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Sali Berisha is corrupt, connected to criminal gangs and with characters convicted of drugs and money laundering, involved in affairs with Fazli? and use of power to enrich his children, "non-women" is not removed, London seals his fate the head of the DP

Sali Berisha is corrupt, connected to criminal gangs and with characters

Former Prime Minister Sali Berisha will continue to be "non grata", which means that he will be banned from entering Great Britain. The former Democratic Prime Minister lost his appeal to the Special Immigration Appeals Board in London yesterday against the Home Office's decision to bar him from entering Britain because of his alleged connections. criminal. He was declared "non-grata" in July 2022 for his suspected links to organized crime and corruption, but Berisha denied it, claiming that the decision against him was based on false and unproven claims. Berisha appealed the decision to the Special Immigration Appeals Commission (SIAC) in London in March 2024, arguing that he was banned from the UK based on unproven false claims. The Court of Appeal has expressed itself in favor of the British Government's position in this case, rejecting all the reasons for Berisha's appeal. Most importantly, the Court found that the recommendation to expel DP leader Sali Berisha was properly reached as "the product of a holistic assessment of the available evidence". "We find it inappropriate to apply the formula of immunity as a former head of state applied in this appeal. For this reason and others addressed in the closed session, Mr. Berisha's objection to ban his entry to Great Britain is overturned," the decision states.

Clear links to crime, he was involved in corruption and with Damir Fazlliç

On 21 July 2022, the Secretary of State for the Home Department ("SSHD") wrote to Berisha to inform him that, on 19 July 2022, a decision had been taken to expel him from the United Kingdom on grounds of criminality and corruption and that his presence in the United Kingdom was not conducive to the public good. The reasons were as follows: " have clear connections with organized crime groups and criminals who have posed a threat to public safety in Albania and the United Kingdom and that you are willing to use these connections to advance your political ambitions, and... you have used your elected positions to engage in corruption and criminal behavior to enrich yourself and your inner circle, in particular your former election advisor Damir Fazlliç, whom I after the evidence of criminality appeared. It is now known that the decision to expel Dr. Berisha was one of many taken in relation to Albanian citizens as part of the Crime State Nexus Project ("CSNP"), which aims breaking the ties between politicians and organized crime in the Western Balkans and Albania in particular," the document states.

The three facts that the Court in London examined for Sali Berisha

At the court session of the Special Commission of Immigration Appeals in London, Lisa Giovannetti KC, representative of the English government in this process, listed the reasons why Berisha's appeal should be dismissed. It examines 3 episodes about corruption, interference with justice, from corruption in the government on the eve of the 2023 elections, to Damir Fazlic and the land in Porto Romani and the benefits from Fatjon Dautin, who in Britain is accused of running a criminal network in England and in March 2021 England refused to renew his residence permit. A significant level of corruption has occurred throughout Berisha's tenure as Prime Minister, including the following:

Part clarified by the decision of the "Special Commission of Immigration Appeals"

Evidence of large-scale abuse of power as Prime Minister

Internal reports show Berisha's abuse of power in the appointment of corrupt officials, interference in Albania's judicial system to protect subordinates from investigations and court proceedings, and illegal wiretapping of political opponents.

Widespread corruption by Berisha and his government, especially in the run-up to the 2013 elections

The internal reporting provides a consistent and clear picture of widespread corruption throughout the period of Berisha's government, but especially in the run-up to the 2013 elections. This was used to advance his interests, help his allies and buy political support.

Close political control of Berisha and the dominance of his government

E rëndësishmja, raportimi i brendshëm tregon se korrupsioni i madh i përhapur i qeverisë së tij nuk mund të kishte ndodhur pa dijeninë dhe autorizimin e Berishës duke pasur parasysh kontrollin e tij personal mbi qeverinë e tij. Shqyrtohen si jo relevante përpjekjet e tij për të luftuar korrupsionin, sepse edhe nëse do të ishte e vërtetë që të tjerë (si pasardhësi i tij në krye të Partisë Demokratike, Lulzim Basha) ishin përfshirë në korrupsion, kjo nuk do të thoshte se Dr. Berisha nuk ishte përfshirë (shih para. 35. të Aneksit B). Në 2008 raporti i DASH siguroi prova për të arritur në konkluzionin se Berisha mbrojti Damir Fazlic, nga hetimi. Burim i HAPUR raporton për Fazlliçin, i cili ishte mik dhe këshilltar zgjedhor i Dr Berishës dhe klient ligjor i vajzës së tij dhe ishte hetuar në Shqipëri për pastrim parash. Në faqen e internetit Balkan Insight kishte raportime se hetimi ishte subjekt i "presionit të fortë politik mbi zyrën e prokurorisë nga qeveria dhe [Dr Berisha]" dhe raportime të brendshme për të njëjtin efekt. Raporti i Departamentit të Shtetit të SHBA-së i vitit 2008 arriti të njëjtin përfundim. Dr. Berisha në deklaratën e tij të parë dhe të dytë si dëshmitar nuk e trajtoi pretendimin se ai kishte ushtruar presion ndaj autoriteteve të ndjekjes, por pohoi se hetimi ndaj Fazlliçit nuk ka vërtetuar ndonjë keqbërje nga ai. Ekipi i  Projektit Crime State Nexus  (CSNP-së)  nuk pranoi që Fazlliç të ishte shfajësuar, duke pasur parasysh burimin e hapur që raportonte se çështja u pushua sepse prokurorët nuk ishin në gjendje të aksesonin dokumentet kryesore, konkluzionet e Departamentit të Shtetit të SHBA-së për vështirësinë e ndjekjes së çështjeve penale kundër zyrtarëve, politikanëve, gjyqtarëve dhe personat me interesa të fuqishme biznesi dhe me burim të hapur raportuan presionin që u aplikua nga qeveria dhe Berisha në veçanti.

Pasurimi i familjarëve dhe përfshirja në korrupsion

Blerja nga Fazlic e tokës në kufi me parkun energjetik të Porto Romanos, ndodhi pasi ai kishte njohuri të brendshme. Raportimi me burim të hapur tregon se: vajza e Dr. Berishës, Argita Malltezi, u largua nga puna në OKB disa muaj pasi Dr Berisha u bë Kryeministër në 2005, për të hapur një zyrë ligjore në Tiranë; me ndihmën e bashkëshortit të saj. Znj. Malltezi punësoi një ndërmjetës për të blerë tokë nga fshatarët në kufi të një parku energjetik; Bashkëshorti i zonjës Malltezi pranoi se kishte informacion në lidhje me zhvillimin e asaj zone; Zoti dhe zonja Malltezi morën një përfitim financiar kur toka iu shit Fazlliçit; dhe toka u rrit më pas në vlerë tetëfish kur qeveria zgjeroi parkun energjetik aty pranë. Ekipi i CSNP shqyrtoi me kujdes deklaratat e Dr. Berishës. Ata hodhën poshtë shpjegimin e tij (se do të ishte "e palogjikshme dhe joproporcionale" zgjerimi i një parku energjetik me qëllim të sigurimit të një përfitimi për Fazlliçin). Ishte e qartë se kishte një synim për të rritur madhësinë e parkut energjetik dhe për t'u përfshirë në korrupsion. Dëshmia e znj. Malltezi se ajo nuk kishte përfituar nuk ishte bindëse, duke qenë se: ishte kundërshtuar nga raportimi me burim të hapur; kishte një dokument me nënshkrimin e saj; u realizuan fitime të mëdha nga blerja e tokës, e cila më pas do të rritej në vlerë.

Raporti i DASH

The 2008 US State Department report provided a proper basis for the conclusion that Dr. Berisha had protected Fazli? from criminal prosecution. Berisha benefited from connections with criminals and criminal activities: There are internal reports that show the connections of Dr. Berisha with criminality and organized crime and his willingness to encourage political supporters to engage in violence. There is also an open source report from December 2021 which shows video footage of notorious Albanian criminal Fation Dauti violently kicking in a door of the Democratic Party headquarters on behalf of Dr Berisha. Dauti has been expelled from the UK because he is believed to have played a leading role in an organized crime group. SIAC has found that Dauti is an influential member of a UK-based group that imports and distributes Class A drugs into the UK and that he has been involved in extreme violence. The CSNP team took into account the statement of Dr. Berisha that he did not know Daut, but dismissed him based on internal reporting and their evaluation of the video. The ministerial submission acknowledged that Dauti's closeness to Dr Berisha in the video did not necessarily prove a personal relationship between the two, even if it suggested the possibility of one. However, the assessment remained that Dr. Berisha had been connected to criminals and organized crime groups and that he had benefited from these connections. That Dr Berisha was willing to use criminals for the good he would benefit from those in the video, which showed that he was ready to benefit from Dauti's violence.