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The mandate for deputy of Sali Berisha in the "string of thread",

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Opinion / Editorial

The donation of the "non-woman" seal to Sali Berisha, a complete defeat for the opposition

The donation of the "non-woman" seal to Sali Berisha, a complete

Finally, the court made a decision, even though the majority did not expect it, giving the seal to the incorrigible woman Berisha. This decision greatly pleased some Berishists who jumped up in the hall of the headquarters, but it saddened the faces of Gaz Bardhi and others, who were trying hard to get their heads out after the "Berishist giant" Flamur Noka, or Ilir Meta, who declared that "Berisha is the seal itself!" It is not the first time that we hear such superlatives, that the two corrupt heads of politics, do to each other, whenever they feel bad. By making a cold-blooded analysis of this decision, he concludes that PD has not won anything, it is and will remain what it was, divided, gnawed by sick careerisms and that is leaving power more and more every day. We don't know if they forgave him or if Berisha deserved the stamp? But from the decision taken, only Berisha won non grata, which slowly, even with the help of the majority and the negligence of SPAK, is being factored for days and more. But seen from the benefit of the opposition, this decision once again hit the opposition hard. First, the empty weapons of Berisha's propaganda that "justice has been captured" fell completely. Now he does not "drink water" any accusation against justice, as he has completely discredited himself, according to his sick ego, that when he is punished, justice is caught, while when he gives him justice "judges are of integrity who serve democracy !” Now it is no longer possible to say "long live independent justice at lunch and down with captured justice at dinner!" Secondly, giving the seal to Berisha further deepened the division within the ranks of the opposition. Not only that Basha's followers, as they have declared, will not join Berisha, but also within the Reestablishment, the division will deepen. Being Berisha isolated on the balcony, Bardhi, Noka, Gjekmarkaj, Salianji and others will do more pranks to each other, to gain his attention. This was clearly shown, not only by Bardhi's sullen face behind Flagur's shoulders, but also by the ambivalent attitude towards the opposition's union, when Spaho and Argita openly declare against cooperation with Lul Basha, while Noka and Berisha call that "every democrat to return to his home." Even more worried about this decision is Berisha's main ally, Ilir Meta, who, as a staunch pragmatist, has won sometimes at the expense of Rama and sometimes at Berisha's expense, now he was waiting for Berisha to join the "House of Freedom" and he would "squeeze" it well as he did in the local government elections. Therefore, Meta, in its current state, will begin to erode in the ranks of this rotten opposition. Thirdly, by giving the stamp to a party that has a non-ranking leader as its leader, DP clearly appeared as a "non-women's" party, now completely abandoned inside and outside the country. It has never happened in the world for a party with a "non grata" leader to take power.Fourthly, even though the leaders of the DP and some fools welcomed the stamp with festive enthusiasm, the receipt of which was the only alternative, the base of the DP has understood the "officialism" of Berish, so it no longer follows it. The drop in voting results, which come from one election pair to another, clearly show that they no longer want to sacrifice for the Berishist court. Since he has been feeding the democratic opinion with the slogan of "justice captured by Rama" for years, the last decision of the three judges, whom he has previously anathematized, will return to him as a boomerang, evaluating him as a "collaborator with Rama.” And there may be something here. Not only the cooperation of the opposition majority in the parliament for two important laws, but also the fact that the "dancers of victory" at the headquarters of the DP, were prepared for the "victory", shows that they were well informed about "where the stamp would go." giving the socialist majority an opposition led by "non grata", creates a safe bed for the victory of the fourth term. Any kind of oppositionist, the closer he gets to Berisha non grata, the more he will move away from power and Repentance. Our great strategic allies, the USA, Great Britain and the EU, have already made it clear: "If the DP is in charge of Berisha, then the West does not cooperate with the DP." The fact that the internationals remained indifferent to the decision to give the stamp is not simply a cynical desire for "the opposition pieces to eat each other's heads", but also a proof that they see Edi Rama's majority as a guarantee for the geopolitical conjunctures in the Balkans. . How perverted is the Albanian opposition, how uncoordinated is Sali Berisha! We ask: what if the court gave the seal to Lul Basha, what would Berisha do? He would make biographies of the judges, with relatives and family members, for several generations, he would insult them, threaten them, anathema them as "tools of Edi Rama". Giving the seal to Sali Berisha gave another fact to the public, that Lul Basha was not and is not Edi Rama's hostage. So giving the non-women seal doesn't change anything, it doesn't open any perspective for the Albanian opposition, because a man himself, Sali Berisha, must be changed, the model he has created for these 30 years of democracy must be eradicated.shows that they were well informed about "where the seal would go." By giving the socialist majority an opposition led by "non grata", it creates a safe bed for the victory of the fourth term. Any kind of oppositionist, the closer he gets to Berisha non grata, the more he will move away from power and Repentance. Our great strategic allies, the USA, Great Britain and the EU, have already made it clear: "If the DP is in charge of Berisha, then the West does not cooperate with the DP." The fact that the internationals remained indifferent to the decision to give the stamp is not simply a cynical desire for "the opposition pieces to eat each other's heads", but also a proof that they see Edi Rama's majority as a guarantee for the geopolitical conjunctures in the Balkans. . How perverted is the Albanian opposition, how uncoordinated is Sali Berisha! We ask: what if the court gave the seal to Lul Basha, what would Berisha do? He would make biographies of the judges, with relatives and family members, for several generations, he would insult them, threaten them, anathema them as "tools of Edi Rama". Giving the seal to Sali Berisha gave another fact to the public, that Lul Basha was not and is not Edi Rama's hostage. So giving the non-women seal doesn't change anything, it doesn't open any perspective for the Albanian opposition, because a man himself, Sali Berisha, must be changed, the model he has created for these 30 years of democracy must be eradicated.shows that they were well informed about "where the seal would go." By giving the socialist majority an opposition led by "non grata", it creates a safe bed for the victory of the fourth term. Any kind of oppositionist, the closer he gets to Berisha non grata, the more he will move away from power and Repentance. Our great strategic allies, the USA, Great Britain and the EU, have already made it clear: "If the DP is in charge of Berisha, then the West does not cooperate with the DP." The fact that the internationals remained indifferent to the decision to give the stamp is not simply a cynical desire for "the opposition pieces to eat each other's heads", but also a proof that they see Edi Rama's majority as a guarantee for the geopolitical conjunctures in the Balkans. . How perverted is the Albanian opposition, how uncoordinated is Sali Berisha! We ask: what if the court gave the seal to Lul Basha, what would Berisha do? He would make biographies of the judges, with relatives and family members, for several generations, he would insult them, threaten them, anathema them as "tools of Edi Rama". Giving the seal to Sali Berisha gave another fact to the public, that Lul Basha was not and is not Edi Rama's hostage. So giving the non-women seal doesn't change anything, it doesn't open any perspective for the Albanian opposition, because a man himself, Sali Berisha, must be changed, the model he has created for these 30 years of democracy must be eradicated.