SPAK issues 19 arrest warrants for Tirana's incinerator, the list includes high-ranking officials, politicians, media leaders and their families, the details of the big operation are disclosed

SPAK issues 19 arrest warrants for Tirana's incinerator, the list includes

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Does the UDB agency connect Sali Berisha and Baton Haxhiu, this is how the

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Sali Berisha did not have a mandate according to the Constitution, the head of

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The incinerators' money guarantees Arben Ahmetaj's life on the run,

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Belinda Balluku "mountain" with reports to SPAK, here are all the

Strong developments within SPAK, the prosecutors extend the investigation deadlines for Arben Ahmetaj by 3 months and send summons to the oligarch who is accused of money laundering

Strong developments within SPAK, the prosecutors extend the investigation

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Sali Berisha did not have a mandate according to the Constitution, the head of the DP makes way for Argita and prepares to crown his daughter on the throne with the July 12 protest, Gaz Bardhi ends up as a "squeezed lemon"

Sali Berisha did not have a mandate according to the Constitution, the head of


"With Rama, it's not broken for the incinerators", the well-known analyst raises strong doubts: Arben Ahmetaj can be used by the Greek service

"With Rama, it's not broken for the incinerators", the well-known

Analyst Ilir Kulla said in a television interview that Arben Ahmetaj made a mistake by speaking in his interview because he had to be silent as he was number two in the government, if he was going to speak he should have come here and accused the prime minister and not from afar. And secondly, Ahmetaj spoke for a long time and made a mess of the accusation.

Furthermore, Ilir Kulla added that Arben Ahmetaj has been in power since 1997, since the time of Fatos Nano. He could be silent better than he spoke with accusations, when he himself was part of the governing "honey".

Meanwhile, last night Arben Ahmetaj issued accusations against Edi Rama and Erion Veliaj, about which Ilir Kulla emphasized that he cannot speak since he was number two in the government. He thinks he is in Switzerland, Kulla added.

"He was close friends with Edi Rama. But Ahmetaj and Rama, I think, are not spoiled for the incinerators" - insisted Kulla.

Regarding Arben Ahmetaj's assertion that he has connections with three foreign intelligence services, Ilir Kulla said flatly that no one deals with Ahmetaj, but only the Greek services are using him.


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