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The USA warns of the "non-women" declaration of the Democratic Party,

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Alert for corrupt senior officials, the high-ranking US official lands in Tirana

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Here is who is the well-known character of the world of crime who will sink Ilir

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The alliance between Sali Berisha and Ilir Meta has broken, Myslym Murrizi

Opinion / Editorial

"Unity in diversity" - the great gala of the leaders of the Reestablishment

"Unity in diversity" - the great gala of the leaders of the

Party leaders who split the opposition into pieces according to their personal interests are trying to cover the split as "united in diversity." It has already become clear that the claimed "unity in diversity" is nothing more than a hidden war to protect Berisha's interests at all costs. "Unity in diversity" is presented as a victory by some ideologues such as Bardhi, Baçi, Noka, and finally, the "philosopher" Gjekmarkaj put the "dots on the i". I don't know, they still haven't understood, or pretend they don't understand, that the Alpha and Zeta of the union of the opposition is the final break from the theory and practice of Berishism. Diversity does not mean the gathering of factionalists who fight politically for their interests, but it is a manifestation of different positions on economic and constitutional problems, even on political alliances, but which always put their struggle at the service of true democracy. From the ruins of a decomposed DP, new sprouts can no longer be born to create unity in diversity and create the possibility to come to power. Because in reality "Unity in diversity" is not represented by the opposition, but by strict opponents of Edi Rama's regime, by a caste that seeks to remove him at any cost and take the seat of power. So in Albanian, the fight for "unification in diversity" is: "go away, Ramë, sit down in Sala!" ". And Gjekmarkaj expresses this goal openly and correctly when he says: "Who wants to fight for DP, for Sali Berisha, for every democrat, there is only one way: to work 24 hours a day against Edi Rama!" So his call is for the former government to come to power. Being an oppositionist is completely different from being an opponent of the regime. Constructive opposition is based on new ideas, driven by completely honest motives in support of the interests of Albanians and democracy. The opposition, unlike the political opponent, presents concrete, convincing alternatives and gains the trust of the masses and comes to power with an honest vote. The real opposition has no property, does not carry the black stains of the dictatorial past. The pro-establishment opponents try to defend themselves with the same methods and arguments used by the ruler, having as an alternative only the overthrow of the regime and not the improvement of governance. An opposition cannot criticize the ruler for having two villas, when he himself has three such. He cannot fight corruption, when he himself is immersed in it. He cannot accuse the ruler as a communist, when he himself was a spy for the security of the dictatorship. The real opposition does not have instincts of revenge, does not burn, does not destroy, does not steal the sweat of others, but raises his fight over the interests of the electorate he represents. Gjekmarkaj calls "unity in diversity" an added value and thanks Gaz Bardhi and Sali Berisha for this, but without removing the beam of excitement from his face,got on the stand at "Rugica e Spresa" the sick supporter of Berisha, Kalaja and threw away, like a ball of rags, this "added value". "Deputies who do not come here are defiled - she repeated a great truth from the stand below the balcony. I tell Gaz Bardhi, you can't be with Sali Berisha and a criminal like Altin Dumani. Some of you rub your stomach that Sali Berisha is under arrest." "Our MPs - she continued - who have advisers and secretaries, luxury cars and drivers and receive a little over 5 million lek per month, do not even want to know about the imprisoned political leader Berisha." Even more harshly, Kalaja demanded clarification from Gaz Bardhi and Agron Gjekmarka, if they have lobbied the world offices for Sali Berisha, that according to her "one says yes and the other no". It is clearly understood here, who is the mission of Reestablishment. "Unity in diversity" includes Noka, who declares that "as long as Sali Berisha is alive, the PD cannot have another chairman", Shehu and Baçi also have Shehu and Baçin, who are demanding resolutions for Berisha's release, as well as Bardhi, who he used to say: "I'd rather die than join Berisha", even Gjekmarkajn, who has declared out loud: "if Berisha's line won, I'm leaving PD. Berisha has closed his cycle", there are many others like Sula, Xhaferri, Korreshi, Murrizi, who do not see Berisha's return to power as a possibility at all. Tell me Reconstructionist ideologues, where is the unity in diversity here? You can never hide the great schism and missionary end of the DP with such Confucian theories as "unity in diversity", "unity in neutrality", "unity to overthrow Rama", "unity at Sala alley", "unity in the Assembly" etc. when the majority of the membership no longer followed. Oppositionism is not only done with MPs, who sometimes burn the parliament and sometimes join the majority for their own interests, nor with sick supporters of the Kalaja type, but by winning the hearts of real democrats who do not have any of your privileges. Can anyone understand their "unity" in diversity, where some are with the EU and the US and some against them, some with SPAK and some against it, some say they are against corruption and on the other hand condemn SPAK for the operations undertaken against corruption, some see Berisha and some Argita as the hope of Reestablishment, some are against Bardhi and some others against Salianj and Shkëlzen. So the declaration of "unity in diversity" is a clear expression to never unite. In the current conditions of the country, the need for oppositionism is a vital necessity, so we need a final separation from Berishism, putting new personalities at the head of oppositionism, with clear visions, who know how to present credible alternatives, to unite the base of the party, leaving aside personal interests and "digs" for the stamp. True oppositionism is neither the seal nor the cracks under the balcony of a dead man,but joining the parties of new alternatives and creating a clear vision for all Albanians, with the great goal of consolidating a democracy that has been dragging on for three decades.