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The well-known lawyer, Kreshnik Spahiu has commented on the political situation in the country, while focusing on the testimony of the president of the Freedom Party, Ilir Meta, two days ago in the Special Prosecutor's Office (SPAK). Mr. Meta appeared at the Special Prosecutor's Office, a day after his wife Monika Kryemadhi went there. The Meta-Kryemadhi couple are under financial investigation and things seem to have progressed, with the president of PL again issuing accusations against SPAK and its leader Altin Duman. This development for the lawyer Kreshnik Spahiu is related to the current justice investigations for Meta and Kryemadhi on the one hand and the arrest of Durim Bami in Dubai on the other hand, who for Spahiu is a friend of Meta. During an interview for "SOT" newspaper, Spahiu brought to attention that Bami wanted to have the status of repentant justice in 2016, but according to him, no one, not even justice, took it seriously. Among other things in the interview, Mr. Spahiu reveals details from an old interception, which, as he says, if taken seriously by the authorities, could open "Pandora's Box" in politics.

-Mr. Spahiu, from Mr. Meta's appearance at SPAK, among the statements, he said that he was asked about many payments, but they are payments that, according to him, were made by Mrs. Kryemadhi, since they had separate jobs at home, where he dealt with politics and that with financial matters and other matters of household administration. How did you see this next testimony of Mr. Meta and his extremely aggressive approach to SPAK?

I think that the head of SPAK is under a very strong pressure from both crime and politics. I continue to stick to the position that SPAK is the strongest opposition in Albania, be it juridical, legal and institutional. As for Meta's and Kryemadhi's statements, they are making a play to separate political responsibility from legal responsibility. The division of the theater between the two actors, Kryemadhi and Meta, is for Kryemadhi to take legal responsibility in front of SPAK, since she is a woman she will receive a lighter security measure and on the other hand Ilir Meta taking the head of the party, maintains the status quo and political immunity. It is a double game, where Monika is left with the responsibility to clean up the family legally, while Ilir Meta to protect it politically. There are developments here which are not random. Yesterday, when Monika Kryemadhi and Meta were summoned, Durim Bami was arrested in Dubai. I never look at coincidences in politics and law. Mr. Rama is to blame for choosing Durim Bami's friend as President. If we had kept to some principles, we would not be with the Bami case or the Meta case today, but everything would be in the bank of justice. I remind the Albanians that Durim Bami is not an unknown person but is a person who tried to be the penitent of justice in 2016, to testify about his connections with politics. In 2016, no one took him seriously, nor did the institutions give him the status of repentant, nor did the media take him under his protection, but they took him as a comic character. After several years, we have the obligation to remind the Albanians of the attempt that was made in 2016, but it turned out to be a complete failure after one person was given the status of repentant. If he had been taken into custody and in the status of a penitent, I think that many crimes related to politics would probably have been solved. Now we can be faced with two variants, that Durim Bami is not extradited and political asylum is refused, due to the fact that he is right that the Albanian state has not taken him seriously. The Albanian state did not protect Durim Bami in 2016 when it wanted to be sorry. And now he can rightfully say that I am unprotected in Albania by the system, which did not take me into consideration. Second, it could be the option that he could accept a cooperation with justice, but which I find difficult to believe, since some characters from this area, who are involved in criminal organizations. It is very difficult for Durim Bami to repent and testify after so many stories because other criminal groups or other people have done the opposite and would have some kind of manhood after so many years. The only way for Durim Bami to be convinced is that if he is free he will take risks. Sometimes more secure his life can be safe from justice and make a contribution to serve criminal justice, regardless of the consequences it will have. 

-Where is the connection between Ilir Meta and Durim Bami?

In 2014, there was an accusation by the former MP Tom Doshi for attempted murder by paying Durim Bami, in a recording tape that was given to the former Minister of the Interior at that time, Sajmir Tahir.

- Mrs. Kryemadhi agreed and said that I did botox but not aesthetic intervention, while Mr. Meta said that I will not fight with SPAK, and the latter was very aggressive today. Maybe we will have accusations, arrests, are they feeling it or is it just a political approach to keep SPAK as far away as possible?

I do not wish prison on anyone, even more so when it comes to the president and prime minister of Albania. However, it remains to be seen what will come out of the investigation. Ilir Meta and Monika Kryemadhi are presumed innocent.   

Interviewed by: Rigels Seliman

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