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Opinion / Editorial

The national team, Sylvinho and a friendly reply with Sokol Balla

The national team, Sylvinho and a friendly reply with Sokol Balla

I read Sokol Balla's article in one breath: Italia-Sylvinho 2-0. I don't know why I hoped to find journalistic and sports reality in an article by Balla. Surprisingly, in this article, Sokoli had remained with the approach of the political journalist. Perhaps dealing a lot with politics in the country, he wants to see and treat the red and black national as the Albanian politics of the day, where people are black and white, sometimes they are with the truth and sometimes they are conquered by subjectivism, they are guided by their beliefs or orders from above. If we judge the national team politically, we know well what Bushati, Shkullaku, Balla, Peka po e po, Vangjeli, Zogaj and many others will say. Some will stoically be for Rama, the other against him, even making white black and vice versa. If in politics this is done to brainwash the people, to make their opinion reduced to zero, in sports and football this does not apply at all. Especially if they are written by those who only know how to climb the stands, get a free ticket from the AFL, writing about this very important part of our society only on occasions of European or World Cups, so that their voice is heard. "tip of the arm". In fact, to come out and say that Sylvinho is the evil of the Albanian national team, this is nothing more than amateurism, ignorance about football, public suicide. I accept the sincerity of Sokol, even being a big fan of the national team, but I absolutely do not approve of his conclusions of this type, which seem like "non grata" for the Brazilian coach of the Rossoneri. Anyone's analyzes are quick to make as we have only played one European match, that against Italy, the four-time world champion and current continental champion. Let's wait for the other two challenges in the group to put the "hat according to the head" to everyone. We should also do this with facts and professionalism, not with political analysis, as if we are judging Rama or Berisha, the government or the opposition. Because, in fact, if there is one thing that unites Rama and Kurti (!!!), that is, all Albanians under one flag, this is the red and black national team. That's why he deserves a cold-blooded and professional analysis, not poison towards the coach, whom we raised to the sky for the eliminatory campaign he led, we also made him "lushnjar" through the government, we gave him an Albanian passport. Field specialists and technicians should watch the match against Italy calmly and say their opinions, which may also apply to the red and black technical staff. Why, what did you political analysts expect, that the Red and Blacks would play openly against great Italy! That they attacked in their own half and conceded 10 goals? Did you see what happened to Croatia, where better quality than our national team, to Spain? You are quick to pour bile for the 2-1 defeat against Azur, but if we had lost deeply, what would you have done? The answer is known... Albania has probably its best player, Asllan,that at Inter, he has limited minutes. While in Italy, five starting players and leaders of Inter, champions of Serie A, played in the formation. It is enough to mention this fact to understand the real and big difference between the two national teams. Because, the logic of the fan does not always translate into sports product of the green field. In other words: Since we dominated and won the "match" of the fans in the Dortmund stadium, this did not necessarily mean triumph in the result. Compare the goal, if that's not enough for you: PSG's Donnarumma in Italy against Strakosha (the same if it were Berisha), who has hardly played at all for his club. Why, is this Sylvinho's fault? In the end, Strakosha avoided a couple of safe goals, so even for this choice, the coach cannot be criticized, with the situation he has. Nedim Bajrami lifted the weight of an entire nation with his European record goal, but don't forget that he is a substitute at Sassuolo, the team relegated to Serie B. How many such comparisons could we make to prove the big real gap that existed between the two nationalities. Desire is one thing and opportunity is another, we should not confuse this, especially in sports. If we put things on the "scale" like this, Sokol Balla will understand himself that he is wrong. We are not Brazil, Germany, Argentina, to play with Italy and necessarily aspire to victory. This is like flying "without wings". We are indeed the nation of eagles, but the mythological aspect does not do much in football. We cannot be compared to Italy in anything, from the population, the number of clubs and elite footballers. We are Albania and we have to stretch our legs as much as we have the quilt. There is a very important thing that maybe Sokol Balla mentions in his writing, when he compares De Biaz with Sylvinho. The Brazilian coach, like no one else before, stayed at the workplace, working and studying all the players for at least 8 hours a day. Results? Of course, better than De Biaz's, with convincing and beautiful playing. He has the national team under control, but his presence on the red and black bench cannot fill the big gap we talked about above with the Italians. He would not be able to do this even if Carlo Ancelotti was on the bench of our national team, or someone else very well known on our continent. It is known how we went to the 2016 European Championship with De Biaz, with trials, drones and other things. The merits of President Armand Duka, without question. How we went to the finals of "Euro 2024", this is clear to everyone, as the leader of the group, with a single defeat against Poland at the start, when Sylvinho had not yet learned the names of the Reds and Blacks well. Of course, De Biazi will remain in the history of the Albanian national team, he has great merits, but this is the reality. This is not up to me and you, but everything he achieved with the Reds and Blacks. If you compare him with Sylvinho, then it is clear where the scale is leaning, with facts from the green field.How can you say that Italy studied us in detail, while Sylvinho did not study Italy? We do this in detail at Egnatia, with our video-analyst, no longer at the national team, where there is a wide and professional staff, with Albanian, Italian, Brazilian, Argentinian "passports". He is the model of cooperation with the staff, Sylvinho never makes personal decisions, but with the whole group of collaborators. We live in Albania and only a journalist can make the formation of the national team from the studio or from the airport where he takes the next plane.... How can you insult a real professional like Sylvinho, who has won the Champions League twice, has played with Barcelona and Manchester City, has been trained by big names in world training. If in our country, journalists do not take responsibility for what they write and say, this does not give them the right to promote the colossal work of the national team's technical staff. If you talk like fans, go to the stadiums and blow your nose. If you use the journalist's garb, then measure twice, do not write things without any sports logic. If you are badly tangled with the oligarch owners of television and politicians, you never tell the truth about the reality in which Albanians live, how will you open our eyes to football, the national team, with which you are united only by fandom, nothing else. The AFL has created excellent conditions for the national team. We are at the height of Europe in this regard, as in many other things in football, but you cannot ask a chicken to lay an ostrich egg. It is impossible, so simple to understand. Are there miracles in football? Yes, but very rare, to the extent that a national team like Albania defeats the world champions 4 times... It can happen once in 100 years, this was not the case, unfortunately. The staff, complete in every aspect, works day and night for the national team. If we have a Brazilian coach, that doesn't make us like the Brazilian national team. If we have an Italian doctor or trainer in the red and black staff, this cannot make us like the Italian national team. Since we have the "backbone" of the national team that plays in Serie A, this cannot make us like the Axur national team. Accept it, we are Albania, we know our limits in every aspect, even in football. Do not forget that we have fallen into the "group of hell", considered as such by all the media of the world, where Spain, Italy and Croatia can well be considered favorites to win the European Championship of Germany, no longer to be questioned confrontations with the Reds and Blacks. This is the reality, this is the truth. We all have dreams, we want to beat them all, but we cannot undo reality. Especially we journalists, who must tell the truth as it is, even bitter, not to call white to black and vice versa, as has become fashionable in politics. With football and the national team, we have entered Europe since at least 2016, with politics we continue to look at the EU with "binoculars". I read Sokol Balla's article in one breath: Italia-Sylvinho 2-0.I don't know why I hoped to find journalistic and sports reality in an article by Balla. Surprisingly, in this article, Sokoli had remained with the approach of the political journalist. Perhaps dealing a lot with politics in the country, he wants to see and treat the red and black national as the Albanian politics of the day, where people are black and white, sometimes they are with the truth and sometimes they are conquered by subjectivism, they are guided by their beliefs or orders from above. If we judge the national team politically, we know well what Bushati, Shkullaku, Balla, Peka po e po, Vangjeli, Zogaj and many others will say. Some will stoically be for Rama, the other against him, even making white black and vice versa. If in politics this is done to brainwash the people, to make their opinion reduced to zero, in sports and football this does not apply at all. Especially if they are written by those who only know how to climb the stands, get a free ticket from the AFL, writing about this very important part of our society only on occasions of European or World Cups, so that their voice is heard. "tip of the arm". In fact, to come out and say that Sylvinho is the evil of the Albanian national team, this is nothing more than amateurism, ignorance about football, public suicide. I accept the sincerity of Sokol, even being a big fan of the national team, but I absolutely do not approve of his conclusions of this type, which seem like "non grata" for the Brazilian coach of the Rossoneri. Anyone's analyzes are quick to make as we have only played one European match, that against Italy, the four-time world champion and current continental champion. Let's wait for the other two challenges in the group to put the "hat according to the head" to everyone. We should also do this with facts and professionalism, not with political analysis, as if we are judging Rama or Berisha, the government or the opposition. Because, in fact, if there is one thing that unites Rama and Kurti (!!!), that is, all Albanians under one flag, this is the red and black national team. That's why he deserves a cold-blooded and professional analysis, not poison towards the coach, whom we raised to the sky for the eliminatory campaign he led, we also made him "lushnjar" through the government, we gave him an Albanian passport. Field specialists and technicians should watch the match against Italy calmly and say their opinions, which may also apply to the red and black technical staff. Why, what did you political analysts expect, that the Red and Blacks would play openly against great Italy! That they attacked in their own half and conceded 10 goals? Did you see what happened to Croatia, where better quality than our national team, to Spain? You are quick to pour bile for the 2-1 defeat against Azur, but if we had lost deeply, what would you have done? The answer is known... Albania has probably its best player, Asllan, who has a few minutes at Inter.While in Italy, five starting players and leaders of Inter, champions of Serie A, played in the formation. It is enough to mention this fact to understand the real and big difference between the two national teams. Because, the logic of the fan does not always translate into sports product of the green field. In other words: Since we dominated and won the "match" of the fans in the Dortmund stadium, this did not necessarily mean triumph in the result. Compare the goal, if that's not enough for you: PSG's Donnarumma in Italy against Strakosha (the same if it were Berisha), who has hardly played at all for his club. Why, is this Sylvinho's fault? In the end, Strakosha avoided a couple of safe goals, so even for this choice, the coach cannot be criticized, with the situation he has. Nedim Bajrami lifted the weight of an entire nation with his European record goal, but don't forget that he is a substitute at Sassuolo, the team relegated to Serie B. How many such comparisons could we make to prove the big real gap that existed between the two nationalities. Desire is one thing and opportunity is another, we should not confuse this, especially in sports. If we put things on the "scale" like this, Sokol Balla will understand himself that he is wrong. We are not Brazil, Germany, Argentina, to play with Italy and necessarily aspire to victory. This is like flying "without wings". We are indeed the nation of eagles, but the mythological aspect does not do much in football. We cannot be compared to Italy in anything, from the population, the number of clubs and elite footballers. We are Albania and we should stretch our legs as much as we have the quilt. There is a very important thing that maybe Sokol Balla points out in his writing, when he compares De Biaz with Sylvinho. The Brazilian coach, like no one else before, stayed at the workplace, working and studying all the players for at least 8 hours a day. Results? Of course, better than De Biaz's, with convincing and beautiful playing. He has the national team under control, but his presence on the red and black bench cannot fill the big gap we talked about above with the Italians. He would not be able to do this even if Carlo Ancelotti was on the bench of our national team, or someone else very well known on our continent. It is known how we went to the 2016 European Championship with De Biaz, with trials, drones and other things. The merits of President Armand Duka, without question. How we went to the finals of "Euro 2024", this is clear to everyone, as leaders of the group, with a single defeat against Poland at the start, when Sylvinho had not yet learned the names of the Reds and Blacks well. Of course, De Biazi will remain in the history of the Albanian national team, he has great merits, but this is the reality. This is not up to me and you, but everything he achieved with the Reds and Blacks. If you compare him with Sylvinho, then it is clear where the scale is leaning, with facts from the green field. How can you say that Italy had studied us in detail,while Sylvinho not Italy? We do this in detail at Egnatia, with our video-analyst, no longer at the national team, where there is a wide and professional staff, with Albanian, Italian, Brazilian, Argentinian "passports". He is the model of cooperation with the staff, Sylvinho never makes personal decisions, but with the whole group of collaborators. We live in Albania and only a journalist can make the formation of the national team from the studio or from the airport where he takes the next plane.... How can you insult a real professional like Sylvinho, who has won the Champions League twice, has played with Barcelona and Manchester City, has been trained by big names in world training. If in our country, journalists are not responsible for what they write and say, this does not give them the right to promote the colossal work of the national team's technical staff. If you talk like fans, go to the stadiums and blow your nose. If you use the journalist's garb, then measure twice, do not write things without any sports logic. If you are badly tangled with the oligarch owners of television and politicians, you never tell the truth about the reality in which Albanians live, how will you open our eyes to football, the national team, with which you are united only by fandom, nothing else. The AFL has created excellent conditions for the national team. We are at the height of Europe in this regard, as in many other things in football, but you cannot ask a chicken to lay an ostrich egg. It is impossible, so simple to understand. Are there miracles in football? Yes, but very rare, to the extent that a national team like Albania defeats the world champions 4 times... It can happen once in 100 years, this was not the case, unfortunately. The staff, complete in every aspect, works day and night for the national team. If we have a Brazilian coach, that doesn't make us like the Brazilian national team. If we have an Italian doctor or trainer in the red and black staff, this cannot make us like the Italian national team. Since we have the "backbone" of the national team that plays in Serie A, this cannot make us like the Axur national team. Accept it, we are Albania, we know our limits in every aspect, even in football. Do not forget that we have fallen into the "group of hell", considered as such by all the media of the world, where Spain, Italy and Croatia can well be considered favorites to win the European Championship of Germany, no longer to be questioned confrontations with the Reds and Blacks. This is the reality, this is the truth. We all have dreams, we want to beat them all, but we cannot undo reality. Especially we journalists, who must tell the truth as it is, even bitter, not to call white to black and vice versa, as has become fashionable in politics. With football and the national team, we have entered Europe since at least 2016, with politics we continue to look at the EU with "binoculars".with Albanian, Italian, Brazilian, Argentinian "passports". He is the model of cooperation with the staff, Sylvinho never makes personal decisions, but with the whole group of collaborators. We live in Albania and only a journalist can make the formation of the national team from the studio or from the airport where he takes the next plane.... How can you insult a real professional like Sylvinho, who has won the Champions League twice, has played with Barcelona and Manchester City, has been trained by big names in world training. If in our country, journalists do not take responsibility for what they write and say, this does not give them the right to promote the colossal work of the national team's technical staff. If you talk like fans, go to the stadiums and blow your nose. If you use the journalist's garb, then measure twice, do not write things without any sports logic. If you are badly tangled with the oligarch owners of television and politicians, you never tell the truth about the reality in which Albanians live, how will you open our eyes to football, the national team, with which you are united only by fandom, nothing else. The AFL has created excellent conditions for the national team. We are at the height of Europe in this regard, as in many other things in football, but you cannot ask a chicken to lay an ostrich egg. It is impossible, so simple to understand. Are there miracles in football? Yes, but very rare, to the extent that a national team like Albania defeats the world champions 4 times... It can happen once in 100 years, this was not the case, unfortunately. The staff, complete in every aspect, works day and night for the national team. If we have a Brazilian coach, that doesn't make us like the Brazilian national team. If we have an Italian doctor or trainer in the red and black staff, this cannot make us like the Italian national team. Since we have the "backbone" of the national team that plays in Serie A, this cannot make us like the Axur national team. Accept it, we are Albania, we know our limits in every aspect, even in football. Do not forget that we have fallen into the "group of hell", considered as such by all the media of the world, where Spain, Italy and Croatia can well be considered favorites to win the European Championship of Germany, no longer to be questioned confrontations with the Reds and Blacks. This is the reality, this is the truth. We all have dreams, we want to beat them all, but we cannot undo reality. Especially we journalists, who must tell the truth as it is, even bitter, not to call white to black and vice versa, as has become fashionable in politics. With football and the national team, we have entered Europe since at least 2016, with politics we continue to look at the EU with "binoculars".with Albanian, Italian, Brazilian, Argentinian "passports". He is the model of cooperation with the staff, Sylvinho never makes personal decisions, but with the whole group of collaborators. We live in Albania and only a journalist can make the formation of the national team from the studio or from the airport where he takes the next plane.... How can you insult a real professional like Sylvinho, who has won the Champions League twice, has played with Barcelona and Manchester City, has been trained by big names in world training. If in our country, journalists do not take responsibility for what they write and say, this does not give them the right to promote the colossal work of the national team's technical staff. If you talk like fans, go to the stadiums and blow your nose. If you use the journalist's garb, then measure twice, do not write things without any sports logic. If you are badly tangled with the oligarch owners of television and politicians, you never tell the truth about the reality in which Albanians live, how will you open our eyes to football, the national team, with which you are united only by fandom, nothing else. The AFL has created excellent conditions for the national team. We are at the height of Europe in this regard, as in many other things in football, but you cannot ask a chicken to lay an ostrich egg. It is impossible, so simple to understand. Are there miracles in football? Yes, but very rare, to the extent that a national team like Albania defeats the world champions 4 times... It can happen once in 100 years, this was not the case, unfortunately. The staff, complete in every aspect, works day and night for the national team. If we have a Brazilian coach, that doesn't make us like the Brazilian national team. If we have an Italian doctor or trainer in the red and black staff, this cannot make us like the Italian national team. Since we have the "backbone" of the national team that plays in Serie A, this cannot make us like the Axur national team. Accept it, we are Albania, we know our limits in every aspect, even in football. Do not forget that we have fallen into the "group of hell", considered as such by all the media of the world, where Spain, Italy and Croatia can well be considered favorites to win the European Championship of Germany, no longer to be questioned confrontations with the Reds and Blacks. This is the reality, this is the truth. We all have dreams, we want to beat them all, but we cannot undo reality. Especially we journalists, who must tell the truth as it is, even bitter, not to call white to black and vice versa, as has become fashionable in politics. With football and the national team, we have entered Europe since at least 2016, with politics we continue to look at the EU with "binoculars".We live in Albania and only a journalist can make the formation of the national team from the studio or from the airport where he takes the next plane.... How can you insult a real professional like Sylvinho, who has won the Champions League twice, has played with Barcelona and Manchester City, has been trained by big names in world training. If in our country, journalists do not take responsibility for what they write and say, this does not give them the right to promote the colossal work of the national team's technical staff. If you talk like fans, go to the stadiums and blow your nose. If you use the journalist's garb, then measure twice, do not write things without any sports logic. If you are badly tangled with the oligarch owners of television and politicians, you never tell the truth about the reality in which Albanians live, how will you open our eyes to football, the national team, with which you are united only by fandom, nothing else. The AFL has created excellent conditions for the national team. We are at the height of Europe in this regard, as in many other things in football, but you cannot ask a chicken to lay an ostrich egg. It is impossible, so simple to understand. Are there miracles in football? Yes, but very rare, to the extent that a national team like Albania defeats the world champions 4 times... It can happen once in 100 years, this was not the case, unfortunately. The staff, complete in every aspect, works day and night for the national team. If we have a Brazilian coach, that doesn't make us like the Brazilian national team. If we have an Italian doctor or trainer in the red and black staff, this cannot make us like the Italian national team. Since we have the "backbone" of the national team that plays in Serie A, this cannot make us like the Axur national team. Accept it, we are Albania, we know our limits in every aspect, even in football. Do not forget that we have fallen into the "group of hell", considered as such by all the media of the world, where Spain, Italy and Croatia can well be considered favorites to win the European Championship of Germany, no longer to be questioned confrontations with the Reds and Blacks. This is the reality, this is the truth. We all have dreams, we want to beat them all, but we cannot undo reality. Especially we journalists, who must tell the truth as it is, even bitter, not to call white to black and vice versa, as has become fashionable in politics. With football and the national team, we have entered Europe since at least 2016, with politics we continue to look at the EU with "binoculars".We live in Albania and only a journalist can make the formation of the national team from the studio or from the airport where he takes the next plane.... How can you insult a real professional like Sylvinho, who has won the Champions League twice, has played with Barcelona and Manchester City, has been trained by big names in world training. If in our country, journalists do not take responsibility for what they write and say, this does not give them the right to promote the colossal work of the national team's technical staff. If you talk like fans, go to the stadiums and blow your nose. If you use the journalist's garb, then measure twice, do not write things without any sports logic. If you are badly tangled with the oligarch owners of television and politicians, you never tell the truth about the reality in which Albanians live, how will you open our eyes to football, the national team, with which you are united only by fandom, nothing else. The AFL has created excellent conditions for the national team. We are at the height of Europe in this regard, as in many other things in football, but you cannot ask a chicken to lay an ostrich egg. It is impossible, so simple to understand. Are there miracles in football? Yes, but very rare, to the extent that a national team like Albania defeats the world champions 4 times... It can happen once in 100 years, this was not the case, unfortunately. The staff, complete in every aspect, works day and night for the national team. If we have a Brazilian coach, that doesn't make us like the Brazilian national team. If we have an Italian doctor or trainer in the red and black staff, this cannot make us like the Italian national team. Since we have the "backbone" of the national team that plays in Serie A, this cannot make us like the Axur national team. Accept it, we are Albania, we know our limits in every aspect, even in football. Do not forget that we have fallen into the "group of hell", considered as such by all the media of the world, where Spain, Italy and Croatia can well be considered favorites to win the European Championship of Germany, no longer to be questioned confrontations with the Reds and Blacks. This is the reality, this is the truth. We all have dreams, we want to beat them all, but we cannot undo reality. Especially we journalists, who must tell the truth as it is, even bitter, not to call white to black and vice versa, as has become fashionable in politics. With football and the national team, we have entered Europe since at least 2016, with politics we continue to look at the EU with "binoculars".then measure twice, don't write things without any sports logic. If you are badly tangled with the oligarch owners of television and politicians, you never tell the truth about the reality in which Albanians live, how will you open our eyes to football, the national team, with which you are united only by fandom, nothing else. The AFL has created excellent conditions for the national team. We are at the height of Europe in this regard, as in many other things in football, but you cannot ask a chicken to lay an ostrich egg. It is impossible, so simple to understand. Are there miracles in football? Yes, but very rare, to the extent that a national team like Albania defeats the world champions 4 times... It can happen once in 100 years, this was not the case, unfortunately. The staff, complete in every aspect, works day and night for the national team. If we have a Brazilian coach, that doesn't make us like the Brazilian national team. If we have an Italian doctor or trainer in the red and black staff, this cannot make us like the Italian national team. Since we have the "backbone" of the national team that plays in Serie A, this cannot make us like the Axur national team. Accept it, we are Albania, we know our limits in every aspect, even in football. Do not forget that we have fallen into the "group of hell", considered as such by all the media of the world, where Spain, Italy and Croatia can well be considered favorites to win the European Championship of Germany, no longer to be questioned confrontations with the Reds and Blacks. This is the reality, this is the truth. We all have dreams, we want to beat them all, but we cannot undo reality. Especially we journalists, who must tell the truth as it is, even bitter, not to call white to black and vice versa, as has become fashionable in politics. With football and the national team, we have entered Europe since at least 2016, with politics we continue to look at the EU with "binoculars".then measure twice, don't write things without any sports logic. If you are badly tangled with the oligarch owners of television and politicians, you never tell the truth about the reality in which Albanians live, how will you open our eyes to football, the national team, with which you are united only by fandom, nothing else. The AFL has created excellent conditions for the national team. We are at the height of Europe in this regard, as in many other things in football, but you cannot ask a chicken to lay an ostrich egg. It is impossible, so simple to understand. Are there miracles in football? Yes, but very rare, to the extent that a national team like Albania defeats the world champions 4 times... It can happen once in 100 years, this was not the case, unfortunately. The staff, complete in every aspect, works day and night for the national team. If we have a Brazilian coach, that doesn't make us like the Brazilian national team. If we have an Italian doctor or trainer in the red and black staff, this cannot make us like the Italian national team. Since we have the "backbone" of the national team that plays in Serie A, this cannot make us like the Axur national team. Accept it, we are Albania, we know our limits in every aspect, even in football. Do not forget that we have fallen into the "group of hell", considered as such by all the media of the world, where Spain, Italy and Croatia can well be considered favorites to win the European Championship of Germany, not to question confrontations with the Reds and Blacks. This is the reality, this is the truth. We all have dreams, we want to beat them all, but we cannot undo reality. Especially we journalists, who must tell the truth as it is, even bitter, not to call white to black and vice versa, as has become fashionable in politics. With football and the national team, we have entered Europe since at least 2016, with politics we continue to look at the EU with "binoculars".this cannot make us like the Axur national team. Accept it, we are Albania, we know our limits in every aspect, even in football. Do not forget that we have fallen into the "group of hell", considered as such by all the media of the world, where Spain, Italy and Croatia can well be considered favorites to win the European Championship of Germany, not to question confrontations with the Reds and Blacks. This is the reality, this is the truth. We all have dreams, we want to beat them all, but we cannot undo reality. Especially we journalists, who must tell the truth as it is, even bitter, not to call white to black and vice versa, as has become fashionable in politics. With football and the national team, we have entered Europe since at least 2016, with politics we continue to look at the EU with "binoculars".this cannot make us like the Axur national team. Accept it, we are Albania, we know our limits in every aspect, even in football. Do not forget that we have fallen into the "group of hell", considered as such by all the media of the world, where Spain, Italy and Croatia can well be considered favorites to win the European Championship of Germany, not to question confrontations with the Reds and Blacks. This is the reality, this is the truth. We all have dreams, we want to beat them all, but we cannot undo reality. Especially we journalists, who must tell the truth as it is, even bitter, not to call white to black and vice versa, as has become fashionable in politics. With football and the national team, we have entered Europe since at least 2016, with politics we continue to look at the EU with "binoculars".