Here is who is the "VIP" prisoner who discovered all the crimes of Sali Berisha and Ilir Meta in 2018, SPAK should give him the status of repentant of justice, Idajet Beqiri uncovers the sensational behind the scenes and shows how the investigation of ...

Here is who is the "VIP" prisoner who discovered all the crimes of

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Flamur Noka under property investigation, here are the suspicious properties of

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KLSH lists the violations of Belinda Balluku, how she gave permits for wind

Four senior police directors are expected to vacate their offices after the "Metamorfoza 4" operation, SPAK and BKH are preparing procedures for raiding offices and apartments

Four senior police directors are expected to vacate their offices after the

Concessions in health consume 5.3 billion ALL in 2023 alone, Klodian Allajbeu's Hemodialysis, Check Up, Sterilization and Laboratories zero transparency and investment in improving services, the report reveals

Concessions in health consume 5.3 billion ALL in 2023 alone, Klodian

Here is the file with documents that you must submit to the ISS from former soldiers, miners, oil workers, and all categories of pensioners if you do not agree with the calculation of seniority, another new scheme for pensioners who are heads of househ...

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The USA warns of the "non-women" declaration of the Democratic Party,


Basha: If I come to power, I will remove visas with America, within 4 years Albanians will move freely in the USA

Basha: If I come to power, I will remove visas with America, within 4 years

The chairman of the Democratic Party, Lulzim Basha, spoke in his podcast about the challenges he had in the visa liberalization process with the EU. One of the challenges, according to him, has been the persuasion of other EU members who continued to be skeptical, such as the Netherlands, which later became one of Albania's strongest supporters. Yesterday, Basha promised that in the case of taking over the government, he will liberalize visas with the USA within 4 years. "My ambition and at the moment my dream, but I am convinced in the case of assuming the responsibilities of government, we will succeed in liberalizing visas with the USA. Within the next 4 years, Albanians move without visas to the United States of America. And we have started this political dialogue since then, but it did not advance for reasons that are known. But I am convinced that with a new government, with a different political will, certainly with a different record that it is the most important in every respect, including the areas that are important to America, that has designated for corruption as a danger of its national security. And with a special relationship with our strategic ally, I have the ambition and confidence that I will succeed in removing the visas with the USA", said Basha. The head of the DP also spoke about the opportunities that the DP will create for the youth by paying attention to Information Technology, as well as by financing stimulating policies, training, thus making it possible for Albania to see their future. "The youth strike is also a political project. Because youth is independent by its very nature, it is much more idealistic and is much more interested in a significant political, economic and social change than other age groups. And those who want to keep the situation under control know this without a doubt. There are two pillars that risk major upheavals in a society and in particular in moments like this where our society is today, the youth and the middle class. And it's not for nothing that both have come under fire for vicious policies or the total lack of policy support from this government. This policy must be put to an end. How does it end? Turning these two pillars of society, the youth, the middle class, the free professionals, into an absolute priority. How do they become absolute priority? By financing, i.e. by providing financial support in all forms, direct financing, stimulating financial policies, trainings and making it possible for Albania to see not only what their hearts love, but also what their minds want to create family, to get a profession. And the beneficiaries will be both parties, the Albanian youth will be in the first place, and then Albania and the Albanian society", said Basha, among other things.

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