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Artan Imami: "We will never lie!" a contemporary comedy where the audience finds itself

Artan Imami: "We will never lie!" a contemporary comedy where the

Actors Artan Imami and Ema Andrea come to the sentimental comedy "We will never lie!". The work of the author Eric Assous under the interpretation of two well-known artists not to be missed. Ema Andrea and Artan Imami in the show "We will never lie" come in roles as a couple married for 25 years that, apart from laughter, many people will find themselves. In the interview for the newspaper "SOT" as a director, Artan Imami tells about the work with the comedy that this time is not shown in a hall, but in an environment open to the public. This work is being shown in the square behind the Puppet Theater, where its events are conveyed to the public these summer evenings through two well-known artists. Director and actor Artan Imami says that in comedy there are a lot of surprises, things to laugh at, but there are also dramatic moments. He shows that he and the actress Emma Andrea are in this comedy in an hour and a half in a dialogue, which is perfect. The work was translated by Angela ?ikopano, as/directed by Florence Bellova, scenography by Aldi Rusi. The work that has been shown several evenings in Tirana will continue this evening in the square behind the Puppet Theater with the performance of two well-known theater actors.

-You have brought works of well-known authors to the theater stage with your direction. Works that conveyed messages, as well as were performed by well-known theater actors in our country. This time you came as a director with the comedy "We will never lie!". The work of the well-known author Eric Assous, where you play the role together with the actress Ema Andrea. This premiere came to the public not in a theater hall, but in an outdoor environment, where it continues to be shown. Why this choice?

The comedy "We will never lie" is being shown to the public, but of course it will continue next season, as we now have the European Football Championship. But the show will return I think in September and October for the public in closed halls. Now we are giving our show to the public in the square behind the Puppet Theater in Tirana. This is also due to the programming of closed theaters, which have been booked for a long time. Or adding a new stage in Tirana is like adding 200 new halls in Paris.

Artan Imami: "We will never lie!" a contemporary comedy where the

-You come as a director in this work. But why do you think in the comedy "We will never lie again!" the audience finds itself?

In the comedy "We will never lie!" the audience finds itself. There is no one in the world who has not faced the dilemma: Should everything be told in the history of a relationship or silence is sometimes more intelligent, smarter. If we can call it hypocrisy or we can call it intelligence, how is a relationship built or maintained between a couple, and in this particular case a couple with 25 years of marriage.

- In the comedy "We will never lie!" you and the actress Ema Andrea play the roles of a couple married for 25 years that, apart from laughter, many people will find themselves. A comedy by Eric Assous, but what can you tell us more about your collaboration with the famous actress Emma Andrea in the next show that you bring to the public as a director?

"We will never lie!" is a contemporary comedy. In the show, there is a couple played on stage by me and the actress Emma Andrea, who also have a grown child, and the whole story revolves around a white lie. The story is that the wife has a small accident and suddenly the one who caused the accident, who crashed the car, is a cousin of a former neighbor they had 25 years ago, with whom the wife suspects that her husband had an affair. But from here begins a lot of surprises, things to laugh at, but there are also dramatic moments. Emma Andrea and I are in this comedy in an hour and a half in a dialogue, which is mathematically perfect, intelligent and deep.  

-In this space outside that you show the comedy, when we talk about the public, how can it be seen?

 When we staged the "Desperate Housewives" theater performance, there were approximately 200 spectators on average. But in this last show that we are now putting on in that space, the audience is around 100 spectators. Now is the time that we start the show at 19:00 for the public, the European Football Championship is coming and it's a bit complicated. But we will return in the following months and I think that in its performances there will be at least 5 thousand to 6 thousand spectators as a show.

-One of your successes in the theater as a director was the comedy "Desperate Housewives", where you were also an actor on stage with Gentian Zenelaj and Indrit Çoban. A French comedy that, apart from Tirana, has been on various stages in Albania and has been welcomed by the public. But will it come back again?

The comedy "Desperate Housewives" has reached up to 80 shows so far and has captured 25,000 spectators throughout Albania. Of course, we will continue to give this show to the public, but now Ghent is very busy.

- You are continuing your activity with the theater as an actor and director. But your choice these days have been works written by well-known authors, including French ones. What have you seen in this dramaturgy, that you bring to the public through your performances?

Yes it is true. There were several French authors whose works we are putting on stage for the public. But this is because the alla French comedy has been very successful among the Albanian public. They are popular comedies, they are very entertaining, despite the themes, which are certainly morally deep and contemporary. But it is extremely good literature. They are comedies that have been seen by millions of live viewers. They are comedies that have won the most prestigious "Molier" awards that exist.

Interviewed by: Julia Vrapi