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Opinion / Editorial

Another look at the truth

Another look at the truth

We are all in search of truths, especially untold truths. We try to rob time of its truths, but we are not bitter when it gives us a little of everything. We know that from everything we are given only a grain of truth because truth shines. The truth always opens our eyes, but open eyes do not serve everyone, and as long as they do not serve everyone, it does not benefit everyone. If everyone is not satisfied with the truth, then this is the reason why false truths are born, or in other words, the lies that often take us ashore and that we feed on them for a long time. Why do we need the truth about everything when it actually backfires on us many times? Why do we need the truth when in fact we often need not confess it as the truth? Since everything happens in our lives and in society in all areas of life, it happens because of a previously created reality on some truths which are not necessarily the true truths (reality) but the truths confessed (the presentation of things ). It often happens that hiding the truth is dictated by the circumstances in which we find ourselves. If it spoils the work, we prefer not to say it, but to replace it with something else and sell the latter as the real truth. The same thing happens with the truths that others have to tell us. And why should you know the truths that can deviate the direction of life irreversibly? We often hear from people the expression that "I am telling the truth", but we are never convinced that the real truth is what is presented as such. We have a past, either as an individual or as a society, and we are forced to believe what is said about our past, or else we will remain without a past, or in the end we can believe a past as we wish, but that this past is not the truth of the past. If they have deceived or lied to us before about one truth or many such things were done for certain reasons. Reasons that long ago served a purpose that was called reasonable. We build our lives as individuals and as a society on some prior truths that may not have been the real truths, but were told to us as such. And we have decided for ourselves who is the real truth and who is the truth told continuously about our lives. Continuity has shown us over time that if we have made the right choice for what we have called the true truth and the self confessed. Time shows how many lies we are fed up with until the end of life for certain reasons. In the pace of society's walk we often happen to walk through confessed truths. No one has time to dig all the time to the truth of the past for something, because no one guarantees us that the truth of the past is, that, the real truth.I mean here we learn something about something and it automatically leads us to believe in what we learned, regardless of the fact that each of us is inclined to interpret the truth according to the interest of the moment in certain circumstances. If the time demands such a thing, we try to present ourselves with it by building false realities for the future. We cannot be in every place at the same time, for everything that happens around us and for us, so at any given time we are most inclined to believe what is said as far as what others have sold it for. true for years. We construct our reality for everything that happens based on our reasoning and worldview. But is our reality the truth? Of course not. In most cases, it happens that the truth is hidden, especially about the most important things, those that spread panic in society or, simply put, disrupt work. And in fact, most truths are unspeakable based on a certain reasoning according to which if they serve chaos they remain there among the dust of the centuries. There are many kinds of truths, most of which harm us psychologically, but not only. The only thing we know is that we need to know, only the things we need to know. Others that are important are camouflaged or sold differently. And each one of us must believe, if you don't believe everything, you are inclined to believe something, because without faith you can't live, continuity is impossible. It often happens that people are afraid of the truth not only of themselves, but also of others, they are afraid that the truth of others will one day be their truth. Many similar stories are repeated, and we are afraid of repeating the same things. Thus, if the world stands the way it is today, it is more because of the unspoken truths (secrets) than the ones that have been confessed. Because without saying it hides the mystery inside, but to discover it takes so long that it is not worth the burden of rent, yet we waste time to discover it. Human curiosity. When we realize that we have wasted too much time, we are practically at the end of our road, and other people decide to walk the path of humanity again. And if the world is held up by unspoken truths (secrets), real truth (reality) is worthless. If we create our own realities that we sell as truths because they serve us, we show from time to time what path we have really taken and what we are leaving to others, and what others have left us before. Only a created reality that serves the interests considered primary for the at all times we are mostly inclined to believe what others have been selling as truth for years. We construct our reality for everything that happens based on our reasoning and worldview. But is our reality the truth? Of course not. In most cases, it happens that the truth is hidden, especially for the most important things, those that spread panic in society or, simply put, disrupt work. And in fact, most truths are unspeakable based on a certain reasoning according to which if they serve chaos, they remain there among the dust of the centuries. There are many kinds of truths, most of which harm us psychologically, but not only. The only thing we know is that we need to know, only the things we need to know. Others that are important are camouflaged or sold differently. And each one of us must believe, if you don't believe everything, you are inclined to believe something, because without faith you can't live, continuity is impossible. It often happens that people are afraid of the truth not only of themselves, but also of others, they are afraid that the truth of others will one day be their truth. Many similar stories are repeated, and we are afraid of repeating the same things. Thus, if the world stands the way it is today, it is more because of the unspoken truths (secrets) than the ones that have been confessed. Because without saying it hides the mystery inside, but to discover it takes so long that it is not worth the burden of rent, yet we waste time to discover it. Human curiosity. When we realize that we have wasted too much time, we are practically at the end of our road, and other people decide to walk the path of humanity again. And if the world is held up by unspoken truths (secrets), real truth (reality) is worthless. If we create our own realities that we sell as truths because they serve us, we show from time to time what path we have really taken and what we are leaving to others, and what others have left us before. Only a created reality that serves the interests considered primary for the at all times we are mostly inclined to believe what others have been selling as truth for years. We construct our reality for everything that happens based on our reasoning and worldview. But is our reality the truth? Of course not. In most cases, it happens that the truth is hidden, especially for the most important things, those that spread panic in society or, simply put, disrupt work. And in fact, most truths are unspeakable based on a certain reasoning according to which if they serve chaos, they remain there among the dust of the centuries. There are many kinds of truths, most of which harm us psychologically, but not only. The only thing we know is that we need to know, only the things we need to know. Others that are important are camouflaged or sold differently. And every one of us must believe, if you don't believe everything, you are inclined to believe something, because without faith you can't live, continuity is impossible. It often happens that people are afraid of the truth not only of themselves, but also of others, they are afraid that the truth of others will one day be their truth. Many similar stories are repeated, and we are afraid of repeating the same things. Thus, if the world stands the way it is today, it is more because of the unspoken truths (secrets) than the ones that have been confessed. Because without saying it hides the mystery inside, but to discover it takes so long that it is not worth the burden of rent, yet we waste time to discover it. Human curiosity. When we realize that we have wasted too much time, we are practically at the end of our road, and other people decide to walk the path of humanity again. And if the world is held up by unspoken truths (secrets), real truth (reality) is worthless. If we create our own realities that we sell as truths because they serve us, we show from time to time what path we have actually taken and what we are leaving to others, and what others have left us before. Only a created reality that serves the interests considered primary for the time.And every one of us must believe, if you don't believe everything, you are inclined to believe something, because without faith you can't live, continuity is impossible. It often happens that people are afraid of the truth not only of themselves, but also of others, they are afraid that the truth of others will one day be their truth. Many similar stories are repeated, and we are afraid of repeating the same things. Thus, if the world stands the way it is today, it is more because of unspoken truths (secrets) than those that have been confessed. Because without saying it hides the mystery inside, but to discover it takes so long that it is not worth the burden of rent, yet we waste time to discover it. Human curiosity. When we realize that we have wasted too much time, we are practically at the end of our road, and other people decide to walk the path of humanity again. And if the world is held up by unspoken truths (secrets), real truth (reality) is worthless. If we create our own realities that we sell as truths because they serve us, we show from time to time what path we have really taken and what we are leaving to others, and what others have left us before. Only a created reality that serves the interests considered primary for the time.And every one of us must believe, if you don't believe everything, you are inclined to believe something, because without faith you can't live, continuity is impossible. It often happens that people are afraid of the truth not only of themselves, but also of others, they are afraid that the truth of others will one day be their truth. Many similar stories are repeated, and we are afraid of repeating the same things. Thus, if the world stands the way it is today, it is more because of unspoken truths (secrets) than those that have been confessed. Because without saying it hides the mystery inside, but to discover it takes so long that it is not worth the burden of rent, yet we waste time to discover it. Human curiosity. When we realize that we have wasted too much time, we are practically at the end of our road, and other people decide to walk the path of humanity again. And if the world is held up by unspoken truths (secrets), real truth (reality) is worthless. If we create our own realities that we sell as truths because they serve us, we show from time to time what path we have really taken and what we are leaving to others, and what others have left us before. Only a created reality that serves the interests considered primary for the time.