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He lost the trial against the declaration 'non grata' in Britain, former Prime Minister Berisha immediately reacts

He lost the trial against the declaration 'non grata' in Britain,

Sali Berisha reacts after the decision of the Appeal in Britain, which left the declaration "Non Grata" in effect.

"In August 2022, I started the procedure to challenge the decision of the State Secretary of the Home Department (Home Office) of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs for my exclusion from this country, which was communicated to me on July 21, 2022, initially by Edi Rama in the parliament and then by the British government.

The appeal procedure provided for its mandatory initiation before the Special Migration Appeal Commission (SIAC), before the parties go to court.

The process in SIAC has been delayed beyond any reasonable time to prevent the discovery of the truth.

This process ended today, after two years, with the Home Office decision being upheld by the Appeals Commission, thus proving the complete failure of this commission to attack corruption in segments of the Great Britain administration.

In paragraph 17 of its decision, the Commission (SIAC) affirms that they have not assessed the truth of the evidence or the accusations leveled against me, but only if the Secretary of the Home Office had reason to believe that, based on the evidence presented to her forward, to believe that the expulsion decision was fair. This clearly proves that not only SIAC did not investigate the discovery of the truth as it claims, but also that the Secretary's decision was made based on media articles sponsored by Soros and the statements of my political opponents Rama, Basha, Veliaj.

SIAC also states in its decision that it has evaluated thousands of pages of evidence and testimony presented by the lawyers of Mr. Berisha, with the claim that they were submitted outside the deadline (paragraph 9). While they were submitted absolutely within the deadline, the legal officials of the Home Office did not present them to the Secretary of this institution in order that she would not be familiar with their content and therefore not be accepted by SIAC, since the Secretary did not have them had in front of her at the time of making the decision (see paragraph).

I emphasize that this deliberate exclusion of evidence comes:

(i) After Ambassador Alastair King Smith failed the evidence presented to me at the Home Office, forcing him to go from office to office in Tirana asking for more evidence and expressing in confidence that we excluded Berisha, but we need proof that he has sued us.

(ii) Pasi ambasadori Alastair King Smith, i shkruante autoriteteve të tij se heqja e ekspulsionit per Berishen, qofte me vendim nga Home Office apo me vendime të tjera ligjore do të ulte reputacionin e Mbreterisë së Bashkuar.

(iii) Se fundi, kjo ka ndodhur pasi kur punonjësi i Home Office që përgatiti vendimin për përjashtimin tim i kërkoi provat kundër meje organit që kish përgatitur rekomandimin e përjashtimit tim – Crime State Nexus (CSN), që drejtohej nga paraardhesi i Ambasadorit Alastair King Smith, z. Norman Duncan, ky i fundit iu pergjigj në mënyrë qesharake se vendimi për përjashtimin tim ishte bazuar ne 38 DipTel (telegrame diplomatike), por se të gjitha DipTel kanë humbur. Natyrisht kjo nuk ishte e vertet dhe kjo ishte një tentative mjerane për të fshehur faktin se DipTels nuk tregonin asgje.

Sipas ambasadoreve te korruptuar nga lobimi i Xhorxh Soros dhe Edi Rames, Berisha duhej ndaluar sepse:

(1) Paska lidhje me piramidat e vitit 1997. ne nje kohe kur hetimet penale dhe parlamentare të zhvilluara nga PS pas ardhjes së saj në pushtet nuk kane deshmuar dot asnje fakt per kete gje. Vetë provat e sjella nga Home Office përgënjeshtrojnë pretendimet e saj. Madje vetë Parlamenti i MB, në një raport të posacëm që flet mbi këto skema, vlerëson qëndrimin e qeverisë shqiptare dhe që këshillon institucionet britanike të ndjekin përqasjen e saj, si të vetmen rrugë të drejtë dhe ligjore – falimentimin e skemave piramidale dhe vënien e drejtuesve të tyre para drejtësisë.

(2) Berisha paska lidhje me krimin e organizuar pasi qe nje militant i PD te cilin Berisha nuk e kish takuar kurre ne jete (F. Dauti) gjate nje vajtje te komisionit te rithemelimit ne PD ka goditur me shkelm nje dere! Ndonëse në dokumentat e saj Home Office pohon se nuk gjetem asnje provë qe Berisha te kete ndonje lidhje me z. Dauti, në mënyrë allogjike e qesharake shprehen se kjo provon lidhjen e Berishes me krimin e organizuar, Kjo vetëm sepse ambasadori ka marrë të gatshme shprehjet e Lulzim Bashës.

(3) Berisha paska pasuruar biznismenin Damir Fazliç dhe ka ndaluar hetimin e tij sipas nje media te Soros. E verteta eshte se Fazliç nuk është favorizuar kurrë nga Berisha dhe qeveria e tij dhe nuk ekziston asnjë fakt që të provojë të kundërtën. Aludimi për ndërhyrje në hetimin e Fazlic i referohet faktit që prokuroria në një rast ka dashur t’a ndalojë pa pasur vendim me shkrim për ndalimin e tij, gjë që është refuzuar të zbatohet nga zyrtarët e policisë, në përputhje me Kushtetutën dhe garancitë universal për të drejtat e njeriut. Kur prokuroria leshoi shkresen ligjerisht, Fazlic erdhi dhe dha deshmine e tij. Prokuroria zhvilloi gjatë 1 viti hetime në Shqipëri dhe shtete të tjera ndaj Fazlic dhe nuk gjeti dot asnjë prove që të tregonte ndonje shkelje nga ana e tij.

(4) Berisha has enriched Fazlic since he, like any other citizen of this country or foreigner, has bought 12 hectares of private land in Porto Romano, of which 2 hectares from my son-in-law and that for this reason I have expanded the Porto park Romanos so that his land would be included within the expansion. The truth is that the land of Fazlic was partially within the park approved by the socialist government and the PD government expanded the park not by a few hectares, but by another 850 hectares, after the Ministry of Economy created the industrial zone based on a multi-year study energy in Porto Romano, based on the interests of creating such a park and not for the few hectares that Fazlic had bought. From 2004 onwards, in the official notebooks of Albania as well as in the media, official documents were published that indicated that the energy park would be expanded, which prompted dozens of businessmen to buy land in this area. This park is expanding again today.

(5) The claim that my daughter has benefited from the investment of 100 million euros of the businessman Ansar is slander and a big lie. This is because this investment never happened. The person in question asked to invest without respecting the rules of the tender and when my daughter, in accordance with the law, refused to lobby the government for this, he, after a lunch in Rogner with Taulant Balla, gave false statements and left without paying the obligation to her for the lawyer's work (about 8,000 euros).

Saying that you are fighting organized crime because an unknown militant kicked in a door and are chasing the leader of the opposition is a poor attempt to keep corruption and international organized crime in power, which includes (i) the first narco-state in Europe where the prime minister is accused by his deputy of meeting the heads of criminal gangs in the office, where police chiefs are in a relationship with crime to order murders, (ii) where casino licenses are granted for the Sinaloa drug cartel, where the heads of organized crime receive the status of the strategic investor (iii) where the prime minister and his advisors bribe the intelligence chiefs of the FBI such as McGonigal and the Romanian general Coldea, etc.

The presented cases are indicators that there is no evidence or fact for any illegal action by the opposition leader, but they clearly seem to be attempts to stop the opposition from challenging the corrupt government, which exports organized crime but accepts refugees at will. than applicants/lobbyists.

As much as the sun can be covered with a veil, the truth can be lost under deception. I remain convinced that the path of justice that I will continue will really serve them and will hit the transnational corruption in a deserved way", says the reaction.