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The scandal in the royal family/ The prosecution ceases investigations into the

It is about the investigations that started after the sensational video was published online, where Prince Leka and Elia Zaharia physically attacked each other.

In his public statements, Prince Leka doubted that this video was released by police structures, or by the prosecution when he submitted the video.

Journalist Dorjana Bezat informs that the Prosecutor's Office of Tirana has investigated and came to the conclusion that this video was released by Prince Leka himself, who was the creator and possessor of this film material.

The cell phone was requested by the prosecution, but the latter did not hand it over, stating that it was broken due to stress.

The verifications showed that this video was sent to his friend with whom he is suspected to be in a relationship, Blerta Celibashi.

The latter, after receiving the video, sent the images to the chancellery to be transferred to USB. When the prosecution asked Blerta for her cell phone, she stated that she put it in the washing machine.

The verification was done in the chancellery, but the employee who assisted Blerta said that it was deleted and she did not have the opportunity to distribute it.

Under these conditions, the investigations have been stopped, but the Prosecutor's Office holds Prince Leka responsible because the footage distributed in the media is longer than what the prosecution has.

The Prosecutor's Office of Tirana closed the investigations and sent Prince Leka, his ex-wife Elia Zaharia and the latter's father Gjergj Zaharia to trial on June 8.

Prince Leka, his ex-wife Elia Zaharia and the latter's father, Gjergj Zaharia, are accused of domestic violence. The investigations started after the publication of a video and the report to the prosecutor's office for domestic violence. On April 25, the Court of Tirana decided the dissolution of the marriage crown between Prince Leka and the well-known actress.

In the Court's decision, it is stated that the couple, parents of a little girl, have decided to separate after they had constant conflicts, lack of communication and that they had stopped living together. Thus it is rejected that the marriage was dissolved because of Prince Leka's betrayal of Elia Zaharia.

The couple's conflicts became public after the circulation of a video, where Leka, Elias' father, and herself were physically conflicted between them. Meanwhile, after these scenes, they ended up in court, with a protection order against each other.
While Elia has returned to her professional life and going on stage with several works, on the other hand Leka is enjoying his love affair.

Si nisi sherri i bujshëm dhe dëshmitë e plota:

Gjithçka ka nisur kur Princ Leka ka shkuar të takojë të bijën në shtëpinë e tij më 5 mars të këtij viti, ku jeton bashkë me të ëmën, Elia Zaharia. Siç rrëfen Princ Leka në dëshminë e tij, në ato momente vajza e mitur ka qenë me Gjergj Zaharinë, ish-vjehrri i tij, i cili po kujdesej për mbesën, pasi Elia nuk ndodhej në banesë.

Këtë takim të dy e përshkruan të dhunshëm, teksa Princi pretendon se është dhunuar nga Gjergj Zaharia, ndërsa ky i fundit ka thënë se është i moshuar dhe s’mund të dhunojë askënd.

Madje, në dëshminë e tij, Princ Leka pretendon se është dhunuar me sende të forta si statuja e drurit, ndërsa thotë se ish-vjehrri i ka grisur edhe xhupin në sy të vajzës. Ai thotë se sherri nisi nga ana e Gjergj Zaharia që “ka filluar me fjale fyese e kërcënuese në drejtimin tim duke më thënë t’i duhet të ndërrosh rrugën kur të më shikosh mua”.

‘Në këto momente situata ka agravuar shtetasi Gjergj Zaharia, më është afruar duke më shtyrë e goditur me shkelma tek këmbët e mia. Reagimi im ka qene vetëm mbrojtës’-pretendon princi.

Dëshmia e plotë e Princ Lekës:

“Ka qenë në ora 15:20 minuta në banesën time në rrugën “Murat Toptani” rezidenca familjes mbretërore Nr.6, Tirane për të takuar vajzën time të moshës 3-vjeçare, pasi me ish-bashkëshorten shtetasen Elia Zogu jemi në proces divorci. Unë fillimisht jam takuar me Shefin e administratës së Oborrit shtetasin Syl Mulosmanaj të cilin e kam pyetur në lidhje me një dollap që ishte boshatisur në kundërshtim me marrëveshjen. Më pas unë i kam kërkuar Sylës që të më shoqëronte deri tek vajza ime për ta takuar, për të cilën me një marrëveshje për zgjidhje martese kemi rënë dakord me ish-bashkëshorten.

Unë jam ngjitur sipër së bashku me Sylën edhe kam gjetur vajzën time të vogël Geraldina Zogu e moshës 3-vjeç e cila ka qene ne shoqërinë e gjyshit të saj babit të ish-bashkëshortes shtetasit Gjergj Zaharia.

Në këtë momente unë kam përqafuar vajzën time edhe shtetasi Gjergj Zaharia ka filluar me fjale fyese e kërcënuese në drejtimin tim duke më thënë t’i duhet të ndërrosh rrugën kur të më shikosh mua.

Reagimi im para kësaj situate ka qenë duke ju drejtuar Gjergjit që të mos më ofendoj e kërcënojë sidomos në prani të vajzës edhe i kam kërkuar që ai të largohet nga dhoma ku unë po qëndroja me vajzën.

Në këto momente situata ka agravuar shtetasi Gjergj Zaharia, më është afruar duke më shtyrë e goditur me shkelma tek këmbët e mia. Reagimi im ka qene vetëm mbrojtës, por Gjergji ka vazhduar duke më goditur edhe më ka grisur xhupin si edhe ka marrë edhe një send të fortë (statujë druri) me të cilin më ka goditur.”

Por nga ana e tij, Gjergj Zaharia pretendon të kundërtën duke u shprehur se “ai është i moshuar dhe nuk qëndron dot në këmbë, kështu nuk ka mundësi që të dhunojë Princin e cili është 2 metra i gjatë”. Ai e akuzon Lekën se e ka dhunuar dhe e ka fyer me fjalë të rënda.

"The prince was violent towards me and spoke to me in a harsh language. I did not violate him, I only defended myself. I'm 70 or so years old and I can't stand on my feet, I can't kick the prince who is 2 meters tall anymore".

After this episode, both of them presented themselves to the police, where a forensic report was made and they turned to the court for a protection order. After that, Elia also went to the police station with allegations of violence from her ex-husband.
After the denunciation of violence by Princ Leka and Elia Zaharias, the Police reacted, saying that both sides claim that they were violated by each other and were provided with a protection order.

What happened to the royal couple?

Prince Leka announced the separation on January 15, where he said that the necessary legal procedures had begun. Elia Zaharia also reacted after him, and the common message was that the well-being of their daughter will remain in the center of attention. Through an official reaction, Prince Leka said that 'marriage has lost its function, and they have seen the way to resolve it by mutual consent by starting the necessary legal procedures'.

"What is more important is that my little girl experiences this moment as easily as possible", Zaharia then reacted.

Prince's split from Elia Zaharia caused a stir, with suspicions that the couple had long been in a broken marriage. The reason is said to be Prince Leka's relationship with the former couple's photographer, Blerta Celibashi. They have even often appeared in public together, but have not yet made their relationship official.

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