The mandate for deputy of Sali Berisha in the "string of thread", there will be a clash for Article 71 of the Constitution, this is who has the "fate" of the "non-woman" in his hands, say the jurists

The mandate for deputy of Sali Berisha in the "string of thread",

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Frrok Çupi brings out the black "CV" of Sali Berisha in 30

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Ilir Demalia reveals the strong behind-the-scenes: Ilir Meta and Sali Berisha

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Niko Peleshi's confidant is involved in the scandal, this is how he

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The good news that awaits pensioners this year, from a new law for the elderly

Opinion / Editorial

"Don't lose your seal... !"

"Don't lose your seal... !"

Tolerance will reach such a level that intelligent people will be forbidden to express their opinion, so as not to offend the stupid, writes Fyodor Dostoevksi. In our country, in the highlands, under the leadership of the Party, the stamp was the "prototype" known to the villagers. When he finished school and was waiting for a job, the villagers told him "save the seal!" ". This philosophical saying of the Fahatars had a great meaning: to work well and correctly where you have been assigned the task, because otherwise... I remembered this episode about the seal, when I heard a news about the seal of the Democratic Party in the news , left in abeyance for several months. No matter how well they finish their studies, wherever they finish their master's degrees, inside and outside the country, the prospects for a job in the profession they have studied are bleak. So the number of them is small who still dream of solving the problems facing our nation. Can the Albanian youth educated in the West be blamed? can be influenced by the external environment, judging by its age. Albanians, now organized as a state in Kosovo and in Macedonia as multi-ethnic and democratic states of the European states, should actually remain loyal to this model since in In the big European countries, it often happens that the citizens in general are not in the political currents of the country, nor do they want to know who is the head of state in the country where they live. All this since his work and life do not depend on the party bodies and he is not obliged to be a part of the political events of the state, but they are given space to deal with politics to young people who actually possess the skills to to be worthy representatives of the people. With us, as always, the opposite happens. The vast majority of the youth today are politicized, divided and divided for personal interests, neglecting national interests. I think that it is necessary to put an end to the search for personal interests in matters that affect the fate of the nation and give space to young people and those who are actually worthy and capable of changing something, in Albania, Kosovo and North Macedonia. Of the many problems that are threatening Albania, other problems remain and are noticed. The main problems that politics has today, in addition to those that they have every day, are: It cannot break away from the past. This happens due to the fact that they are the same elites who think the same way, offering nothing new, only a lack of transparency in the people. These are destined and accepted to fail, and failure will come soon. Albanian politics is like an alien on planet earth destined to come and go is the same and this government is proving it. Democracy remains a foreign body in the minds of Albanian politicians,It remains like a dream that affects him every day with his mind and never with his actions. This is due to the fact that some of them have not lived this phenomenon directly and are also incapable in certain directions, which is being proven even now that their incompetence exceeds every target. The other problem is related to the fact that domestic policy at certain and important moments does not give precedence to foreign policy by not analyzing or engaging groups in special directions for achievement. A concrete and typical example of this is the ongoing impasse of Albanian politics that has blocked the country's integration process in the EU. Why did they refuse us status? Do we really want to be in the Eurozone? Do our rulers want to be a controlled part of the Eurozone? I think not!