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Opinion / Editorial

A Beyler... And an effendiko that fell on our door!

A Beyler... And an effendiko that fell on our door!

(Alleged "Kusur Madhit" interview with Fred Bejler from the high security hotel)

In the confused atmosphere of political and nationalist currents, I decided to go to the prison where F. Bejleri is located and get an interview regarding his election twice, both from Albania and from Greece. In the first, as the leader of Himara by buying votes and in the second by selling, as the parliamentary "euro" of Greece. Initially, I had some obstacles, but when I told them at the prison that Rama himself gave me this right...they allowed me to meet him. Mavrimadhi Bejler reminded me of a picture of Rama in France, where, bit by bit, in a suit like a zebra skin and with a large 5 kg iron ball chained to his right leg, he was eating soufflés at the table, accompanied by a glass of Greek ouzo "Metaksa" or maybe "Miçotaqis", because I don't remember the brand well. Anyway, why did I greet him first, as if he were the President of the United Nations, without waiting for me to interview him, and asking him the question, he addressed me first: Go away, Kusuri Madhi, you are the one who sent you to me. for ena interview? Now I don't accept either Rama or you anymore... yes, ella ella, I just have this job now. But before you scold me, let me ask you: Alvanikoja has found out and she knows that now I am the member of the European Parliament?!

- Precisely Mr. Bejleri, this is what I came for and I am really surprised how it is possible for you to be elected in Albania as the mayor of Himare and in Europe as the apothecary (dept) of Greece.

Bejleri: It's quite simple... agape (beloved) Rama increased my values ??because with what he did with me, he found it like the work of Ali Pasha's song that says: "The head is in Istanbul or the body is in Janina.. ". The same goes for me, but I know for great honor that flame Rama, that he made me famous by dividing me into three parts.. a prison sto... a Himara sto.. and the head to Greece. If it were for Berisha, I would still be selling fish in Himara e Dhermiu.

Me: - Mr. Bejleri - Yes, during Berisha's time, you were accused of committing massacres with a group of commandos of the MAV organization, killing two Albanian soldiers there and stealing military material, and even two years later you were caught with the same weaponry, but that you failed in your mission!

Bejleri : - Ore files mu ( ore miku im) ti ke ardhur këtu të me hetosh mua, apo qish e ke hallin? Mua me kapen sto Greqia me hetuan dhe bera ca dite atje ne biruce, por fundja i bera të gjitha për Greqia e jo për veten time, se po të ish per mua do e kisha lehtë të rrija te Himara, ndaj dhe bera burgu sto Athina. Ti e di se dhe Hitlerin e burgosi vet Gjermania dhe pastaj, ajo Gjermania ate e bënë më të madhin e saj, aq sa i hyri me dajak tërë Evropes dhe e vuri në rresht ? Pa degjomë pak mua e ti s’marrke vesh nga politika fare : Jam qytetari evropiani unë?.. Po - do me thuash se je. Epo.. po isha unë, pse të mo jem dhe i Evropës dhe i Greqisë dhe i Shqipërisë?! Le të hidhet përpjetë Rama ! Tani jo vetëm Himara ,por dhe Allvanikoja varet nga une. Dëgjomë mua qirjes .Kusuri Madhi.... tha su po ena mikro mistiko (Do te te them nje sekret te vogel). Unë , po desha une ...e fut në BE Allvanikonë dhe po qe se nuk me deshi mua bitha...kaq ta bëjnë dhembin dhe Rama dhe Berisha dhe populli shqiptari! Ja të pies unë ti : Pse nuk bëri si puna ime dhe ai Shpëtim Idrizi i shqiptarve te shkonte dhe vite më parë sto Janina e të kandidonte atje për shqiptari dhe Shqipëria! ? Nuk e bëri se ne greku i kemi si vëllezrit tanë ata çamit shqiptarë atje. Ata janë popull punëtori dhe Enveri vet e ka thënë se ne greku e ju shqiptari jemi popuj miq apo jo ?! Pa do me thuash se ai e ka thene vetem per popujt dhe jo qeverite raksionare. Endaksi (mire) po dhe qeveriu janë pjesë e popullit apo jo ? Po mirë ore qirjes gazetarija po e mendojmë se unë isha i ligu po kur ata e dinin se unë kisha patur këto gjera e kaq e kaq të këqia pse ata të KQZ që mua me tingellon si “koqëza” më lanë të kandidoja ?! Më lanë sepse e panë vet me sitë e tire se unë gjysm greku e gjysëm shqiptari jam figure e paster morale... si ai Salijani qe u mor me manipulime qeveritare me Babalen, se ndrishe skishin pse më linin që në fillim të mos kandidoja..endaksi?!..

- Z. Bejleri si ta kuptoj shprehijen ... “Se ne greku”...

You understand how I said it, that you should know that I am Greek, I have Greek documents. You mean to tell me... that Fredi has an Albanian passport. Yes, I also have Albanian passports because it was different who would choose me as the mayor of Himare. But why the hour.. Kusuri madhi .. don't you tell me, do you understand the concept of "united Europe" or not? We joined and what do you need more than where is the Albanian land and what do we need more, where is... and where does the Greek end? Did you forget that Ducja also had left-wing views to unite the peoples?! He took Ethiopia and Albania and united them?! Some say that those medemek pipinots of Italy took Albania... but if we look at the Annapola problem, it turns out that Albania took Italy, you understand that much, right? Here Rama goes and takes all those from Africa and he is not at all ashamed that all the Albanians are fleeing from Allvanikoja. Why does he need to build cities with African ass, or will he change our race by filling it with Africans? Mr. Bejleri was telling you a little bit above that you are Greek. Yes, I am Greek, but I am also Albanian, like that eagle of ours and yours on the flag, half looks from Albania and the other half from Greece. What about you, Mavrimadhi, haven't you looked carefully at my name and surname, that I am half Turkish... and half kauri? It is not without purpose that I have them like that, because both the name and the surname express the unity of our peoples regardless of religion, region and ideas. Kusur Madhi: - Now Mr. Bejleri, how do you foresee your future? (Fred laughs).. But how can I predict it, devil?! Now I am no longer from Himare, nor from Albania, nor from Greece, I am from Europe. As long as Albania wants to join Europe, it has automatically joined Greece... in the end you take Greece and make it Albania. So, let's go to the conversation, I think that I will be released from prison soon and when I get out, I will be watched from all four sides with telecameras and microphones, and for this you must be very convinced that I will give a free interview and I am not only the mayor of Himare, but also a citizen of Greece. On the other hand, I will also be a European parliamentarian. I will ask Rama for compensation for putting me in prison without the right. I now have Rama in my hand and you can see that blood will flow from the bitha because of my fear because Europe will listen to me and not Rama and I will be the one who will overthrow him from power. I thanked him for the interview and left with the biggest dilemma in my life... Oh.. this Beleri effendi who knocked on our door... where will he be first... in Albania, as the mayor of Himare, or in Greece as its representative in Europe?! I walked and found out about the affairs of Europe... Greece and Albania...! He interviewed from the high security hotel "Kusur Madhi" that did not share your change.