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Opinion / Editorial

The "domino" effect of the resolution on genocide in Srebrenica

The "domino" effect of the resolution on genocide in Srebrenica

Undoubtedly, the adoption of the UN resolution on "genocide in Srebrenica" is a great victory for democratic forces throughout Europe and the world. The mass murder and massacre of 8,360 innocent Muslims in Srebrenica, Bosnia, of Muslim children, women and men, was carried out by the Serbian army on July 11, 1995. The purpose of the massacre was the annihilation of an ethnic group and religious belief other than the Serbian Orthodox, as and the occupation by Serbia of these territories. The court of justice in The Hague has defined the crimes in Srebrenica as genocide since 2007. According to the decision of The Hague, the wartime president of Republika Srpska, Radovan Karad?i?, as well as the commander of the Serbian army, Radko Mladi?, were convicted and imprisoned. It was clearly seen that the Serbian president at the UN, Vucic, tried to play the role of the victim and not the aggressor, as is the truth, as well as the role of the sworn Serbian patriot and nationalist. His scenes throwing the Serbian flag in his arms, as well as the accusations against democratic and western countries were a shame and immaturity for him as a head of state. A Serbian lawyer has described this gesture of the Serbian president as: "Primitive nationalism". It was shameful that some countries supporting Serbia tried to change the description of the resolution from genocide to a "commemoration resolution". The Serbian president said that :"this resolution will open pandora's box in the Balkans and Europe". But without comparing it with the genocide in Bosnia and specifically in Srebrenica, we can say with our mouths full that even the expulsion of 1.2 million Kosovars from their lands, the mass graves a wasn't it a genocide of Slobodan Milosevic and the Serbian army? Were not hundreds of men, women, small children killed and the babies in their mothers' wombs slaughtered by the Serbian army? Were not the people of Kosovo violently expelled by the Serbs, leaving their lands and killing their relatives, then taking refuge in Albania? Wasn't this a genocide that forced NATO to intervene in Kosovo and bomb Belgrade to force Slobodan to withdraw his army from Kosovo? These events are known, and have been well seen by the world opinion and I believe that the European and world opinion is aware of the Serbian genocide in Kosovo. I believe that Kosovo also has the right to prepare a resolution for the UN to condemn the Serbian genocide in Kosovo. Why hasn't it been done so far? Even Croatia is preparing to send a resolution to the UN to condemn the Serbian genocide in Kosovo. Croatia, where the Serbian army killed and massacred hundreds of Croats. Croatia has previously sued Serbia at the international court of justice for genocide against its people, after the Serbs carried out an ethnic cleansing in Croatia, where they killed around 10,000 Croats during 1991-1995, attacking and bombing Zagreb and other Croatian cities. The international court of justice has recognized as genocide only that of Srebenica in July 1995.Pure ethnic genocide is also that of the ethnic cleansing of the Chams of Chameria by the Greek army and Napolon Zerva, where men and women and children were killed and the population of that country was forcibly driven from their lands and only because they belonged to another ethnic group and a faith other than that of the Greek Orthodox faith. All these massacres, which are definitely genocide, have not been condemned so far by the UN. Now is the time for Albania to ask the UN for the right of these people massacred, killed and expelled from their territories, to declare them as genocide. The massacres of the Greek Andarts and Zerva against the Cham population in Greece were quite serious. the Cham population forcibly displaced from Chameria reaches the figures in 1944-45, which is about 25,000 people. About 2,300 people were massacred and lost. About 400 people were lost while leaving for Albania. About 61 Albanian villages were burned and destroyed and 5,800 houses were looted and burned, as well as a lot of damage to livestock and agricultural and livestock products. Greece's abstention in the vote on the genocide in Srebrenica shows once again that Greece is a country of the EU that has wavered from its established principles and positions, to condemn violence and massacres against defenseless people wherever they are. Its stance on joining Western countries on important decisions is wavering and undecided. He is influenced by her aggressive intentions, for the usurpation of territories against her neighboring countries. Its alliance with Serbia is explained by the fact that both are countries that have practiced terror and massacres for the physical annihilation of other ethnic groups around it, as well as those that have religious beliefs different from their orthodox one. Even the Greek genocide against the Cham population is similar to that of the genocide and ethnic cleansing of the Muslim population from Bosnia. Even today, it has an undeserved place in the EU, not yet condemning the murder of Cham children, Cham women and men, but continues its alliance with Serbia, for the eradication of the Muslim population from its territory. Successive expressions of recent times by the Greek Prime Minister Mitsotakis that Albania, Macedonia and Turkey's path to the EU passes through Greece, are a serious blow to democracy and the EU, America. The Albanian people are clear that Albania's only road to Europe goes only through the EU and America and not through Greece at all.the Cham population forcibly displaced from Chameria reaches the figures in 1944-45, which is about 25,000 people. About 2,300 people were massacred and lost. About 400 people were lost while leaving for Albania. About 61 Albanian villages were burned and destroyed and 5,800 houses were looted and burned, as well as a lot of damage to livestock and agricultural and livestock products. The abstention of Greece in the vote on the genocide in Srebrenica shows once again that Greece is a country of the EU that has wavered against its principles and established positions, to condemn violence and massacres against defenseless people wherever they are. Its stance on joining Western countries on important decisions is wavering and undecided. He is influenced by its aggressive intentions, for the usurpation of territories against its neighboring countries. Its alliance with Serbia is explained by the fact that both are countries that have practiced terror and massacres for the physical annihilation of other ethnic groups around it, as well as those that have religious beliefs different from their orthodox one. Even the Greek genocide against the Cham population is similar to that of the genocide and ethnic cleansing of the Muslim population from Bosnia. Even today, it has an undeserved place in the EU, not yet condemning the murder of Cham children, Cham women and men, but continues its alliance with Serbia, for the eradication of the Muslim population from its territory. Successive expressions of recent times by the Greek Prime Minister Mitsotakis that Albania, Macedonia and Turkey's path to the EU passes through Greece, are a serious blow to democracy and the EU, America. The Albanian people are clear that Albania's only road to Europe goes only through the EU and America and not through Greece at all.the Cham population forcibly displaced from Chameria reaches the figures in 1944-45, which is about 25,000 people. About 2,300 people were massacred and lost. About 400 people were lost while leaving for Albania. About 61 Albanian villages were burned and destroyed and 5,800 houses were looted and burned, as well as a lot of damage to livestock and agricultural and livestock products. Greece's abstention in the vote on the genocide in Srebrenica shows once again that Greece is a country of the EU that has wavered from its established principles and positions, to condemn violence and massacres against defenseless people wherever they are. Its stance on joining Western countries on important decisions is wavering and undecided. He is influenced by her aggressive intentions, for the usurpation of territories against her neighboring countries. Its alliance with Serbia is explained by the fact that both are countries that have practiced terror and massacres for the physical annihilation of other ethnic groups around it, as well as those that have religious beliefs different from their orthodox one. Even the Greek genocide against the Cham population is similar to that of the genocide and ethnic cleansing of the Muslim population from Bosnia. Even today, it has an undeserved place in the EU, not yet condemning the murder of Cham children, Cham women and men, but continues its alliance with Serbia, for the eradication of the Muslim population from its territory. Successive expressions of recent times by the Greek Prime Minister Mitsotakis that Albania, Macedonia and Turkey's path to the EU passes through Greece, are a serious blow to democracy and the EU, America. The Albanian people are clear that Albania's only road to Europe goes only through the EU and America and not through Greece at all.not yet condemning the murder of Cham children, Cham women and men, but continues its alliance with Serbia, for the eradication of the Muslim population from its territory. Albania, Macedonia and Turkey to the EU pass through Greece, they are a heavy blow for democracy and the EU, America. The Albanian people are clear that Albania's only road to Europe goes only through the EU and America and not Greece at all.not yet condemning the murder of Cham children, Cham women and men, but continues its alliance with Serbia, for the extermination of the Muslim population from its territory. Albania, Macedonia and Turkey to the EU go through Greece, they are a heavy blow for democracy and the EU, America. The Albanian people are clear that Albania's only road to Europe goes only through the EU and America and not through Greece at all.