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The mandate for deputy of Sali Berisha in the "string of thread",

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Lulzim Basha with the young people in Korça 'stings' the Rama-Berisha duo: Albania will not be hostage to a handful of people, this is what we will offer the Albanians

Lulzim Basha with the young people in Korça 'stings' the

"Albania will not be hostage to a handful of people who have their own problems with justice, nothing will stop the democrats from protecting and representing the ideals of freedom, democracy, protecting and preserving the Euro-Atlantic alliances and embodying the dreams of Albanians for change". This was stated by Lulzim Basha from Korça, where he developed an activity with the young people of this city.

Basha said that today the battle is between the Albanians who want change and the Rama-Berisha alliance who want to maintain the status quo, use Albania for their problems.

He also said that in the 90s, young people stood and won the battle with the most ferocious communist regime in Europe, which for many seemed impossible, and today, beyond challenges and difficulties, young people will lead this historic change that returns Albania to the Albanians and frees it from the clutches of a group of corrupt politicians who want to use it as their loot.

"We have revealed an alternative, and we want to discuss it with you if it is the right alternative to convince you to fight for this alternative in the first place. And secondly, to reveal it to the Albanians and ask them to follow us on another path. Enough with this old road, there is no solution for this old road. There is only trouble, there are only problems, there is only drama, there is only leaving. They want to continue this fake game with each other. Personally, I am not only not discouraged by this union of the old against the alternative, against the project of hope, but it motivates me more because it shows that they are afraid" - said Basha.

While discussing the current situation, Basha stopped at the PD alternative for young people, which was revealed in the Program Assembly, the result of the work of over 100 local and foreign experts.

One of the points of the program, which is known with the slogan "Albania deserves more", is NEXTGEN, which envisages the construction of 4 national campuses where 25 thousand young people will be trained in the priority areas of information technology and programming. A 1-year paid training/internship is also provided to obtain a profession for 10,000 young people after high school (who do not continue to university) but also for newly graduated students, as a bridge between school and the labor market.

Basha said that these are fully feasible investments that prevent young people from leaving.

"How do we get out of this situation? How to get out of this situation? With a clear project that returns Albania to the youth, it returns the chances and opportunities to the youth. As we said, since education, since professional preparation.

The new economy. What is the new economy? From information technology, to robotics, to renewable energy, to biotechnology. And with these professions we can keep young Albanians here in Albania with a minimum salary of 2 thousand euros per month. Who will leave Korça if tomorrow there is a graduation and a profession that pays 2 thousand euros per month? No one will let him. This investment is completely feasible. It is a fraction of this government's abuses of incinerators.” - emphasized Basha.

Now at the head of the Euro-Atlantic Democrats, Basha said that PD was born as a pro-Western, Euro-Atlantic party and will remain so because this is the interest of Albania and Albanians.