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The mandate for deputy of Sali Berisha in the "string of thread",

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Frrok Çupi brings out the black "CV" of Sali Berisha in 30

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Opinion / Editorial

"I have to write something real..."

"I have to write something real..."

We are all responsible, said a wise and wise mountaineer. The successful politician, he continued, must be guided by moral principles. Our political scene is more like the soap operas that have filled the Albanian screens, than serious policy making. Intrigues, tricks, mudslinging of the political opponent have priority over political analysis and serious development strategies. In such an environment, it is difficult to talk about maintaining the moral integrity of the politician, which is especially true for politicians who are considered successful. The period in which the Albanian society is living today here in the mother country, Kosovo and North Macedonia, is slowly adapting to the war and such political behavior, so such a thing is now considered as a completely normal way of living, but outside the normal that should inspired by a disaffected society. Slowly, two types of morality are appearing in our society that have nothing in common. The morality of politics and public life on the one hand and the morality of the common man on the other. The morality of the common man aims to achieve the ideals in infinity, implementing the orders, duties and obligations that the state determines, while the representative of this state, in a completely different and perplexed contrast, acts against his interests and the citizen's. The Albanian society in its entire space must obligatorily eradicate already the intertwined scenes of the leadership and politicians, so that they are stripped of the excessive doses of political morality and be equal to the society, that it is much ahead, much, much more before party leaders and parliamentarians. But the truth among the lies is quite different. Today, from the studies done, it turns out that a somewhat irreparable crisis is going through, and if society and the environment we live in do not intervene, the new generation perceives the clauses of a promiscuous life. Therefore, the given postulate is significant and current, so in particular the policy should be thought and studied and find a solution to this phenomenon so that it does not repeat itself. Even if they win, where later history will exclude them even from human life, no longer from their electorate tired of two decades. In this time period of more than a century Albanian state, unfortunately our nation has tried several social and political systems. The political systems, which we are mentioning below, have not brought prosperity in every historical period, but in some cases also negative consequences that still weigh heavily on the backs of the downtrodden Albanians. To be emphasized is the fact that Albanian political leaders have generally not stopped fighting for democracy and social welfare. Alas, the sovereign who deserved more and more, benefited from scarcity, poverty, misery, ignorance and dictatorship from the wildest. Painful, but true. The sovereign does not ask us to eat the gold with a spoon, as expressed in the early nineties by some trutharians,since the lack of experience in politics remained washed away before him, but at least to preserve some values ??as a nation and develop them by embracing the values ??of the time, finally separating from this painful transition, ending the institutional reforms, guaranteeing what is written in the fundamental law of the state, the Constitution of the Republic of Albania. We think that the political forces in power should define the state-power duality, in accordance with the constitutional laws. Democracy should not produce unnecessary conflicts between politicians, rulers and parties, but with the defining vision to design new strategies for alleviating poverty, for the unemployment curve to decrease, we want to have electricity and water for every day, to have as much less swearing in Parliament and as much income as possible for the poor, justice for all, no murders, suicides, tritoli krismas, threats, rapes nor abuses and political convictions not be used for narrow personal interests, as has happened and it happens often. The goal of solving the problems that have been pending for a long time has already arrived, and we should not miss the chance, but it seems that these theses that we mentioned above are very cold. Therefore, we are all responsible for the homeland and the well-being of our citizens. Each of us must contribute to make our country a good place to live. We must have a developing economy, as much land as possible to work, endless forests to improve the quality of life, clean rivers and a leading much land to work on, endless forests to improve the quality of life, clean rivers and a leading much land to work on, endless forests to improve the quality of life, clean rivers and a leading Albania.