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SPAK issues 19 arrest warrants for Tirana's incinerator, the list includes

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Sali Berisha did not have a mandate according to the Constitution, the head of

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The incinerators' money guarantees Arben Ahmetaj's life on the run,

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Strong developments within SPAK, the prosecutors extend the investigation

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Spartak Ngjela reveals the "bombastic" behind-the-scenes: This is why

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Sali Berisha did not have a mandate according to the Constitution, the head of

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The testimony in SPAK that sinks Niko Pelesh for his connections with Klodian


"Fatalita" premiere ballet with four scenes choreographed by Toni Candeloro, the work conveys a sensitizing message for society

"Fatalita" premiere ballet with four scenes choreographed by Toni

The ballet "Fatalita", a work that conveys a sensitizing message for society, will mark its premiere on the stage of the National Theater of Opera and Ballet. The artistic calendar this June also includes this ballet premiere choreographed by Toni Candeloro. This is reported by the institution itself, which has also shared some information about this premiere. "Fatalita" is the premiere ballet with four scenes, choreographed by Candeloro, which will be on stage on June 25 and 26 at the National Theater of Opera and Ballet. "Four world masterpieces, "Romeo and Juliet", "Carmen", "La Traviata" and "Anna Karenina", where the heroine is the dying woman, are summarized in a ballet by the famous Italian choreographer, Toni Candeloro. The work conveys a sensitizing message for society: Stop the violence and subjugation of women, so that its end is not fatal!", says the National Theater of Opera and Ballet (TKOB). The ballet "Fatalita", which will be on stage for two evenings in a row, is realized with the support of the European Union. Toni Candoloro is one of the most prominent Italian dancers on the European stage today. He started his career at Arena di Verona. Critics have also appreciated him for his creative ideas in the world of spectacle, theater and various festivals.

Music and artists on stage

The music in the ballet bears the name of world-renowned authors. "Fatalita" premiere ballet with four scenes choreographed by Toni Candeloro has music by Sergei Prokofiev, Giuseppe Verdi, Pyotr Ilych Tchaikovsky, Georges Bizet and Yury Shadrin. Choreography by Candeloro and subject by Enada Hoxha. The ballet troupes of the National Opera and Ballet Theater are in the performance. Costume design by Edlira Qyshka, video designer Forian Çanga. Ballet maestro Alisa Gjoni, Eltion Merja. Soloists in the work are Enada Hoxha, Gioacchino Starace, Marcos Rodriguez, Dion Gjinika, Kevin Lila and Ervis Koceku. The ballet troupe of the National Theater of Opera and Ballet has also performed masterpieces of world and Albanian ballets both at home and abroad and this time it will be on stage with the premiere "Fatalita". The work of the premiere ballet that will come to the stage during this month is following and other activities on the stage of TKOB. Following the activities, in the continuation of the cooperation with the Conservatory of Potenza, the National Opera and Ballet Theater is bringing concerts dedicated to chamber music with the "AlBa" festival, where Italian artists perform. The first month of the summer season started at TKOB with the masterpiece of the Italian composer Giacomo Puccini, "Madama Butterfly". Five nights of the new production of "Festival Puccini", within the 100th anniversary of the death of the genius of Torre del Lago.