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Opinion / Editorial

Sport was born in Dodona, may God and Achilles bless our national team

Sport was born in Dodona, may God and Achilles bless our national team

Albania, duly entered in the qualifiers of the European Championship thanks to the patriotic spirit of its sons, will face big and famous teams. The red and black boys raise the name and pride of the Great Mother Dodona - Albania day by day. The fame of the red and black boys originates in ancient times with the divine foot speeder Akil Pelindi, originally from Dodona Plakë Kolonja Albania. He chose a short and glorious life in the life of lives for Pellazgji - Arbëri - Albania. The origin of Achilles, the Pelasgian hero in Homer's Iliad is proven in song XXIII 171/185 when he dropped the salt into the hand of his friend Patroclus. "In vain, O Sperke, my father Peleus gave you the word that when we return to the lands of the geese, for your honor I would cut the salt and plant a hundred pure crucifers and fifty roots at your springs where you have the shrine with important altar. That's how the old man prayed and I didn't demand the condition that I won't return to my beloved motherland. That's why I'm drying the salt (hair) for the great-souled and brave Patrokël, so that he took it with himself, he let it go in his hands. "Swift-footed Achilles consoles himself with immortality across generations. Celebrations in honor of the swift-footed divine Achilles started from Pelasgian Dodona. Philostratus writes: Achilles was worshiped as a god throughout Epirus and was called Aspet. The binomial Achilles-aspet is documented by Aristotle, Plutarch, Aristonicus of Tarentum, Ptolemy of Ephesus, Hezicus and Toti". He was killed in front of the walls of Troy. The poisoned arrow hit him in the heel, the only part of his body not wet from the spring water. Quick-footed like Achilles are the red and black boys of our representative in the European Championship. They play in big teams where they have made a name for themselves and gained experience. Heritage and native spirit multiply their ambition, power and talent. Inspiration Achilles will do extraordinary wonders. Unimaginable surprises will be made by the young people of Dodon. May God bless our nation and our representative in the European Championship. Sports competitions are very ancient and it is thought that the first ones took place in Dodona, Cologne. The Pantheon of Old Dodona, where the Olympic Games of the third century took place, took care of the development of the next Olympic Games every five years. They became massive and strengthened the bonds of youth from all Pelasgian lands. The winners were decorated with the Dodona oak crown, a symbol of antiquity, divinity, strength and inflexibility. The miracle will be done by the red and black boys in Germany with the blessing of God Dodona. They will promote their personal values ??and those of the most ancient nation on Ande, of prehistoric civilization and Old Dodona, Cologne, the center of the ancient world and at the same time of Old Europe. God willing, they will return with the European Cup and the Olympic Games will one day take place in their country of origin in Albania. Dodona Old Cologne requires large lobbying. The European Championship is an opportunity that must be seized. Conceive and promote greatness Any Old Woman.