The USA warns of the "non-women" declaration of the Democratic Party, the Democrats risk sanctions, the American Embassy declares a "bombshell", people who associate with Sali Berisha and his family should be careful

The USA warns of the "non-women" declaration of the Democratic Party,

Alert for corrupt senior officials, the high-ranking US official lands in Tirana on June 20, Joe Biden extends "national emergency" to eradicate corruption in Albania, the document that sinks the "Berisha" family is revealed, asset seizure for corrupt ...

Alert for corrupt senior officials, the high-ranking US official lands in Tirana

Here is who is the well-known character of the world of crime who will sink Ilir Meta in SPAK, Kreshnik Spahiu reveals details from the wiretapping that, if taken seriously by the authorities, could open "Pandora's Box" in politics

Here is who is the well-known character of the world of crime who will sink Ilir

This is how the oligarch Klodian Allajbeu is "harvesting" money without criteria from the state budget due to theft and mismanagement, the American Hospital has zero investment in equipment and uses doctors from public hospitals, the government has no ...

This is how the oligarch Klodian Allajbeu is "harvesting" money

The question marks of how Belinda Balluku rose from a cleaner in Greece, to No. 2 in the government and minister of tenders in Albania, here are the hard details revealed by the Greek media about Rama's colleague, from the "party" with 50 million euros...

The question marks of how Belinda Balluku rose from a cleaner in Greece, to No.

Meta-Kryemadhi intercepted by BKH, here are the details from the file that prosecutor Sotir Kllapi is investigating, in the scanner properties and bank accounts, from the withdrawal of 20 thousand euros in 2008, building permits, villas in Lalzi Bay, t...

Meta-Kryemadhi intercepted by BKH, here are the details from the file that

The arrest warrant is ready for Ilir Meta, this is the last session of his questions in SPAK, here is the evidence that has sunk him, the lawyer Romeo Kara brings out the hard details

The arrest warrant is ready for Ilir Meta, this is the last session of his

The alliance between Sali Berisha and Ilir Meta has broken, Myslym Murrizi reveals what is happening within the opposition and shows the "recipe" that will overthrow Edi Rama from power

The alliance between Sali Berisha and Ilir Meta has broken, Myslym Murrizi


Saliu's loyalist in danger, SPAK officially launches a property investigation for Flamur Noka, the file is revealed, here are the assets with staggering values ??which he cannot justify with his income

Saliu's loyalist in danger, SPAK officially launches a property

The Special Prosecutor's Office (SPAK) has launched a property investigation for the loyalist Sali Berisha, deputy Flamur Noka and his family. The scope of the investigation includes the investigation and verification of all financial transactions on behalf of him, his wife and two children. The investigation extends to the entire banking system of Albania and all the notary offices of the country, to see and verify the sales, purchase of properties or other agreements of him or his family members with third parties. "TemA" newspaper learned that the investigation is part of a criminal proceeding registered in SPAK, which needs to be completed with the verification of Flamur Noka's assets. Flamur Noka, his wife and two children are on the investigation list.

Reporting to SPAK

We remind you that a few weeks ago the lawyer Idajet Beqiri submitted to SPAK a file with the name of Flamur Noka. The criminal report mentions the suspicious assets and, among other things, the concessionary contract for the production and distribution of identity cards and electronic passports when Noka was the Minister of the Interior. The lawyer in the report also requested the investigation of Noka's suspicious assets. "In the years 2012-2013, which coincides with the negotiations and the finalization signed by the former Minister of the Interior Flamur Noka of the postponement of the concessionary contract for another 10 years, contrary to the law and the interests of the Albanian state for the production and distribution of cards of identity and electronic passports, Flamur Noka started to buy immovable and movable assets with large values ??in euros, which are not justified by his salary income as a former minister and deputy. The named Flamur Noka has bought an apartment, in the most expensive area of ??Tirana, at Diga e Liqeni, the red building, on its second floor, 190 m2 of construction area and a 70 m2 garage, with a value of 173,400 euros . During this time, he bought two cars, one for 40 thousand euros and the other car for 6 million lek. In fact, the value of the property of 190 m2 that Flamur Noka has bought and owns at Diga e Liqini, which he has declared in the amount of 173 thousand euros, has its real value of 1 (one) million euros. As we pointed out, Flamur Noka's income is his salary for 6 years as a guard at the PD Headquarters and then as Minister of the Interior, as well as his wife's salary at the Faculty of Natural Sciences, near the University of Tirana. On November 1, 2009, Flamur Noka received a zero-interest loan as a homeless person from the National Housing Authority, whose board he was part of. He took the loan of 50,000 euros with a term of 25 years, with a monthly installment of 16,500 ALL, thereby abusing his duty. With this money, Flamur Noka has bought an apartment with an area of ??83.7 m2, on the 8th floor of a building inside the former Block in Tirana. When he became the Minister of the Interior, Flamur Noka sold this apartment from the 50,000 euros he bought with the loan as a homeless person, to 180,000 euros," the criminal complaint states.

Villa 760 thousand euros

“Duke shpërdoruar detyrën në Entin Kombëtar të Banesave, Flamur Noka i ka dhënë vëllait, motrës dhe kunatës së tij 4 apartamente në Sarandë, të cilat në fakt janë pasuri të Flamur Nokës. Flamur Noka, duke shpërdoruar detyrën e ministrit të Brendshëm dhe të deputetit, disponon një vilë prej 760 mijë euro në Kompleksin “LURA 1”, pranë Vilës luksoze të Sali Berishës. Ai banon në këtë vilë ku ka shtëpinë verore edhe Sali Berisha. Kjo vilë është ndërtuar pikërisht në kohën kur Flamur Noka ishte ministër i Brendshëm dhe bëri krimin e zgjatjet së kontratës së prodhimit të pasaportave dhe të kartave të identitetit edhe me 10 vjet të tjera. Kjo vilë është ndërtuar pasi fshati turistik kishte përfunduar së ndërtuari, për rrjedhojë është bërë ngushtimi i një pjesë të rrugës-unazë, e cila rrethon fshatin rezidencial, vilë e cila gjendet në hyrje të “LURA 1”, në reshtin e parë anës rrugës. Zyrtarisht kjo vilë në të cilën jeton Flamur Noka, në Gjirin e Lalzit, dhe që është pronari “de fakto” i saj, në Kadastër figuron në emër të biznesmenit P. M. njëkohësisht kryesor i televizionit të Shkëlzen Berishës “Syri Tv”. Flamur Noka është hedhur në veprim për ta shitur këtë vilë me qëllim të fshehë gjurmët e krimit të pastrimit të produkteve që rrjedhin nga një krim,’’ thuhet në kallëzimin penal.

Vjedhja që e nxori zbuluar

"In 2014, a group of thieves consisting of Arnold Karaj and Donald Vatnikaj, residents of Kodër Kamëz, broke into Flamur Noka's villa, where they took a significant amount of euros, but which Flamur Noka did not report. These two people were arrested, investigated and tried for this theft, as well as for the theft of two other villas of A. Ristan and S. Kodra. In the criminal court files of these two persons convicted for the theft of Flamur Noka's villa, there is indirect evidence that proves the fact that the 760,000 euro villa in Lalëzi Bay belongs to Flamur Noka, the result of money laundering by him. Flamur Noka has committed another serious crime, abusing his office and manipulating electoral elections. He has given a fellow villager Azem Tahiri a considerable amount of euros as well as the ID card production codes, in order for this person, together with the citizen Eduard Zeneli from Fieri, to mass produce ID cards in Greece, where they both worked and lived. Flamur Noka distributed these identity cards to his trusted people, who voted 5 times with different identity cards. These two people, Azem Tahiri and Eduard Zeneli, have been arrested in Greece for the production of Albanian identity cards, the equipment and codes for the production of these cards have been seized and they have been criminally punished, serving their sentence in Koridhalos Prison in Greece," it is said. in the criminal complaint. In the end, the lawyer requested that all the persons mentioned above be interrogated and the source of Flamur Noka's assets be investigated. It is not known if it is this criminal report that has caused SPAK to open investigations on Flamur Noka, but the fact is that the Special Prosecutor's Office has a file on the former Minister of the Interior.