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The question marks of how Belinda Balluku rose from a cleaner in Greece, to No. 2 in the government and minister of tenders in Albania, here are the hard details revealed by the Greek media about Rama's colleague, from the "party" with 50 million euros owed to the company "Actor", to the arrest for money laundering of her right-hand man

The question marks of how Belinda Balluku rose from a cleaner in Greece, to No.

Beyond the smile in front of the camera and the attempt to present to the public the harmony that exists within the Socialist Party, there are mostly intrigues, backstabbing, power struggle and terror from the handcuffs of SPAK. One of the characters that has created many "enemies" within the SP is Belinda Balluku, as the latter continues to be sponsored by Prime Minister Rama every day. This has also caused dissatisfaction within the SP. "Belinda is the strongest man we have in the government as far as I know. In addition to being a wife, a mother, and a friend, she is also a big pig", Rama said during a meeting some time ago while describing Belinda Balluk. She has been a colleague of Edi Rama since 2004. At that time, Balluku had joined the staff of the Tirana Municipality, which was headed by Rama. Initially as a consultant for Public Relations and later as Director of the Mayor's Cabinet. Since 2006, Balluku has been part of the Socialist Party, where he headed the cabinet of the Socialist leader during the period January 2011-January 2012. On January 9, 2019, Balluku was appointed Minister of Infrastructure and Energy, replacing Damian Gjiknuri. Then Rama becomes the number 2 of the government. Even though she has the trust of Rama, Balluku is very endangered by the new justice because of the denunciations against her that are piling up in SPAK. She was even called a few days ago to the Special Prosecutor's Office to account for the incinerator affair. Balluku has also been sued by the opposition in SPAK for at least 6 criminal offenses related to the 30 million euro concession for the Port of Durrës. Also, she is accused of some problematic road tenders.

The accusations from the Greek media

Greek media,, added to the doubts and mysteries about Balluk's career. A few weeks ago, this media dedicated an article to the climb up the executive ladder for the Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Infrastructure, Belinda Balluku, where she writes about her career, stating that from a domestic helper who was once in Greece, today she is the number two of the Albanian government. Many questions are raised by the rise of the beautiful and deputy prime minister Belinda Balluku, who before her new career worked in Greece as a domestic helper. Practically, a domestic helper became the number two of the Albanian government and Minister of Infrastructure and therefore commands the public affairs of the neighboring country", writes, while mentioning in the article the arrest of her right-hand man, the head of the ARRSH , Evis the Barber. Meanwhile, the Greek media raises questions about why the decision of the French court that the Albanian state pays 50 million euros to the Greek company "Actor" is not implemented. "This includes Balluku, where her right-hand man was arrested for money laundering, while she had asked the bosses (of the construction company) to speed up the construction of the project. But when the works were done, Balluku did not pay the amounts", the article reads.

Full article

Emri Belinda Balluku mund të mos jetë shumë i njohur për ju, por në Shqipëri do të thotë shumë. Emri i ministres së Infrastrukturës dhe zv/kryeministres Edi Rama përbën një çarje në ngërçin e Shqipërisë. Më 13 mars, SPAK, Gjykata kundër Korrupsionit, arrestoi Evis Berberin, kreun e Autoritetit Rrugor Shqiptar dhe një nga bashkëpunëtorët më të besuar të ministres së Infrastrukturës dhe Energjisë dhe zv/kryeministres, Belinda Balluku. Akuza kishte të bënte me projektet e ndërtimit dhe tenderat luksoze, të cilat po fitoheshin nga të zgjedhurit e Edi Ramës. Sipas mediave shqiptare, pas një bastisjeje të policisë, SPAK, Gjykata Kundër Korrupsionit, arrestoi Evis Berberin, kreun e Autoritetit Rrugor Shqiptar. Policia e arrestoi atë së bashku me dy shokë biznesi (Valter Begaj dhe Ervis Lamajn), ndërsa në banesën e tij u sekuestruan shuma të mëdha parash dhe piktura me vlerë qindra mijëra euro. Evis Berberi ishte krahu i djathtë i ministrit Balluku dhe ishte ai që u fotografua pranë saj në të gjitha inspektimet dhe inaugurimet e projekteve të mëdha rrugore. Sipas SPAK, Valter Begaj, pronar i kompanisë NET – GROUP, ka fituar 6 tenderë publikë, paratë nga të cilat i ka transferuar nëpërmjet transaksioneve tek kompania DAAM. Përfitimi duket se shkon në 2.7 milionë euro. NET-GROUP fitoi këto gara, paratë u transferuan përmes transaksioneve në kompaninë DAAM. Këto veprime kanë ngritur dyshime për veprimtari pastrimi parash. Hetimi i SPAK raportohet se ka nisur javët e fundit, me fokus shitjen e DAAM. DAAM është blerë nga Berberi me një çmim shumë të ulët, është shitur shumëfish, ndërsa pronësia dhe menaxhimi ndryshon disa herë mes biznesmenëve. Ka dyshime për një transferim të rremë për të shmangur konfliktin e interesit pasi Berberi ishte vendosur të emërohej këshilltar në Ministrinë e Infrastrukturës dhe Energjisë. I gjithë skandali i mësipërm ka shkaktuar lëkundje ‘tektonike’ në skenën politike të Shqipërisë. Shumë pikëpyetje ngre ngritja e bukuroshes dhe zv/kryeministres Belinda Balluku, e cila para karrierës së saj të re punonte në Greqi si ndihmëse shtëpiake. Praktikisht, një ndihmëse shtëpiake u bë numri dy i qeverisë shqiptare dhe ministre e Infrastrukturës dhe për këtë arsye komandon punët publike të vendit fqinj.


There is a lawsuit that the construction company 'Actor' has won from a French court, against the Albanian state, in the amount of 50 million euros, for which the Ministry of Justice and Foreign Affairs have not given the green light to execute it. And somewhere in here Balluku is involved, where her right-hand man was arrested for money laundering, while she had asked the bosses (the seniors of the construction company) to speed up the construction of the project. But when the works were done, Balluku did not pay the amounts. In other words, the company 'Actor' did the job, went to court, won 50 million euros, and Edi Rama's chosen one 'blows the whistle' indifferently. But here are the hot 'questions': -Who and why does not give the green light to Mr. Exarchou of the 'Actor' company to execute? -What games are played in the diplomatic background that prevent the payment of sums to a Greek company that has legally won? -Who does the Albanian state cover? - What does Athena know about these cases and what will she do? Will it continue to 'hiss' indifferently?".

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