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Meta-Kryemadhi intercepted by BKH, here are the details from the file that prosecutor Sotir Kllapi is investigating, in the scanner properties and bank accounts, from the withdrawal of 20 thousand euros in 2008, building permits, villas in Lalzi Bay, to the furnishing and the mystery of palm trees as a birthday gift, SPAK "deconstructs" the PL couple

Meta-Kryemadhi intercepted by BKH, here are the details from the file that

In the last two days, the Special Prosecutor's Office has "dismantled" the Meta-Kryemadhi couple for their corrupt files. Yesterday, interesting details emerged from the investigations carried out by SPAK. These were discovered by Ilir Meta himself. The former president, after being interrogated for 3 hours by Sotir Kllapi, the prosecutor who is investigating his affairs, admitted that he has given permission for construction in Gjirin e Lalëzi, where he also has a two-story villa with an area of ??317 m2. Meta said that whoever asked for permission to build tourist villages got it, while emphasizing that this has given development to the country. To inaugurate the Lura complex, Meta added, he went by helicopter since it took 4 hours by car. Meta told reporters yesterday that he was asked about his acquaintances with some people and the actions of his wife Monika Kryemadhi regarding the purchase and furnishing of the villa in Gjirin e Lalzi. Meta said that Kryemadhi dealt with the accounts, while he dealt with politics, where in this way he billed his wife for the corruption that SPAK is finding in their investigations. On the other hand, Meta himself showed that the palm trees he received as a birthday present for Gjiri Lalzi came out of SPAK's interceptions. Below is a part of Ilir Meta's statement given yesterday to journalists, where details from SPAK's investigations are revealed.

-Mr. Meta, your wife, Monika Kryemadhi, said that she has faith in SPAK, unlike what you say quite the opposite. Why this different attitude?

I have never had any faith in SPAK. Because SPAK, since it was created, was created illegally. Was the General Prosecutor elected with 69 votes, out of the 84 that the Constitution had, that was voted by 140 deputies? This prosecutor made the appointments and changes everywhere in all the Prosecutor's Offices of Albania, from these she chose the KLP, which we all know. SPAK didn't come out of KLP, how could I have faith in SPAK? But we have been forced to support SPAK and anyone with denunciations, with concrete facts and there is no achievement of SPAK. It's all a scam. SPAK has only crippled the investigations made by the opposition. SPAK reacted very late.

-Based on what you stated a little while ago, are you afraid of a criminal investigation? And if so, do you intend to face justice or defy it?

First, this is not justice but degeneration, which tries to protect Edi Rama from monstrous words. It is degenerate that he asks me about Alberto, about the palm trees that Alberto received within 24 hours, but he has not yet asked Edi Rama about the 17 decisions. He does not mention Edi Rama's name once, among all the accusations he has against Sali Berisha, when he knows very well that Erion Veliaj usurped the other powers of the Municipal Council and plunged Tirana into debt for 30 years. I will face all the Ramaforma scum and their laraskas everywhere, here, across the sea and across the ocean, wherever they want. Ilir Meta in all his activity, there is no act, no decision that violates the public interest and the law. While there is the mountain of all the scandals, with signature, voice and figure and everything. But they want to get another mandate in the 2025 elections.

-Mr. Meta, for which specific case and investigation were you asked at SPAK?

I said I was asked about this nonsense, you know so-and-so, Alberto Lula. I didn't know him. It's coming out, he said in eavesdropping from what he gave you as a birthday present. Alberto i Luleve, I told him, go take a look at me?! He brought the flowers and received them after 24 hours! How can you tell Ilir Meta if you gave permission for the Lura complex in Gjirin e Lalëzi... which has given development to the whole country there. Has anyone applied for permission to build tourist villages at that time and did not receive permission. You used to go to Gjirin e Lalez at that time and you had to go by horse because the car didn't work. When I inaugurated the complex, I went by helicopter because it took 4 hours to get there. How can you tell Meta that he knows Elena, who was a finance worker at LSI? Elena gave you 5000 dollars in 2006. Elena gave me that much, which you have in an account number together with your wife. I said go ask him. Have you met Palmer? Yes, of course I have met him. All this is done with the aim of diverting attention from Edi Rama's scandals. I was asked, for example, on this date in 2008, did Mrs. Kryemadhi withdraw 20 thousand euros. I remember the withdrawal actions she made, she made 2-3 withdrawals because they had their properties, they had their palace, she had her share, her mother's share, she made payments for the children, for the jobs her and I have never interfered in these matters. And I have never dealt with either property or financial issues. Even in the annual declaration of wealth, I have signed in good faith that there was a notary and a lawyer who followed these issues.

- You, Mr. Meta, were asked about the same issue that was asked before, Mrs. Kryemadhi affirmed that the issues have been combined into one. After being asked about what, the issue of interventions, unlike the issue of property investigation?

Unë nuk e di sesi janë bashkuar, ajo mund ta dijë më mirë. Unë mund t’ua them se për çfarë jam pyetur unë sot. Unë nuk mund t’ju them sesi janë bashkuar dhe si do të bashkohen. Ata t’i bëjnë si të kenë qejf çështjet. Unë jam i hapur para shqiptarëve siç kam qenë 30 e ca vite, e kështu do të vazhdoj të jem dhe 30 vitet që vijnë.

-Me çfarë cilësie u pyetët zoti Meta?

Në cilësinë e denoncuesit kryesor të Ramaformës që ka kapur për fyti SPAK-un dhe e detyron këtë të fundit të merret me budalliqe në vend që duhet t’i kishte vënë hekurat Edi Ramës me kohë, Erion Velisë me kohë, e të bënte ofertë bashkëpunimi me Arben Ahmetajn për të treguar të gjithë të vërtetat e tjera ku një pjesë të tyre e ka thënë vetë ai në mediat italiane.

-U pyetët në cilësinë e personit që ka dijeni apo iu është komunikuar akuzë?

Unë e thash dhe e them dhe një herë, jam thirrur në cilësinë e personit të ka denoncuar mafjen e cila ka kapur drejtësinë për fyti. Këtë mafje që zgjodhi prokurorin me 69 vota, siç e dinë të gjithë shqiptarët. Këtë mafje që ka filluar bashkëpunimin që ditën e parë Kavaliera, ka nisur me Ëngjëll Agaçin. Pra, bashkëpunimi i Reformës në Drejtësi është Kavalera dhe Ëngjëll Agaçi. Kjo është përgjegjësia e gjithë sistemit të drejtësisë që buron sot në Republikë. Ju e dini shumë mirë sesi ka vajtur mali i dosjeve, e dini shumë mirë se është katërfishuar koha e trajtimit të një çështje nga qytetarët shqiptarë. E dini shumë mirë se para Ramaformës, shqiptarët nuk paguanin për të hapur një çështje, tani duhet të paguajnë  dhe nuk kanë mundësi të paguajnë e as ta kërkojnë të drejtën e jo më ta fitojnë të drejtën  më këtë lloj drejtësie.

-A parashikoni ju që SPAK të ngre një akuzë për mbyllje të hetimeve dhe shprehet pak më herët se përgjegjësitë financiare e keni thënë në SPAK se i ka patur Monika Kryemadhi. Çfarë do të thotë më thjeshtë kjo? Do të thotë se në rast se do të mbyllen hetimet ju do të fajësoni zonjën Kryemadhi?

Unë nuk fajësoj askënd. Unë po them që në veprimet e mia, kam qenë tërësisht në respekt te ligjit dhe në mirëbesim të plotë te zonja Kryemadhi e cila është e zonja e shtëpisë, e cila administron dhe punët e fëmijëve dhe çështjen e pronave. Pra u ble shtëpia këtu, u ble aty, u arredua këtu e u arredua aty. Unë nuk jam marrë ndonjëherë me këto çështje pasi kanë qenë jashtë interesit tim.

-Cili prisni të jetë fundi i këtyre hetimeve, do ketë akuzë sipas jush SPAK?

I don't care at all what SPAK will do. I am interested in my relationship with the Albanians, the truth is that SPAK is a blind tool of Edi Rama. They arrested the son-in-law of Sali Berisha at the airport waiting for the woman just to show off, without ever calling her alone to ask her. He did that anti-constitutional act against Sali Berisha, deputy and leader of the main opposition, only to isolate him and not to denounce the corruption of Edi Rama in the Parliament and everywhere in Albania. I am very clear about what SPAK represents, especially under the leadership of Altin Duman, and that's why I called him dum dumani, which comes from the stuttering tomtomak. Regime tomtomaku that they catch weak people who have done illegal actions, to use them politically against the main opposition leaders. They have turned into a mafia sect that does not prioritize punishment but made every effort to steal the PL seal before the April 27 Convention.

- Did Ms. Kryemadhi deny having had cosmetic surgery?

I have not performed any aesthetic intervention. For every health service I have had, I have been completely transparent and compliant with the rules.

-Usually the functionaries show up at SPAK without a phone, what about you?

I was without a phone, they also took away my watch. I wasn't too upset, they took my keys and I wasn't upset at all, but they can't take my pants off.

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