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The arrest warrant is ready for Ilir Meta, this is the last session of his questions in SPAK, here is the evidence that has sunk him, the lawyer Romeo Kara brings out the hard details

The arrest warrant is ready for Ilir Meta, this is the last session of his

The well-known lawyer, Romeo Kara, has warned of trouble for the president of the Freedom Party, Ilir Meta. The latter is suspected of being involved in many corrupt and criminal affairs and therefore yesterday for more than 3 hours, he was questioned by SPAK prosecutors about his fabulous wealth and staggering expenses. Meta came out disfigured and disfigured yesterday from the door of SPAK. But for these and other hot issues related to Meta, especially those coming from the Special Prosecutor's Office, the lawyer Kara also spoke, who denounced the president of PL, Ilir Meta in SPAK regarding the "CEZ-DIA" affair. . Mr. Kara, during an interview for "SOT" newspaper, revealed that the arrest of Ilir Meta is about to take place and that, according to him, this is the last session of his questions in SPAK. Likewise, during the interview with the editor-in-chief of "SOT" newspaper, Rigels Seliman, the lawyer Kara showed the legal error that will lead to the handcuffing of Meta. According to him, the questioning session found Meta unprepared, especially from the psychological side, so much so that he suffered a bout of mental diarrhea without getting out of the SPAK fence.

- Mr. Kara, 24 hours after his wife ascended the ranks of the Special Prosecutor's Office, the president of the Freedom Party, Ilir Meta, appeared in SPAK yesterday. For over 3 hours and 20 minutes, the PL President was asked about the same issue, wealth, money and lobbying in the USA. He was interrogated by the prosecutor of the wealth investigation and lobbying file in Washington, Sotir Kllapi, but both at the entrance and exit he had strong accusations against the head of SPAK, without leaving aside the insulting labels. Do you think that the loop is narrowing for Ilir Meta?

I believe that the confusion already made a habit by Ilir Meta every time he enters and leaves SPAK, best prove the narrowing of the loop of justice towards him and his wife. Today, after coming out of the three-hour questioning session at SPAK, he was treated as a person under accusation, which has increased my confidence that we will soon have an accusation communication against him.

-Meta says I am clean and meanwhile fiercely attacks the head of SPAK. How do you see his behavior?

I mean, it's clean, but it burns a lot. The man who does not have open accounts with justice, above all sleeps peacefully. Very few rulers and former rulers in Albania after the 90s have the luxury of sleeping soundly. Ilir Meta, not having the opportunity to change his hostage-taking past, has lost his patience, calmness and logic, becoming aggressive towards every person and institution that is seeking to apply justice to him. Despite the fact that it is entirely his own fault, he does not manage to find even the minimum strength to face justice as a normal citizen, but seeks to hide behind the finger and accusations of conspiracy against him. So, according to him, the blame lies with the prosecuting body, the whistleblowers and the witnesses, and not with him as the author of quite a few criminal acts. Meta has already repeatedly shown a behavior that is as improper in the dictionary as it is punishable by law, considering the violation of the dignity of public persons due to their duty, their public blackmail and threats due to duty. This behavior also speaks of his moral and mental decline, presenting to us the ordinary essence not only of him, but of the entire high politics of 33 years. This type of meeting has governed us and is governing us for 33 years.

-What are the evidences that have sunk Ilir Meta in SPAK, according to you?

Unwittingly, he revealed something from this questioning session where we learned from him that he is being investigated in detail regarding his wealth, an investigation stretching back years, where the investigating body is investigating the cause-and-effect relationships as for the famous villa of Lalzi with the building permit, as well as birthday gifts and transfers inside and outside LSI. This session of questions has found him unprepared, especially from the psychological side, so much so that he suffered a perversion of mental diarrhea without getting out of the SPAK fence. I would not be surprised if this was his last questioning session at SPAK on these charges and a warrant for his arrest was issued very soon.

Interviewed by: Rigels Seliman

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