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"The pre-election coalitions proposed by the opposition, an alibi to break...", experts put the Electoral Reform on the 'table': Time left, enough to complete it

"The pre-election coalitions proposed by the opposition, an alibi to

For election experts Kristaq Kume and Gerta Metaj, the time left to complete the electoral reform is sufficient if the political parties have the will to complete it.

After the decision of the court, which gave the seal and emblem of the Democratic Party to the re-establishment group, Kristaq Kume emphasized that the parties will be more comfortable to complete the electoral reform.

"The parties will be ready and committed to make it happen. What should be done in the changes in the electoral legislation and not only", said Kume.

While the election expert Gerta Metaj spoke in a more pessimistic tone regarding the completion of this reform.

"We have some basic pillars that the political parties have each agreed on in their political podiums, but when it comes to sitting together, the situation starts from the beginning", stated Metaj.

Regarding the vote of immigrants, Kume is confident that this will happen, but for a limited number of immigrants who must have their address of residence of the country where they live registered in the registry of civil status in Albania.

"What will happen in 2025 will be the provision of the opportunity to vote abroad, but the provision of this opportunity will be very limited", said Kume.

For her part, Gerta Metaj sees the diaspora vote as a political show.

"It has always been the tendency that the CEC has the ball, this time they are looking for the ball, but they don't give it to them, they don't want to give it to them," said Metaj.

Electoral election expert Krista Kume goes further by proposing some recommendations in order to improve the electoral system.

"In the Electoral Code, today we have 12 electoral units, the change must be made to become 4 electoral units, which gives citizens the right to compete with a list of independent candidates", emphasized Kume.

Regarding the pre-election coalitions proposed by the opposition, experts think that this element can be used as an alibi to break the agreement reached so far between the parties on the electoral reform.