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Opinion / Editorial

Ten facts on the falsity of the anti-corruption Resolution of the Rama sect

Ten facts on the falsity of the anti-corruption Resolution of the Rama sect

The draft resolution proposed by the SP on the fight against corruption and good governance will be submitted to the Assembly for a vote on Monday. The opposition and all Albanian citizens must forcefully distance themselves from Rama's Gëlbelsian propaganda, which allegedly aims to denounce rampant corruption, which he himself has been carrying out and orchestrating for eleven years. The ten reasons for the falsity and hypocrisy of the SP parliamentary resolution to fight corruption are: The usurpation of independent institutions and the "New Justice". The usurpation of all independent institutions and their misuse. The last flagrant case was that of the misuse of the National Institute of Statistics, ordering it to delay by nine months the publication of the results of the 2023 Census, which would prove the mass abandonment of the country. Albanians have voted "with their feet"!, fleeing by hundreds of thousands every year from their homeland, due to the blocking of free initiative and the asphyxiation of opposition thought, produced by Rama and his clones in power. Corruption of certain segments. of the opposition from 2017 until today, to weaken and demotivate the opposition, to focus all its forces on the fight against the government's rampant corruption and on offering a new alternative. The selective attack on the opposition, the blocking of the seal of the Democratic Party and the vicious attack on Reestablishment and its action. Considering the opposition as an enemy. Derogatory language, verbal attacks and attempts to buy opposition representatives have become permanent and common occurrences of the sect in government, motivated and giving a personal example in these attacks by the so-called Global Leader himself. The unprecedented blow to the opposition, realizing the isolation of its leader Prof.Dr. Sali Berisha, without facts and on an unconstitutional path. The political imprisonment of the opposition leader was conceived and ordered by Edi Rama. Not allowing the opposition to carry out pre-electoral coalitions, blocking the Electoral Reform.

Installing the anti-culture of irresponsibility. None of the high officials of the Rama sect, accused of abuse of office and corruption by the country's independent institutions, has left office. In contrast, some have been promoted. It was Rama who installed the anti-culture of irresponsibility in the country, blocking transparency and accountability. According to the formula of the well-known researcher of the fight against corruption, Robert Klitgaard, corruption follows the formula of: K = M + S – P where K is corruption, M monopoly, S the amount that can be profited from corruption (otherwise called the discretionary power of corruption, his freedom of action) and P responsibility, accountability. Corruption equals monopoly, plus discretion, minus accountability. It was precisely Rama and his sect, who, with the almost complete lack of accountability and the sale of propaganda for transparency, strengthened and cemented corruption, turning it into a system in Albania. Laws sewn by hand. According to Transparency International and the US Department of State, which has cited it in its reports, Albania differs in laws prepared on the exclusive basis of the interests of a business lobby, even of a certain business or oligarch. Transparency International concludes that State capture in Albania has increased significantly and lists a total of 9 laws that are suspected to have been made to order, such as the special law on the Theater, the law on audiovisual media, the law on gambling, the national lottery, the law on concessions and PPPs, the Milot-Balldre highway, the Air Albania company, or on unsolicited offers for the construction of airports, such as the one in Vlora, etc., which are quickly approved by a majority based entirely on Parliament, in the absence of transparency and public consultations. According to Transparency International's report, Albania has a state gripped by corruption, where powerful individuals, institutions, companies and powerful groups inside and outside the country conspire so that the policies, legal environment and economy serve their private interests to the detriment of the public. The Law 20/2020 on the massacre of lands, the Law on Strategic Investments, changes in the Law on Protected Areas, etc. should be added to the list of laws denounced by Transparency International as being caught, or sewn up. Galloping abuse and waste in public investments. All official data from the Ministry of Finance and from the Ministry of Infrastructure and Energy, speak of increased costs for the construction of one km of road. They have a high difference in roads built with money from the State Budget, compared to financing and soft loans from donors. The average cost of 1 km of road has tripled in the last ten years! International political corruption with the "Open Balkan" initiative. This initiative was counterintuitive and in complete opposition to the Berlin Process, devised by Germany and the EU.Vu?i? and his vassal Rama tried in vain, since the progressive forces in the Balkans, the EU and the USA did not allow the implementation of "Open Balkan", this neotite project, aimed at isolating Kosovo and extending Russian hegemony in our region. Financial black holes in oil and energy. Government policy that allowed and encouraged massive abuses with Albanian oil concessions and scandalous purchases and sales of electricity by KESH. Massive abuse of PPPs. According to the International Monetary Fund and the World Bank, in Albania, public-private partnership (PPP) concession contracts not only account for over 16.5 percent of national production, the highest figure compared to GDP in all of Europe, but are prepared without considering the cost-benefit ratio. In the vast majority of them, they contain risks, which the Albanian State Budget bears either all of them, or most of them. A typical example is the PPP contracts of incinerators, where the state takes all the risks and the economic damage appears in the tens of millions of euros. Complete lack of business protection and selective fines against it. In the last three years 2022-2024, Albanian exporters are being destroyed and are on the verge of bankruptcy, due to losses from the depreciation of the euro by 20 percent, compared to the lek, in the domestic market. The government only promises support to exporters, but does nothing for them. It is delaying the application of the so-called "sovereign guarantee" for the manufacturing sector, even now, after it was delayed for three years to "help the fashionistas, especially the fashionistas, making fun of them and leaving them at the mercy of fate." Fashion factories have thrown thousands of employees between the four streets in recent months, brought to the brink of bankruptcy by the murderous indifference of the Rama sect. Meanwhile, there are dozens and hundreds of businesses plagued by selective controls and fines for their activity, while the "mavi" businesses, favorites of Rama and his sect, are never checked and win endless tenders from the State budget.or most of the State Budget of Albania. A typical example is the PPP contracts of incinerators, where the state takes all the risks and the economic damage appears in the tens of millions of euros. Complete lack of business protection and selective fines against it. In the last three years 2022-2024, Albanian exporters are being destroyed and are on the verge of bankruptcy, due to losses from the depreciation of the euro by 20 percent, compared to the lek, in the domestic market. The government only promises support to exporters, but does nothing for them. It is delaying the application of the so-called "sovereign guarantee" for the manufacturing sector, even now, after it was delayed three years to "help the fashionistas, especially the fashionistas, making fun of them and leaving them at the mercy of fate." Fashion factories have thrown thousands of employees between the four streets in recent months, brought to the brink of bankruptcy by the murderous indifference of the Rama sect. Meanwhile, there are dozens and hundreds of businesses plagued by selective controls and fines for their activity, while "mavi" businesses, favorites of Rama and his sect, are never checked and win endless tenders from the State budget.or the greater part of the State Budget of Albania. A typical example is the PPP contracts of incinerators, where the state takes all the risks and the economic damage appears in the tens of millions of euros. Complete lack of business protection and selective fines against it. In the last three years 2022-2024, Albanian exporters are being destroyed and are on the verge of bankruptcy, due to losses from the depreciation of the euro by 20 percent, compared to the lek, in the domestic market. The government only promises support to exporters, but does nothing for them. It is delaying the application of the so-called "sovereign guarantee" for the manufacturing sector, even now, after it was delayed for three years to "help the fashionistas, especially the fashionistas, making fun of them and leaving them at the mercy of fate." Fashion factories have thrown thousands of employees between the four streets in recent months, brought to the brink of bankruptcy by the murderous indifference of the Rama sect. Meanwhile, there are dozens and hundreds of businesses plagued by selective controls and fines for their activity, while the "mavi" businesses, favorites of Rama and his sect, are never checked and win endless tenders from the State budget.