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"The Afghans liberate Albania from the Albanians, the Serbs occupy half of Kosovo"/ The plot of Ben Blush, the literary critic 'deconstructs' the hidden meaning: Why the book should be read and...

"The Afghans liberate Albania from the Albanians, the Serbs occupy half of

By Riza Krasniqi, literary critic

It has often happened to me that when a book is good I don't fall asleep until I finish it.

The same thing happened to me with Ben Blush's book The Plot, but unlike other books The Plot is not letting me sleep even after reading it!

And how can I sleep when in this novel, among others, you read:

Albanians always love the invaders.

Afghans living in Albania are the second ethnic group after Albanians. Afghans are born four times, Albanians less than once, Afghans come, we leave. Afghans are optimistic, we are desperate.

Afghans think about tomorrow, we think about yesterday.

Half of Kosovo was occupied by Serbs in 2025, with Russian support.

Albanians deserve nothing more than to be ruled by the dead.

Albania's history has more traitors than heroes.

Even the Afghans, who were the most conquered people in the world, had not abandoned Afghanistan like the Albanians had left Albania.

Or more precisely, the Afghans want to liberate Albania from the Albanians

The Albanian's hell is the Albanian himself.

Albania can be done, only when the Albanians no longer run it, etc., etc

And after these statements I ask myself:

Will this be the future of a place that someone in the novel calls heaven: "I proposed to them to go to heaven, they returned to hell."

Are you saying that we are killing our Mother: "Children are the most beloved killers of their mothers"?

"If pessimism was sold in the market" how would our markets be? "

"When for the first time the Albanians have the right to decide who will conquer them" the final result of the referendum is that "Russia and America had a tie" ??????

And after a lot of dancing, dancing, dancing, I go back to the beginning of the novel and read:

"To those who can prevent the events of this novel from actually happening." And I think can we prevent them and how can we prevent them in the fictional events of this book from actually happening?

When in the 70s of the last century I asked my father why the Serbo-Croatian language is being spoken a lot in our country, he told me that when the Montenegrins, occupying Peja, and seeing the citizens drinking tea on the balconies, asked them:

Here we are resting, hanging out and drinking tea - the locals answer

Stay, you stay, rest and drink tea, because if you didn't stay, we wouldn't come here to conquer you, said the Montenegrins.

It is certain that if we continue drinking tea, it may even happen that in 2043 an Afghan becomes Minister of Defense in the Albanian government, that if we continue to abandon the country more than ever, it may even happen that half of Kosovo is occupied by Serbia in 2025, that if we continue with this number of births, it may happen that the result of the referendum will be equal!

And again when I return to the beginning of the novel: To those who can prevent the events of this novel from actually happening." I think that Ben Blushi has written an excellent novel that should be read for many reasons and especially should be read and thought and acted upon, until it is too late, so that these events remain only read, but not experienced.

I have an idea how to prevent the events of this novel from really happening?


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