Behind the scenes of the divorce, here's how Monika Kryemadhi made the "hole" in SPAK Ilir Meta, from luxury trips around Europe, expenses for aesthetic services, to conversations on her cell phone where bargains were made with ministers, directors and...

Behind the scenes of the divorce, here's how Monika Kryemadhi made the

Ilir Meta risks up to 15 years in prison, how will the wealth that has passed in the name of his mother-in-law, brother-in-law and father sink him, in the end they will seize all his money, the character who denounced him to SPAK discloses the latest i...

Ilir Meta risks up to 15 years in prison, how will the wealth that has passed in

The High State Control reveals Belinda Balluku's plane tickets and per diems abroad, there is no document for the deputy prime minister that proves her official meetings for which international trips were made

The High State Control reveals Belinda Balluku's plane tickets and per

OLAF sinks Frida Krifca and the management chain of AZHBR, this is the corrupt scheme they used to steal agricultural funds, from fake contracts, to applicants who pay a high percentage to win, this is how money was stolen with consulting companies, fu...

OLAF sinks Frida Krifca and the management chain of AZHBR, this is the corrupt

SPAK has disturbed the sleep of the untouchables of politics, special prosecutors are in danger because of the Rama-Berisha deal, Lulzim Basha reacts strongly and reveals what he will do if the Supreme Court does not decide on the stamp of the DP befor...

SPAK has disturbed the sleep of the untouchables of politics, special

Brizida Gjikondi sheds light on the strong behind-the-scenes: Here's the scheme that Ilir Meta is using to escape from the arrest of SPAK, just as he did with the video of Dritan Prifti

Brizida Gjikondi sheds light on the strong behind-the-scenes: Here's the

The lawyer Romeo Kara is shocked: Operation 'Metamorfoza' was specially made by SPAK to go to Ilir Meta, very soon we will have communication of charges, this is why the doors of the asylum have been closed to the former president, they will bring him ...

The lawyer Romeo Kara is shocked: Operation 'Metamorfoza' was

Movement in the government of Edi Rama, Blendi Klosi towards the post of deputy prime minister and head of the district of Tirana, Gjiknuri leaves Elbasan, Blendi Çuçi goes to Fier, this is what is expected to happen within the SP

Movement in the government of Edi Rama, Blendi Klosi towards the post of deputy


"You blocked me on Instagram, I've been wondering why for years", Rike Roçi asks the famous rapper for the 'account'

"You blocked me on Instagram, I've been wondering why for years",

Mc Kresha and Rike Roçi faced each other yesterday at "Top Arena". Although no one thought about it, Rikja had a pawn that she was finally given the opportunity to tell Kresha in front of her. According to her, the rapper blocked her on Instagram and she has been wondering why for years.

Rike Roçi: I really adore Kresha's music, I like it, but as far as I know he blocked me on Instagram and I've been wondering why for years?

MC Kresha: By God, I don't know!

Ed Manushi: Don't confuse it with Capital T?

Rike Roçi: No, no, it's MC Kresha and I still don't know why.

MC Kresha: By God, I don't know!

Rike Roçi: Kindergarten check the phone.

MC Kresha: Trust me, I don't have my phone here.

Ed Manushi: Why didn't you tease the girl?

Rike Roçi: No! Kresha, when you leave the show, check your phone and unblock me.