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Opinion / Editorial

The function of politics is to give answers to the electorate how the country is governed

The function of politics is to give answers to the electorate how the country is

The function of politics is to provide answers to social issues in a broad sense. And it is the duty of politicians to identify and address problems in society. Especially in times of economic crises, an even heavier responsibility rests on the shoulders of politicians to remove as much worry, fear and uncertainty from people as possible. To this end, politicians must come up with clear and effective ideas and solutions, for example regarding the increase in unemployment in our country and regarding the blocked housing market. In recent years I have been widely oriented within our society. I have been active, among other things, in the field of advocacy for people with disabilities and for refugees. Moreover, I have worked in various sectors in recent years. I also talked to many people. This enabled me to see what issues in our country need improvement and therefore what elections are needed to make the country stronger. I was given the opportunity to build a new life in Holland in freedom. I took full advantage of those opportunities to come forward. For this, of course, I am grateful to the Netherlands. But I also like to be of service. In this regard, I am convinced that politics must contribute to our society. I also believe in the strength and added value of working together and that's why I made all the efforts together. Now I would like to make my contribution to our society from politics and in an active way. As a member of Parliament for the Party I would like to commit myself to a strong Netherlands; providing opportunities and harnessing talent. It also means holding people accountable for their responsibility again and again. Anyone who can attend should attend as well. And people with disabilities get extra support and guidance to participate. This is fair. The essence of society is precisely what unites. Excluding population groups really does not provide solutions to our country's problems. It only alienates people from each other. For me, the pillars of freedom, justice, solidarity and sustainability are the guiding principles for my actions within politics. Moreover, it is that a democratic constitutional state with all its guarantees for citizens, which must be constantly respected by the government. My political belief is that the government should provide citizens with space to live their lives and develop freely. Politics should define the frameworks by making laws. We are all bound by those laws without exception. And everyone is equal before the law. Being a member of parliament means daring to choose. Politics is about finding solutions to problems and proposing ideas. But decisions must also be made, as long as the party interest,or even worse, the personal interest of a politician does not prevail over the national interest. But we have the future in our hands and we must know how to use it. Let's not tear down foundations when others are building roofs. Let's not make speeches, but keep the word. Let's not put other people's mistakes in front of us to see them, and our mistakes behind us to hide them. Let's face the grudges and enmities of the past and focus on building the future. To invest in cadres with intellectual courage, political prudence and diplomatic skills. Albanians are turned away from Albania, by you, dear voters. By casting your vote today, you will answer the question of where Albania will be tomorrow. You, honorable voters, are expected to vote for the legal state, which, in its literal sense, is expressed by the submission of state bodies to justice, equality of all before the law, independent judiciary, impartial procedure , with the existence of efficient means for the protection of citizens, with legal support and control of administrative acts and with supervision of administrative bodies and their responsibility for illegal work that, in fact, represent the basic components of the principle of legality, an inevitable principle in all countries where law and justice rule. From you, honorable voters, it is expected that with your vote you will determine the values ??of the legal state, which could be ensured: in order to build a multi-party system with separation of powers, with the definition of state power and law, with free market, with private ownership, etc.Dear voters, it is expected that with your vote you will determine the values ??of the legal state, which could be ensured: in order to build a multi-party system with separation of powers, with a definition of state power and law, with a market of free, privately owned, etc.Dear voters, it is expected that with your vote you will determine the values ??of the legal state, which could be ensured: in order to build a multi-party system with separation of powers, with a definition of state power and law, with a market of free, privately owned, etc.