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Sali Berisha did not have a mandate according to the Constitution, the head of

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The mandate for deputy of Sali Berisha in the "string of thread",

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"Made up a false witness"/ Beleri from the 'cell' letter to EU and US embassies: I am a victim of the police, used by Rama

"Made up a false witness"/ Beleri from the 'cell' letter to

The elected Mayor of Himarë Municipality, Fredi Beleri, addressed a public letter to the ambassador of the European Union in Tirana and the representative of the United States of America in our country. In his letter, Beleri states that he has the evidence that shows that he was "a victim of the arbitrary and illegal actions of the police, influenced by the Prime Minister's open offensive and insulting expressions towards me".

He accuses the Prosecutor's Office and the Police of Vlora of falsifying documents and says that his file was fabricated by the police and officials by order of the Prime Minister.

Considering his arrest "political", Beleri wants to draw the attention of the EU and the USA, which invested in new justice institutions, that "this cannot be the justice of a country that aspires to be part of the European Union".

He emphasizes that the new justice "is being distorted for the political interests of a man, who in order to keep power sacrifices the sacred principles of Democracy, Free Elections".


Dear Mr. Silvio Gonzato Ambassador of the Delegation of the European Union in Albania!

Dear Mr. David Wisner, Chargé d'Affaires of the US Embassy in Tirana!

I am addressing you as the elected Mayor of Himarë Municipality, Mr. Dhionisios Alfred Beleri, but I am still not allowed to take up the position for which I was elected in the local elections on May 14, 2023. I have been in custody since May 12. In the last few days, after many obstacles from representatives of the new justice system, SPAK, for which you have worked and supported, evidence has been made available to me that proves what I have stated since the day of my arrest, that I was a victim of arbitrary and illegal police actions, influenced by the Prime Minister's open offensive and insulting expressions towards me.

Dear Mr. Ambassadors!

I take the courage to address them, as an Albanian and European citizen, as I also enjoy Greek citizenship, that I do not believe that this is the justice that you wanted for Albania, it cannot be the justice that you have invested in!

I am in jail because the police wiretapped me and all of my electoral staff for 5 days 24 hours a day and when they found no illegal activity, they fabricated a false witness to state that I had proposed to buy votes on their behalf mine. I am in prison because the police and the prosecutor's office in Vlora forged documents to place the false witness in two places at the same time, at least three times, to justify my arrest.

It was stated in the government media that there is wiretapping against me, but the trial ended and the wiretapping was not heard. After I was arrested, they tried to fix the documents and put forged documents in the file for illegal wiretapping. I have constantly asked SPAK to conduct investigations that the file was fabricated by some police officers and justice officials in Vlora who, with their zeal to serve the Prime Minister, violated the Constitution, violated the essential principles of democracy, free elections.

I am in prison because I was a representative of the opposition, openly opposed by the Prime Minister. I don't believe that in the countries you represent, the opposition is intercepted and followed by the police just because the Prime Minister doesn't like it. I do not believe that you have invested in a justice that serves the political power, and for this purpose you hide the forgeries of justice officials. I address you with respect that I am sure that the file and my case show that this is not the justice that you want for us, and we deserve to have. This cannot be the justice of a country that aspires to be part of the European Union.

I address you with this Public Letter, with the hope that, however little, I draw your attention to this justice that is your creation, and is being distorted for the political interests of a man, who in order to maintain power sacrifices the sacred principles of Democracy, Elections and Lira.

With respect

Elected Mayor of Himar Municipality

Dionisios Alfred Beleri


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