he investigated 1430 cases with 630 convicts.

Meanwhile, the same prosecutor, now under the direction of SPAK, Berisha said, in 2022-2023 has investigated 392 cases with 199 convictions.

Berisha's full statement:

Dear citizens.

The fight against the looting of public funds and your assets is of vital, decisive importance for the citizen, the nation and the country.

Today, when Albania is immersed in a rampant corruption, it is more important than ever to bring to your attention, some comparisons, based on the fact that, according to a rule of memory, things are forgotten much more easily than they are remembered.

Precisely for this reason, I will bring to your attention a comparative analysis with concrete indicators of the fight against corruption in 2008-2009, with this fight in 2022-2023.

The 2008-2009 data are all published in the 2010-2011 State Department reports.

However, the data for the years 2022-2023 are in the reports of Skapi.

You may ask why these two periods were chosen.

In these two periods, the same person was in 2008-2009, head of the Task Force for the fight against corruption, in 2022-2023, head of SPAK.

Comparing the activity of these two units with 0 leaders speaks of the degree of great degradation of the fight against corruption with the new justice system.

Thus, in the years 2008-2009, the Task Force against corruption registered a total of 1430 cases in 2 years, against 392 cases that it registered in total in the years 2022-2023.

Rightfully, the question can be asked how many of these cases were sent to court in that period and in the years 2022-2023.

In 2008, a total of 154 cases were sent to court.

In 2023, a total of 38 cases were sent to court.

Taken together, in the two years 2022-2023, 95 cases were sent to court, compared to 365 cases that were sent to court in 2008-2009.

It is normal to know how many were convicted, how many people were convicted for the crime of corruption for the year 2008-2009, a total of 630 employees were convicted, compared to 199 employees who were convicted in the years 2022-2023.

So a 300% drop in penalties from the courts for corruption, as was the drop with the sending of files.

What do these data show?

These data show the complete degradation of the corruption investigation by the party-controlled Spak, show the metamorphosis of a man who 15 years ago sent his firm to court and over 630 people were convicted, against a total of 199 people who were convicted in 2 the last few years from the party leadership.

These data prove the complete lack of will for the fight against corruption.

I have two points to clarify here.

First, during the years 2005-2013, ministers were not allowed by law to deal absolutely with public procurements and tenders.

Secondly, this also has its importance, if in 2008-2009, hundreds of thousands of files were processed and 630 people were convicted, this was done at a cost 12 times lower than the trial of 85 files, and the conviction of 199 people in the years 2022-2023, due to the fact that 17 prosecutors today receive salaries two and a half times that of the president.

Due to the fact that there are 60 BKH investigators who did not exist before and over 100 other employees who weigh on your shoulders.

This is the reason that the close mind deals with politics and does not deal with the fight against corruption.

This is the glaring proof of that.