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The alliance between Sali Berisha and Ilir Meta has broken, Myslym Murrizi reveals what is happening within the opposition and shows the "recipe" that will overthrow Edi Rama from power

The alliance between Sali Berisha and Ilir Meta has broken, Myslym Murrizi

Former MP Myslym Murrizi has commented on the political situation in the country. During a television interview, Mr. Murrizi expresses his conviction that the alliance between Sali Berisha and Ilir Meta has broken, while he reveals what is happening within the opposition and shows the "recipe" that will topple Edi Rama from power.

-Mr. Murrizi, the seal is already a solved issue, it goes to PD, what until yesterday we called Re-establishment. The big questions are what happens after that, so you see this positively?

I am not one of those euphorics to see him as exalted. I see it as the return of an old event to the owners. It is not the seal, but it is the history, the logo, it is the symbol, the contribution of those democrats and oppositionists who stood by 97-2005, until they brought PD to power and those who stand by them in 11 years of opposition. Earlier I said that quite a few groups have left PD, from this joint mixed group that yesterday both enjoyed and laughed and cried in court. All of them have fled not as thieves, except for this last group, all of them have taken the trouble to collect several signatures, make a separate seal, a separate logo and give it a name. They have proven themselves in battle. But the only group in the 32-year history that has gotten away with getting an undeserved logo and history is this last group. The court, exceeding any deadline, returned the stolen item to those who inspired it with their idealism and did not earn a single penny from the DP ruling power. The joint mission is the overthrow of the Rama government.

- We know how the bargains are played, what will happen if a special call is made, as the MPs were told to join the DP group, to have the opposition majority in Parliament and with this to condition Edi Rama for the electoral reform and for any other and as an exchange of offering places on the list of candidates for deputy. What does this cause to the rest of the DP who kept Berisha and supported him?

Drastic loss of 2025. And if it happens, then there is a mission for the opposition to lose four terms in a row, and this should be the responsibility of all those who will remain silent if this bargain happens. Then this is a dirty bargain as it has happened, and even other bargains that have been sold to us as successful.

-Allies in lists eg…

It is not the business of allies. Thanks to my courage, there are no more 100% closed lists, not less than 2/3 says the Constitution are open. It will be murderous for the opposition, especially the PD, if it is entered with a list even with 1/3 closed, because if it enters without a contest, it cannot defeat Rama without a contest. The PD and the opposition consider it vital to implement the Constitution 1000 percent, where no less than 2/3 means that each political entity has the discretion to keep 100% of the lists open. We must restore the race among ourselves.

- Lulzim Basha stated that those who cooperated with Rama, you can see who they are because they were given the seal, after alluding that Rama gave the seal to Berisha, and that I do not cooperate or join with people who cooperate with Rama and Ilir Meta. .

It is a personal statement of a deputy of the 59 deputies who have left the PD 2021 list.

-As far as the base of the party is concerned, does this decision bring a good and quick consolidation now?

Not fast, but a positive spirit and a spiritual warming for all those militants who have kept this opposition alive and stayed with the communist rebellion, have contributed since its creation and stayed with sacrifice for 11 years. If the DP does not go to a frontal battle in the Assembly to disrupt the 2008 negotiations, to give the Albanian citizens and the diaspora the opportunity to vote, so that they do not cling to the teeth to keep their seats, it is not there is a big problem if Oerdi or Myslymi do not become deputies and Flutra or Gazi become deputies, since the problem is to overthrow the Rama government. If the PD does not announce that it will correct itself by returning the race to the chosen one because that is where all the powers originate, we cannot claim that there is competition neither in tenders, nor in employment, nor in the electorate and if we go to them as a binding offer To the Albanian citizens, between two pairs of palaces, you are forced to choose my palace because you were bored with Rama's palaces, we have lost the case.

-Do you see the Berisha-Meta alliance as an opportunity to break away for the 2025 elections?

They are detached, they have no alliance. Meta himself said that this coalition did not work, even though he got quite a few councilors with DP votes. The theory of delegation of Albanian citizens, go to this party this time and the next time to the other party, must end once and for all.

- Do you see the possibility of rotation for the 2025 elections with these changes being made?

I'm not for rotation. I am for voting. Let's create the opportunity for the citizens that their vote will not be affected in the ballot box, that the diaspora can also vote and return the race that we killed with the April 2008 bazaar and tell the Albanians what we will do differently from Rama government.

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