Here is who is the "VIP" prisoner who discovered all the crimes of Sali Berisha and Ilir Meta in 2018, SPAK should give him the status of repentant of justice, Idajet Beqiri uncovers the sensational behind the scenes and shows how the investigation of ...

Here is who is the "VIP" prisoner who discovered all the crimes of

Flamur Noka under property investigation, here are the suspicious properties of the "kamikaze" of Reestablishment, the deputy starts attacks on SPAK from the panic of the cell

Flamur Noka under property investigation, here are the suspicious properties of

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Here's who replaces Sali Berisha after June 20, how will

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KLSH lists the violations of Belinda Balluku, how she gave permits for wind

Four senior police directors are expected to vacate their offices after the "Metamorfoza 4" operation, SPAK and BKH are preparing procedures for raiding offices and apartments

Four senior police directors are expected to vacate their offices after the

Concessions in health consume 5.3 billion ALL in 2023 alone, Klodian Allajbeu's Hemodialysis, Check Up, Sterilization and Laboratories zero transparency and investment in improving services, the report reveals

Concessions in health consume 5.3 billion ALL in 2023 alone, Klodian

Here is the file with documents that you must submit to the ISS from former soldiers, miners, oil workers, and all categories of pensioners if you do not agree with the calculation of seniority, another new scheme for pensioners who are heads of househ...

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The USA warns of the "non-women" declaration of the Democratic Party,


Spartak Ngjela warns of arrests at high levels: Albania will get rid of high state corruption, here is the role of the USA and Britain

Spartak Ngjela warns of arrests at high levels: Albania will get rid of high

The well-known lawyer Spartak Ngjela has commented on the latest political developments. In a reaction on social networks, Ngjela says that in addition to the USA, Great Britain is also engaged in the development of Albania. The most important thing, according to the lawyer, is the support that internationals are giving to the justice reform, which will save our country from high corruption. According to him, the "VIP" strikes will pave the way for Albania to join the EU. "Along with the United States of America and the European Union, Great Britain also committed that, in addition to financing the Durrës - Pristina highway, it will also provide financial assistance to Albania for the continuation of the justice reform, by training judges and prosecutors. Therefore... The integral development of Albania has already begun. Because... What we see is a necessary thing that shows that the United States, the European Union and Britain are resolutely following the reform in justice, because it is now known that Albania must get rid of the high state corruption that required to sink Albania and the Albanians, but organized crime also helped them with its cooperation with high state corruption.. In this historical time, everything is going in Albania's favor. And time is helping the Albanians who now, coming out of the clutches of the historical disaster, are moving towards modern development, everywhere, in all fields. But the Justice Reform, fully completed, will be our historic success to enter the European Union. Because we have had the place there for centuries. We are one of the oldest peoples in Europe, and steadfast autochthons in our lands", writes Ngjela.

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