SPAK issues 19 arrest warrants for Tirana's incinerator, the list includes high-ranking officials, politicians, media leaders and their families, the details of the big operation are disclosed

SPAK issues 19 arrest warrants for Tirana's incinerator, the list includes

Does the UDB agency connect Sali Berisha and Baton Haxhiu, this is how the former prime minister defended the analyst for the villa in Golem who is being investigated by SPAK and "swallowed" all the slanderous accusations that they have exchanged with ...

Does the UDB agency connect Sali Berisha and Baton Haxhiu, this is how the

Sali Berisha did not have a mandate according to the Constitution, the head of the DP makes way for Argita and prepares to crown his daughter on the throne with the July 12 protest, Gaz Bardhi ends up as a "squeezed lemon"

Sali Berisha did not have a mandate according to the Constitution, the head of

The incinerators' money guarantees Arben Ahmetaj's life on the run, here are the transfers of hundreds of thousands of euros by Albanian taxpayers to Swiss offshores, SPAK reveals that the businessman who is helping him in Lugano is accused of money la...

The incinerators' money guarantees Arben Ahmetaj's life on the run,

Belinda Balluku "mountain" with reports to SPAK, here are all the scandals in which the deputy prime minister is involved, from investigations into incinerators, corrupt tenders, contracts, privatizations and up to scandalous firms for giving public lands

Belinda Balluku "mountain" with reports to SPAK, here are all the

Strong developments within SPAK, the prosecutors extend the investigation deadlines for Arben Ahmetaj by 3 months and send summons to the oligarch who is accused of money laundering

Strong developments within SPAK, the prosecutors extend the investigation

Spartak Ngjela reveals the "bombastic" behind-the-scenes: This is why the divorce of Ilir Meta and Monika Kryemadhi cannot save them from the shackles and the strong reason that DASH senior official Richard Nephew avoided meetings in Tirana with the 'R...

Spartak Ngjela reveals the "bombastic" behind-the-scenes: This is why

Sali Berisha did not have a mandate according to the Constitution, the head of the DP makes way for Argita and prepares to crown his daughter on the throne with the July 12 protest, Gaz Bardhi ends up as a "squeezed lemon"

Sali Berisha did not have a mandate according to the Constitution, the head of


Kadare's work comes through poetry and music in COD

Kadare's work comes through poetry and music in COD

An artistic evening dedicated to the writer Ismail Kadare through film and interpretation at the Center for Openness and Dialogue-COD. Through poetry and music, Kadare's work came to COD, with the interpretation of actors Anila Dervishi and Arbër Aliaj, accompanied by the sounds of the harp by Aida Kasmi and the flute by Enalda Gjoni. After the performance, the attendees watched the documentary film "Frymëzime Kadareane" by the screenwriter and famous fabulist Ferit Lamaj, which brought the writer and his work to another dimension. Ismail Kadare, a member of the Academy of Sciences of Albania, has been considered not only among the best writers of Albanian literature, but also among the best writers of contemporary world literature. Ismail Kadare's literary beginnings are mainly in poetry. His works have been translated and published in over 45 foreign languages. He is the most famous Albanian writer in the world. Among Kadare's best-known works at the national and international level are: The General of the Dead Army, The Castle, The Chronicle in Stone, The Great Winter, The Bridge with Three Arches, The Broken April, The H-File, The Pyramid, The Palace of Dreams, The Dinner of wrong. Ismail Kadare is the laureate of many national and international literary awards. In 2005, he won the "The Booker Prize Man" award. In 2010 Ismail Kadare was honored in Italy with the "Lerici Pea" award and in 2009 he was awarded the Prince of Asturias award and a number of others. In 2015, he won the "Jerusalem Prize", (Israel). Ismail Kadare has been decorated with the "Honour of the Nation" Order and by the French state with the "Cross of the Legion of Honor" and "Officer of the Legion of Honor" orders, as well as other recognitions.