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Opinion / Editorial

"Roll or die..."

"Roll or die..."

This matter that I am going to tell now, is a bit real and a bit fantasy. ...On the night of the new year, a child was born in the maternity hospital of our city. He was a "rare" child. It was "genius". You will know it step by step. If we do some calculations, the one who is born on the night of the new year, must be the product of the love of two parents on the night of April 1st... Precisely on December 31st, they complete 9 months. Even this love in the "party" of liars made us think a lot. They say that they have dedicated this "party" to politicians... Nejse. As soon as he opened his eyes, the "rare" child recognized his mother. I hug him and he started talking. Yes, if he talks to you... - Alarm, alarm! he screamed. Nurses and midwives were not taxed. They called the doctor, who, as soon as he appeared, heard the first order:

- Call me here the mayor of the city. I will say two words.

- I'm sorry, - said the doctor. - I can't order it. He is planting trees. Then there was a decision that for every birth there will be a reward. Tell me, what's wrong with you?

- Can you answer my question: "To shave or not to shave?".

- No doubt you will live well. We live in a democratic country, a member of NATO and a candidate for the EU.

- Hey doctor, don't sell me a fart. Tell someone else this. How much lek do we need to live with my parents like NATO or EU?

- I do not deal with these accounts. The government knows better, - said the doctor.

- Order cut! - said the little angel. - I want you to bring the prime minister here.

- Where can I find it? He waited for the leaders of Europe, he didn't even go to Surrel, he ran away to Brussels...

- Now that I came to life, is my life safe? The city police director called me here.

- They are busy, harvesting hashish...

- I will live with hashish? My parents plow to plant wheat, corn, vegetables and they are not making ends meet. And those with luxury villas and cars. Every day screams. What are these crimes, accidents, traffic?! - replied the "rare" little boy. Then he turned to his mother.

- Who is the MP you voted for?

- I don't know him, my soul. You are my god…

- Isn't he the one who was arrested?

- Mother, calm down and drink some milk. I made it halal.

- My mother and you doctor, tell me: should I shave or not?!

- Without question, - said the doctor. – Standards have been raised. Economic growth rates this year reached 3 percent. Employment went over 90 percent.

An aid package for the poorest has just been approved. With one click it performs all public services.

- I know that we live in the time of the Internet, in the time of digitalization, - said the little boy. - What you say, sir, my puppy won't even eat. - How much money will you, my mother, get from this package?

- Not a grain, because I have no pension and no job... I have no account number.

I am neither patronageist nor party member... Yes, I drink milk, my heart.

- How many years has it been, mother, that you have not received the title of the land and the house?

- We will take them, son, and you will enjoy them all.

- Then turn on the TV and watch the news.

The little boy's wish was granted. A studio with analysts, MPs and a room full of miles. The debate had caught fire for some incinerators, for some corrupt officials.

- What are these scandals?! Change this channel, - said the little boy. And the doctor moved the remote control.

- "A European MP fills her bags with money..."

- Don't tell me, who "spawns" these scandals?

- It is a new "virus", - answered the doctor and changed all those channels.

- Since my mother's womb, I have heard that this "virus" is called "corruption".

- said the little boy. The doctor, in order to "tail" the conversation, changed the station.

- The millionaire cleaner: The money of corruption is hidden in the dumps...

- "Some arrested people are released from prison," said the announcer on another channel. –

They are accused of two murders in a bar. There were no witnesses that only the killers and the victims were in that bar...".

- Close every channel! - screamed the "rare" child. - Doctor, tell me definitively; to live or not to live?!

- Sister, where are you, because you took us! - said the doctor, who was bombarded with questions. At the end of this matter, I will also imitate Tana's Gospel in a film:

- "Rotate or die." That's the thing. Yes, I gave it to him; I will drink, I will get drunk"...

And indeed; it is better to get drunk than to forget that we live.