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Opinion / Editorial

The Supreme Court has guided the decision of the Appeal, but the DP must overcome the "stamp" syndrome

The Supreme Court has guided the decision of the Appeal, but the DP must

The protracted saga of the history of the logo and seal of the Democratic Party of Albania seems to be coming to an end. Setting the date of June 11 for the consideration of the underlying issue is good news for society and surpasses the fate of a political group, because all this time holding it "hostage" has reflected negatively on people's clarity of what is PD.

All the rhetoric of Berisha's "Reestablishment" has been helped by a media cacophony that in many cases has presented him as the head of the DP and his people as functionaries and high officials of this political force. This is an unprecedented case, when an illegitimate and unrecognized group by the court with a final decision, presents itself and takes hostage the symbols of a political force, falsifies the logo and seal and exercises activity in premises occupied by violence.

It must be said that the source of conflict and division in the DP is not the seal and logo of this party, nor has the discussion ever been raised about who has the right legally and how the conflict can be resolved in legal and institutional ways, because those who have conceived, instigated and carried forward this "agenda" of collision, before the law they have shown force and violence, before reason, they have screamed for the "majority", acting like the "revolutionaries" who claimed that right and truth is where it is " the majority" and force and not where the law and the court say it.

It is precisely under this spirit and "philosophy" that they have carried out all their "activity" from the first moment of meeting in the stadium, without any procedure and statue rule applied, until today, which has exposed them as deeply illegal and in complete disagreement with all legal norms and standards, because, unlike their "logic", the court will not come out and count who is the "majority" and who is the "minority", but it will see the procedures, the facts, the application of legality and the Statute of the Democratic Party of Albania as the only reference from which the decision-making of the court is guided and directed.

It is worth remembering that in democracy there is no absolute and permanent majority and minority, otherwise we would have a dictatorship and the political rotation, change and circulation of the elites would not be realized. Unlike the statism of dictatorships, democracies are dynamic, which presupposes the ease of changes and reversals of relationships and balances between majorities and minorities.

The decision of the Court of Appeal that is expected to be given has been preceded by the decision of the Supreme Court, which, in a way, has guided the Appeal to draw conclusions and conclusions, which will legally resolve the ambiguity and smoke of what is PD and who legally represents it. In the decision of the Supreme Court, it is clearly stated that if the Appeal has recognized Alibeaj and Basha as representatives of the DP, just like the Appeals and Sanctions Commission in the CEC, when the issue of representation in the last local elections was addressed, then it was wrong that he did not come up with a clear decision-making, because it is illogical to both recognize them as parties and not give a decision in their favor, due to the non-implementation of any legal and statutory procedure by the other side.

Despite this, the Democratic Party of Albania, even though it has been attacked and anathema by all parties in a dishonest and deeply disproportionate way, must overcome the "stamp" syndrome, continuing its activity not with the eyes of the court's decision-making, but of Albanian citizens, finding new ways and ways of communication on how to go and convey its message and program of change, which everyone is waiting for, but they want the right way and the right people to support it.