The mandate for deputy of Sali Berisha in the "string of thread", there will be a clash for Article 71 of the Constitution, this is who has the "fate" of the "non-woman" in his hands, say the jurists

The mandate for deputy of Sali Berisha in the "string of thread",

Frrok Çupi brings out the black "CV" of Sali Berisha in 30 years, from his collaboration with the leader of Serbia, the attacks on the US embassy in Tirana, the coup d'état in '98, the killing of 4 protesters on January 21, to the names of terrorists w...

Frrok Çupi brings out the black "CV" of Sali Berisha in 30

The Swiss authorities reveal the name of the businessman who became a guarantor for Arben Ahmetaj in Switzerland, how he hired the woman with a salary of 9,000 francs per month, details from the investigation file are revealed

The Swiss authorities reveal the name of the businessman who became a guarantor

Ilir Demalia reveals the strong behind-the-scenes: Ilir Meta and Sali Berisha are doing everything to save their property and not punish their family, here is the evidence that Altin Dumani can use to put them behind bars

Ilir Demalia reveals the strong behind-the-scenes: Ilir Meta and Sali Berisha

Niko Peleshi's confidant is involved in the scandal, this is how he manipulated the 4 million euro contract with the phantom company for extinguishing fires from the air, the facts are revealed

Niko Peleshi's confidant is involved in the scandal, this is how he

The digital state of Mirlinda Karçanaj receives another blow, the Iranian hackers of "Homeland Justice" extract the identity card data and phone numbers of over 65 thousand Albanians

The digital state of Mirlinda Karçanaj receives another blow, the Iranian

The Academy of Sciences cheated with the money of the Albanians, this is how 240 million lek were "grapes and plums" during the pandemic, KLSH reveals the violations

The Academy of Sciences cheated with the money of the Albanians, this is how 240

The good news that awaits pensioners this year, from a new law for the elderly who do not have the old insurance documents to receive a pension, to the new changes that the Social Insurance Institute is preparing in rural areas, here's who benefits

The good news that awaits pensioners this year, from a new law for the elderly


"Rama the big loser of the elections in 2025", deputy Luan Baçi explodes at the government: It is immersed in corruption, the prime minister's days are numbered

"Rama the big loser of the elections in 2025", deputy Luan Baçi

DP MP Luan Baçi, invited to a television program, declared that Edi Rama is the big loser of the 2025 elections.

Baçi emphasized that Rama's government is mired in corruption and that the prime minister's days are numbered.

Luan Baçi: Edi Rama is the big loser of the upcoming parliamentary elections. The corrupt acts of this government are visible. To have 700-800 thousand Albanians who have fled en masse, to have the lowest wages in the region, to have agriculture at the point of crisis, because subsidies are stolen, the country cannot go any worse than this. Such a majority cannot be the winner of the elections.

But Rama bases his campaign on the fear he arouses in the citizens. Rama will face a strong opposition in 2025. Rama's days are numbered. Democrats will see what will happen when Sali Berisha is released from house arrest.