The USA warns of the "non-women" declaration of the Democratic Party, the Democrats risk sanctions, the American Embassy declares a "bombshell", people who associate with Sali Berisha and his family should be careful

The USA warns of the "non-women" declaration of the Democratic Party,

Alert for corrupt senior officials, the high-ranking US official lands in Tirana on June 20, Joe Biden extends "national emergency" to eradicate corruption in Albania, the document that sinks the "Berisha" family is revealed, asset seizure for corrupt ...

Alert for corrupt senior officials, the high-ranking US official lands in Tirana

Here is who is the well-known character of the world of crime who will sink Ilir Meta in SPAK, Kreshnik Spahiu reveals details from the wiretapping that, if taken seriously by the authorities, could open "Pandora's Box" in politics

Here is who is the well-known character of the world of crime who will sink Ilir

This is how the oligarch Klodian Allajbeu is "harvesting" money without criteria from the state budget due to theft and mismanagement, the American Hospital has zero investment in equipment and uses doctors from public hospitals, the government has no ...

This is how the oligarch Klodian Allajbeu is "harvesting" money

The question marks of how Belinda Balluku rose from a cleaner in Greece, to No. 2 in the government and minister of tenders in Albania, here are the hard details revealed by the Greek media about Rama's colleague, from the "party" with 50 million euros...

The question marks of how Belinda Balluku rose from a cleaner in Greece, to No.

Meta-Kryemadhi intercepted by BKH, here are the details from the file that prosecutor Sotir Kllapi is investigating, in the scanner properties and bank accounts, from the withdrawal of 20 thousand euros in 2008, building permits, villas in Lalzi Bay, t...

Meta-Kryemadhi intercepted by BKH, here are the details from the file that

The arrest warrant is ready for Ilir Meta, this is the last session of his questions in SPAK, here is the evidence that has sunk him, the lawyer Romeo Kara brings out the hard details

The arrest warrant is ready for Ilir Meta, this is the last session of his

The alliance between Sali Berisha and Ilir Meta has broken, Myslym Murrizi reveals what is happening within the opposition and shows the "recipe" that will overthrow Edi Rama from power

The alliance between Sali Berisha and Ilir Meta has broken, Myslym Murrizi


SPAK summons Bardhi for the Olsi Rama file, the fraud of the deputy of Reestablishment is revealed, he presented himself as a person in the know, not as a whistleblower

SPAK summons Bardhi for the Olsi Rama file, the fraud of the deputy of

Reestablishment MP Gazment Bardhi continues to show that slander and gossip are his best talent and skill. This character, who sells himself as a lawyer, has darkened his eyes of reason and seeks at all costs, with slander, lies, rumors, violence, storms, and even the apocalypse of the values ??of democracy, to throw "ashes in the eyes" of the democrats. and all Albanians. He bluffed himself yesterday with the "Xibraka" file, where for months the deputy mentioned that he had in his hands shocking information that implicates Prime Minister Rama's brother, Olsi Rama. His series of frauds continues, as Bardhi himself showed that he has not filed a lawsuit in the Special Prosecutor's Office for Olsi Rama, contrary to what he stated a few weeks ago. The summons against Bardhi was signed by the prosecutor Alfred Shehu, while he was questioned by the officer of the National Bureau of Investigation. In a statement to journalists outside SPAK, he said that he was a person who knows about the issue, while he said that they only asked him one question. "I reconfirmed the information with SPAK and the questioning session had only one question, if I had anything to add." Everything I publicly denounced about my brother's involvement in the Xibraka affair was officially submitted by SPAK. I was informed by the leaders of SPAK and BKH that Xibrak's file has been reopened. Investigations have resumed for the identification of persons who were classified as unidentified. The questioning session was if I had anything to add. I was invited as a person who knows about the event. I have requested the reopening of the investigation that was suspended in 2018 and was forgotten in the drawer, while the persons involved were classified as unidentified and have not taken criminal responsibility for being involved in Xibraka's laboratory", declared Bardhi after leaving SPAK. So there is a big difference between the lawsuit that Bardhi claimed and the request for an indication of the initiation of investigations that was confirmed yesterday by his mouth.

His appeal to SPAK

Bardhi further urged SPAK to continue the investigations unaffected. "The investigation against him should be in-depth regarding the matter that I forwarded to SPAK, which is related to the cocaine laboratory in Xibrakë. This matter cannot be escaped with either grocery letters or propaganda. I have faith in SPAK. I urge him to act in accordance with the law and in an impartial and politically uninfluenced way. I don't do politics when I address this building. I have never done it," he said SPAK, where he accuses Gazmend Bardhi of "false accusation". Asked by journalists, Bardhi also had a reaction regarding Olsi Rama's lawsuit propaganda. There can be no false report as long as the information I forwarded was evaluated by the prosecutors as a clue to reopen criminal proceedings. If you read Olsi Rama's report on the one hand, it accuses me of false he says take it ask him where you found the data verifying the authenticity of the documents. In this case, the gentleman is making a false report", said Bardhi.

Accusations against SPAK

On the other hand, Bardhi also asked for an investigation into the role of the prosecutors, who did not investigate but kept it in the drawer. He accuses Olsian Çela and Evdin Kondil of closing the file as a reward from Rama to continue their careers. "I expect SPAK to implement the law. To investigate what was left uninvestigated by the other two prosecutors of the case. One of whom, only a few months after deciding to suspend the proceedings with faction 335/1, received the vote of Edi Rama and his deputies to become the general prosecutor. I asked to investigate the role of the prosecutors who had the Xibraka file in hand. It is inexcusable that a part of the criminal group, perhaps the heads of the criminal group remained, perhaps the heads of the criminal group remained unidentified by the prosecution. It was an important issue, because it is about the first cocaine laboratory in Albania and there should be a serious and comprehensive investigation. "Unfortunately, both prosecutors chose to receive support from Edi Rama for their career progress instead of performing their duty correctly and in accordance with the law to get to the bottom of the truth," he said.