The USA warns of the "non-women" declaration of the Democratic Party, the Democrats risk sanctions, the American Embassy declares a "bombshell", people who associate with Sali Berisha and his family should be careful

The USA warns of the "non-women" declaration of the Democratic Party,

Alert for corrupt senior officials, the high-ranking US official lands in Tirana on June 20, Joe Biden extends "national emergency" to eradicate corruption in Albania, the document that sinks the "Berisha" family is revealed, asset seizure for corrupt ...

Alert for corrupt senior officials, the high-ranking US official lands in Tirana

Here is who is the well-known character of the world of crime who will sink Ilir Meta in SPAK, Kreshnik Spahiu reveals details from the wiretapping that, if taken seriously by the authorities, could open "Pandora's Box" in politics

Here is who is the well-known character of the world of crime who will sink Ilir

This is how the oligarch Klodian Allajbeu is "harvesting" money without criteria from the state budget due to theft and mismanagement, the American Hospital has zero investment in equipment and uses doctors from public hospitals, the government has no ...

This is how the oligarch Klodian Allajbeu is "harvesting" money

The question marks of how Belinda Balluku rose from a cleaner in Greece, to No. 2 in the government and minister of tenders in Albania, here are the hard details revealed by the Greek media about Rama's colleague, from the "party" with 50 million euros...

The question marks of how Belinda Balluku rose from a cleaner in Greece, to No.

Meta-Kryemadhi intercepted by BKH, here are the details from the file that prosecutor Sotir Kllapi is investigating, in the scanner properties and bank accounts, from the withdrawal of 20 thousand euros in 2008, building permits, villas in Lalzi Bay, t...

Meta-Kryemadhi intercepted by BKH, here are the details from the file that

The arrest warrant is ready for Ilir Meta, this is the last session of his questions in SPAK, here is the evidence that has sunk him, the lawyer Romeo Kara brings out the hard details

The arrest warrant is ready for Ilir Meta, this is the last session of his

The alliance between Sali Berisha and Ilir Meta has broken, Myslym Murrizi reveals what is happening within the opposition and shows the "recipe" that will overthrow Edi Rama from power

The alliance between Sali Berisha and Ilir Meta has broken, Myslym Murrizi


PL convenes the National Steering Committee/ "It's the moment to shake", Meta 'set': We cannot accept global governance that does not see us as citizens, but as...

PL convenes the National Steering Committee/ "It's the moment to

The Freedom Party has convened the National Steering Committee, while in his speech, the president of the party, Ilir Meta, said, among other things, that they are in the first steps of an explosive and unstoppable revival, which will prove to be their master. country.

Meta added that this is the moment to shake, as according to him, a global government, which sees its citizens as numbers and statistics, cannot be accepted.

He emphasized that the destruction of agriculture, livestock and not only, is not a coincidence, but an agenda for the depopulation of the country.

The President of PL also added that with their program, in a short time it will be possible to rebuild these areas.

Meta: We are in the first steps of an explosive and unstoppable resurgence, for PL to take control of the country in a critical state.

The headline of the Slovenian newspaper where I gave the interview says it all.

It is the moment to shake everyone, because we cannot accept the global government, which does not see us as Albanians, but as numbers and statistics.

The destruction of agriculture, livestock, to make life unbearable for them to flee is not accidental and is part of an agenda for depopulation.

Our program will make it possible that in a short time, agriculture, animal husbandry and other fields will be revived, and in all of Albania we will have people who are supported by their country, to live proudly.

We must everywhere be at the forefront of denouncing and confronting the crimes that Rilindja is committing.

We have the best program. I was surprised by the focus they had in Montenegro on our program. Where will the money be found? The money is here. 3.3 billion euros, Rama with his connections takes and steals them without entering the state budget at all.

Every baby that is born has a debt of 4,600 euros. I applaud those PL leaders who do their best to explain the 5 priorities. I ask everyone to do the same everywhere.

Oligarchs today control everything. It is not right to continue undermining Kosovo's independence. A great shame for the SP, for the Albanian diplomacy that never mentions the International Court of Justice.

Rama does not mention this, because he has another agenda, that of destroying Kosovo. You saw the footage, that he does not dare to shake hands with the Prime Minister of Kosovo. Is there an uglier sight? Kudos to Kurt for keeping calm.