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The mandate for deputy of Sali Berisha in the "string of thread",

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Opinion / Editorial

A 33-year journey from APS, to SP and now to PSE

A 33-year journey from APS, to SP and now to PSE

33 years of journey at the "crossroads of DEMON-KRACIS", 12.06.1991 - 12.06.2024.... Darkened as ALP on 11.06.1991 and dawned as SP on 12.06.1991, the Albanian extreme left tried to reform, to to be democratized and liberalized to move away from the model of the "Barracks Party" inherited from the Stalinist model of the APS.... With the ups and downs on its way, the SP suffered quite a bit:

1. to be able to reform the only surviving party among its sisters from the former communist East

2. to introduce the spirit of internal debate into it

3. you survive the "demon-cratic violence of the Democratic Party" with the notorious and evil-doing Law 24/1, of the openly manipulated and violated elections of May 1996,

4. to have "different thinking" or "unity in diversity" as part of her political life and activity.

5. to be able to get the country out of the "crisis of survival" after the collapse of the pyramid schemes in 1997

6. to make the smooth and well-documented transition of power in 2005 from SP to DP.

This "mania" is almost completely closed here, when in the middle of 2005, Edi Rama of "one member, one vote" comes to the head of the SP, and of the DEMON-CRACIS asphyxiating agreement of 21.04.2008 between the DP in Power and of the SP in the Opposition, or otherwise known as the "Berisha-Rama Pact", when radical changes were made to the Constitution overnight, gradually installing a Partitocratic/Kryetarocratic System... Not only the facade, the flag and the symbol of the SP to be bruised in their colors, but also its program of the "third Blerist way", has moved away from the true social-democratic base of a European left party, being transformed by a Socialist Party of Albania (PSSH), in a PSE (Ed's Socialist Party), bringing back to it the spirit of the "Barracks Party", where internal democracy almost does not exist at all.... I DO NOT BELIEVE that there is a second Socialist Party in Democratic Europe and not only, where in the Status to be sanctioned through "an alleged Referendum", that "the post of President is not discussed in its congressional gatherings", in which "congressmen" only warm their lips under the chants: "Party-Edi ti pa-para ne na pri !”…. For the most part, those who walk TODAY in the "corridors of governing and/or parliamentary politics" of PSE, have nothing to do with FRESH or the SP of June 1991... A large part of them come from the anonymity of the political contributions to the SP /Renaissance, or they are pompously offered to us as fully formed in the Universities with a voice in the World, but after the incompetent or klepto-corrupt failure in the Government or in the Parliament, they return to the anonymity they came from... THEY/THEY are there from the electoral desire of the President and not at all from the merits of contributing to the SP, or to the Albanian Society.... NOT FEW of them have the tesseras of the DP or the LSI in their pockets, being anonymous to the left electorate or even staunch opponents theirs until yesterday... THIS AMALGAM of power-state-maker and power-holder can quite well serve the next "MANDATE" of the PSE even beyond June 2029, BUT NOT TRUE DEMOCRACY and the harmonious GROWTH of the Albanian Society, no social badges in her like she wears today…. Patronage, delinquent, nepotistic or clannish CONFORMISM can quite well make those 130,000 members of the Public Administration survive and not only that, but it strips them of civic and intellectual moral values.... FOR OUR BAD LUCK, these 33 years of the Demon-cracy did not produce a real democratic and emancipating force of the Albanian Society after 45 years of the Dictatorship of the Proletariat.... The PD that was supposed to be the flagship of the essential democratizing changes of our society , according to its Historical President Sali Berisha, is stuck in a socio-political-economic space, where "The homeland belongs to one, the tribe and the leader", and where according to a paraphrase of the famous poem "Mbledhjemedhenjët" by V. Majakovski : "When we say Party we mean Saliu,and when we say Saliu we mean the Party (DP)”….. WAKE UP MY ALBANIAN FELLOWS!!! FATHERLAND, ALBANIA and ALBANIANISM should be above all!!!! Together forever and ever!