The USA warns of the "non-women" declaration of the Democratic Party, the Democrats risk sanctions, the American Embassy declares a "bombshell", people who associate with Sali Berisha and his family should be careful

The USA warns of the "non-women" declaration of the Democratic Party,

Alert for corrupt senior officials, the high-ranking US official lands in Tirana on June 20, Joe Biden extends "national emergency" to eradicate corruption in Albania, the document that sinks the "Berisha" family is revealed, asset seizure for corrupt ...

Alert for corrupt senior officials, the high-ranking US official lands in Tirana

Here is who is the well-known character of the world of crime who will sink Ilir Meta in SPAK, Kreshnik Spahiu reveals details from the wiretapping that, if taken seriously by the authorities, could open "Pandora's Box" in politics

Here is who is the well-known character of the world of crime who will sink Ilir

This is how the oligarch Klodian Allajbeu is "harvesting" money without criteria from the state budget due to theft and mismanagement, the American Hospital has zero investment in equipment and uses doctors from public hospitals, the government has no ...

This is how the oligarch Klodian Allajbeu is "harvesting" money

The question marks of how Belinda Balluku rose from a cleaner in Greece, to No. 2 in the government and minister of tenders in Albania, here are the hard details revealed by the Greek media about Rama's colleague, from the "party" with 50 million euros...

The question marks of how Belinda Balluku rose from a cleaner in Greece, to No.

Meta-Kryemadhi intercepted by BKH, here are the details from the file that prosecutor Sotir Kllapi is investigating, in the scanner properties and bank accounts, from the withdrawal of 20 thousand euros in 2008, building permits, villas in Lalzi Bay, t...

Meta-Kryemadhi intercepted by BKH, here are the details from the file that

The arrest warrant is ready for Ilir Meta, this is the last session of his questions in SPAK, here is the evidence that has sunk him, the lawyer Romeo Kara brings out the hard details

The arrest warrant is ready for Ilir Meta, this is the last session of his

The alliance between Sali Berisha and Ilir Meta has broken, Myslym Murrizi reveals what is happening within the opposition and shows the "recipe" that will overthrow Edi Rama from power

The alliance between Sali Berisha and Ilir Meta has broken, Myslym Murrizi


Shocked Artan Hoxha: Here is the file that will take Sali Berisha like Pinochet on a stretcher to prison and his wife's relationship with Ervis Martinaj

Shocked Artan Hoxha: Here is the file that will take Sali Berisha like Pinochet

Investigative journalist, Artan Hoxha commented on the latest SPAK operation. He says that so far only the conversations of 60 SKY devices have been revealed. In an interview for 'Dritare Tv', Hoxha says that the powerful criminal gangs in the country develop their activities in Latin America and use Albania to strengthen ties within the group and to find new people, such as members of the tribe or family for to be loyal to them. On the other hand, Hoxha says that at the same time SPAK has started to attack the political elite, which acts like criminal gangs to stay in power. Not only that, Hoxha also discovers the connections of the boss of the gambling industry, Ervis Martinaj, with Liri Berisha, the wife of Sali Berisha, where the two respective families had family acquaintances. According to Hoxha, Martinaj helped during the years of power of Sali Berisha, to be catapulted into business and gaining fame from the wide scope of the activity he operated, controlling over 50% of betting points throughout Albania.

- These street criminals are suddenly found, their address is found, they are looking for a part, there is an arrest warrant. Practically who is behind the fact that these should be destroyed that have been targeted?

The problem that Albania has today is the exposure of organized groups in the media, in politics, in society, which gives another panorama to the country. Albanian organized crime during the last 2 decades, I expected that there would be an increase, but I was badly "surprised" by the ability that they have shown, to overcome the stages that took other countries a century.

-A barrel with 3 million euros, some stolen jewelry put in a bag, some good watches. Who is the level, how many empires have these people raised, why have they managed to do wonders in 20 years?

I never thought that I would have to go to Guayaquil to deal with the Albanians who were killed there and that they would wait for me there and meet people that I had heard only as nicknames and nicknames for 20 years. Not only were they there but they were very visible with the status of businessmen, they were wholesale traders, people who carry money since Ecuador does not produce cocaine, but is a transit country. In Ecuador, Albania was not even known, they thought of it as an exotic country, only when you explained to them geographically that it is near Italy and Greece, they made the connection. The head of the anti-drugs in Ecuador knew the Albanians only through the information sent by the DEA and the Italian anti-mafia. The income of the Albanians from that cocaine activity is so great that they create an empire.

- Grupet kriminale që aktualisht janë në shënjestër të SPAK-ut, shumëkënd e habiti pasi befas nisi operacioni ku disa janë kapur, disa janë jashtë dhe dita-ditës po arrestohen

Që prej ditës së formimit të SPAK-ut, ky i fundit ka dy nën ndarje, një për krimin e organizuar dhe një kundër korrupsionit. Gjysma e SPAK-u do të merret me elitën politike e qeverisëse dhe korrupsionin ndërsa pjesa tjetër do merret me elitën e krimit të organizuar. SPAK-u po mundohet të nxjerr jashtë sistemit drejtuesit politik që e kanë sjell vendin në këtë derexhe. Nuk është e lehtë por është duke e bërë. Kur kam bërë debatin e famshëm dhe i kam thënë do shkosh si Pinoçeti me barelë në burg, e kisha parasysh 21 Janarin. Njeriu që kishte në dorë mbështetjen e ndërkombëtarëve, njeriu që amerikanët kanë investuar më shumë në kohën e tij, është Sali Berisha. E kanë ndihmuar të vinte në pushtet, e kanë ndihmuar të rritet në politikë, e kanë ndihmuar të rikthehet përsëri në pushtet e ia kanë dhënë dorën derisa janë lodhur. Dhe në fund e panë që investimi i tyre kishte skaduar, se Berisha donte të rrinte gjithmonë te marketi. Mënyra për ta nxjerrë jashtë loje Berishën, u gjet SPAK-u. E sot Berisha është në papafingo dhe është për një vepër penale shumë më të lehtë që duhej të ishte në të vërtetë. Kur sulmoja Berishën, e kisha fjalën për 21 Janarin, se vrau njerëzit me duar në xhepa në bulevard, mbrojti vrasësit, dëmtoi provat e nisi të sulmojë të gjithë të tjerët, kur ndërkohë ajo është një ngjarje e cila nuk ka nevojë fare për hetim e ishte e qepur. Ky është një goxha evoluim nga ana e SPAK-ut ku gjysmën e elitës politike të mykur po e nxjerr nga loja.

- Durim Bami, emri më i lakuar ku të gjithë duan ta vrasin, kur del si personazh për herë të parë ky personazh, ku ndodhet?

Ndryshe nga të gjitha bandat në Itali a vende të tjera, mafja shqiptare apo grupet e krimit të organizuar nuk kanë kartel, pasi nuk janë të gjithë bashkë se nuk bien dakord se kush do ta drejtojë kartelën. Durim Bami është një njeri që është rritur në habitatin e një qyteti heterogjen ku mbizotëronte krimi. Ku është komshi me Hakët, komshi me Rrahjet, me fiset e mëdha kriminale. Bami u bë mediatik në rastin e konfliktit, Meta-Doshi-Mark Frroku.

- Për sa kohë flisnin për të marrë peng vëllain e Durim Bamit që të tregojnë se kush e vrau vëllain e ish-deputetit Arben Ndoka?

Në fillim është vrarë Mariglen Haka, pasi e dinë që rreziku iu vjen nga Nikla. Grupi i Niklës e ka marrë porosinë nga të tjerët pasi ato drejtpërdrejtë nuk kanë konflikte me njëri-tjetrin. Për të marrë hak, Nokët kanë shkuar dhe janë të interesuar t’i bien Mariglen Hakës në fillim, jepet goditja dhe i vritet halla Mariglenit dhe plagoset dhe vetë Marigleni. Këtë të fundit e ka marrë vëllai i Durim Bamit e ka dërguar në spital. Dhe për ta goditur këtë ishte i interesuar edhe Ervis Martinaj. Nga ana tjetër në përgjime del se Mariglen Haka komunikon dhe jep informacione Emiliano Shullazit për Bamët. Ndërkohë, Marigleni nuk e di që Emiliano Shullazi po e merr informacionin për t’ia dhënë Ervis Martinajt dhe Arben Ndokës, sepse ky po ta dinte që ky informacion i shkon Ndokës nuk do të jepte informata pasi është kundërshtar. Bandat kriminale janë aq fluide dhe jo besnike dhe ndaj politikës, ku përpiqen të korruptojnë policët, të bashkohen herë me këtë parti politike e herë me tjetër parti që vjen në pushtet, ku në bazë të interesave të momentit, shihen 4-5 grupe nga Vlora në Shkodër që krijojnë aleanca për të vrarë Durim Bamin.

- Ervis Martinaj ishte personazhi më i lakuar këto kohë, a ishte familjar vërtetë i afërm i zonjës Liri Berisha?

They are relatives, where the village of Mrs. Berisha's father, as they are nephew and uncle as they say, but in fact they are not so relatives. Liri Berisha's father was familiar with Martinaj's family. Recognition is not at these close levels. Martinaj's mother is from Dhërmiu. Martinaj, together with his sisters and family members, are educated for finance in economy-business, the fifth. Ervis Martinaj also graduated from the Faculty of Law. He is an educated man and when Martinaj entered the business, the business was initially set up by his mother and father and they had a healthy business. Businesses that dealt with gambling, dealt with foreign exchange agencies. Unlike the others, he did not come from the road where he had experienced hunger, discrimination. It came from a business that constantly circulates cash and because of the connections it had with Mr. Sali Berisha and because of the social acquaintances of the two families, which was exploited. This connection gave him access, but he got the greatest power in 2013 when the left came to power, where they tried to hit him but could not hit him. During that period, several murders took place in a row. Ervis Martinaj became aggressive after the time when he became famous and powerful after operating illegal gambling companies. The state tried to block it and blocked it. Then he directly reacted by threatening the police, killed people and then started making deals, and here he became so powerful that by the time the gambling was closed, he controlled over 50% of all betting points that were in the territory. In Albania there were 16 thousand declared employees. The gambling industry gave him money in cash, the thing that interfered where he went and a politician when he was in trouble, a deputy, a state official. He was very good at sniffing out other people's weaknesses. Therefore he went up very high and created made the arrangements. If one day his account book is found, how much would someone get a leadership position in the police, someone would come and say your monthly salary is this, just don't hit us in the gambling industry, it will go up to 5 million per month, qyl salary just not to harass him, create an agreement to help us and cooperate will increase the monthly salary. And when the order came to attack his casino, you sent him a phone call telling him to leave because it came to us. He was able to track down those who were addicted to money, buy them by creating deals and turn them into his defensive weapons against the state.