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Myslim Murrizi: Half of the parliamentary group of the SP and PD have luxury

Former MP Myslim Murrizi has commented on the 'fate' of former Prime Minister Sali Berisha, who has been in solitary confinement for 5 months, as well as the aspirations of his daughter, Argita Malltez, to take over the leadership of Re-establishment. Murrizi declares that he does not see Argita in any legal structure of the Democratic Party since December 1990 until today. On the other hand, the former deputy says that for so many months he does not know of any concrete charges against Berisha, on the contrary, he appeals to the law enforcement bodies to investigate his property and that of his children, as well as the land that Karlo Bolino and Berisha's son-in-law, Jamarbër Malltezi, took . Also, Murrizi calls on the law enforcement bodies to investigate the assets of the deputies of both the left and right groups for the villas in Gent Sula at Kodra e Diellit, in Palasa e Gjirin e Lalëzi.

- The Supreme Court again rejected the request of former Prime Minister Sali Berisha to appear in Parliament, meanwhile Argita Malltezi, together with the lawyers, has made it clear that if this continues after Berisha's non-appearance period in Parliament ends at the end of June, he loses his mandate, his daughter is ready to enter politics and be her father's successor. What is worth or not worth to you?

I would divide your entire statement into two parts. Ready to get involved in politics after December 8, 1990, every Albanian who thinks and makes a political contribution has open paths to engage in politics wherever he or she wishes and has the opportunity. The second part about descendants, this is your guess as the descendants are not named. A failed experiment was carried out by Berisha in 2013 with Lul Basha. In politics, you are represented and you have to compete to get the position you aspire to. Those who are members of the opposition who today do not have the logo and seal, those who received 5,700 votes on May 14, at the moment will not be or will withdraw, since Berisha's lack of a mandate as a deputy does not condition him for to be the president of this group that received 5700 thousand votes. Seen from my own eyes, I do not believe that Berisha will resign as party leader before 2025.

- You called Ms. Malltezi's involvement in politics a media conjecture. You yourself believe that Mrs. Malltezi can officially enter politics by positioning herself as a simple democrat as she has done so far or Argita Malltezi can have further ambitions. What does this bring to DP?

You are in politics when you are part of the leadership forums of a political subject at least. For me, you are active in politics when you are in Parliament. For me, Argita is not in any legal structure of DP, from December 90' until today.

- Does this not prevent him from running as a deputy next year?

Of course! Argita, like every member of the Democratic Party, if he is part of it, has the right to run for the presidency, in the National Council, for president, if he gives, he enters the race with his father and many others. It will not be these two if he runs again. to aspire to be a deputy like every dreamer like Gazi, Gjekmarkaj, Flamuri, Albana and so on.

- But if this type of appointment as a successor happens?

No it doesn't happen. Even Basha passed an appointment through a formal voting process, but the potential power of the Democrats was positioned for many reasons and they positioned themselves with Basha. But I believe it is 2013, since we had a race with Berisha and Ibsel Elez, the latter of whom received 300 or so votes. In a future race after 2025, I am not one of those who applaud from the balcony, but want Berisha's mandate to burn as soon as possible. And I have said since the moment he was arrested that the strategy is not to come out until June so that his mandate does not burn, that they punish him until the end of the year under one of the articles of decriminalization in order to prevent him from being a deputy in 2025 and there will be a political death of Sali Berisha. These are the dreams of not only his political opponents but also some pseudo-democrats or those who have crossed the rainbow four times in 3.5 years.

- As it seems, 5 months have passed since the mandate ends on June 30

We didn't get the seal from Luli with Gazi, because if it was like that, Gazi would have brought it to us when he came with Agron Gjekmarkaj and sat on Flamur Noka's lap by appointment, the SORROS and Biden administration took it from us. And I will not give it to us on the 11th because the three judges of the Appeal are three Enverists.

-If Berisha loses his mandate as a deputy, legally he has the right to run in 2025, legally he has the right to keep Re-establishment as chairman, but politically Berisha will have to resign if he loses his mandate?

Jo, sepse arrestimi i tij për një vendim kolegjial është politik dhe pa një akuzë konkrete. Nëse do të më thoni se Sali Berisha ka vjedhur 5 milion euro, ka shtëpi këtu-atje në Lalz me para të vjedhura, që është arrestuar për Gërdecin, 21 Janarin, etj; i pari që do dilja kundra tij jam unë. Por të më thuash pse i ka dhënë 1/3 e tokës që e ka marrë Karlo Bolino. Karlo ka marrë 5 dylym tokë, Jamarbëri ka marrë 1.3 dylym tokë, se aq i bie në 27 trashëgimtarë. Kjo është bërë me vendim qeverie, po pse nuk hyjnë në burg Haxhinasto e Edmond Panariti, se edhe ato kanë ngrit dorën në qeveri, pse nuk hyn në burg Genc Ruli, Ridvan Bode e Majlinda Bregu, pse nuk hyjnë në burg këto. Se ky vendim qeverie është vendim kolegjial që kanë ngritur dorën të gjithë. Tre vjet në hetim e unë nuk di akoma se çfarë akuze konkrete, nuk kanë gjetur një fakt penal që ta çojnë për ta gjykuar Sali Berishën. Ligjërisht, nëse do të vazhdohet me këtë hipotezë, Sali Berishës t’i hetojnë pasurinë. Edhe të fëmijëve të tij dhe atë çfarë thotë ligji. Sikurse do t’ja hetojnë Edi Ramës që thotë kam 2 mijë dollarë në bankë e ka vilë 2 milion euro që e ka bërë Pand Arabuli, sikurse thotë Erioni se ma ka bërë mami dasmën në Gjirokastër. Të hetojnë gjysmën e Grupit Parlamentar të PD dhe PS, që ka vilën te Gent Sula te Kodra e Diellit, kanë vila në Lalz, që kanë vila në Palasë. Ligjërisht Berisha nëse dënohet deri në dhjetor nuk lejohet të jetë deputet, përpos mandatit në qershor. Mandati në qershor duke iu hequr ligjërisht atë nuk e pranon kush të jetë kryetari i PD. Ligji i dekriminalizimit nuk lejon nëse je i dënuar me vendim të formës së prerë për të qenë deputet. Unë shoh që loja ka hyrë në këto kalendat greke, zvarritja e parë që ta çojnë drejt limitit që të dënohet në shkallë të parë e të shkojë çështja në Apel, që ta bëjnë me njollë e të mos lejohet të jetë deputet në 2025-ën.

-E quani të padrejtë arrestimin e Sali Berishës atë për të cilën akuzohet por ka një dosje nga Britania e Madhe që lidhet me shpalljen ‘non-grata’ ndaj tij, që e konsideron se zoti Berisha është i përfshirë në korrupsion dhe që ka lidhje me element të krimit të organizuar. Bën dhe parashikimin ku nuk do të mundet të jetë në pushtet

I don't deal with all the 'non-women' files. 'Non-grata' is a blot on the biography, it is a front and has labeled you as a man who breaks the rules of a Bolshevik society. 'Non-grata' was the chancellor of Austria, she didn't even ask and became chancellor, 'non-grata' was Pope Andrew who governed Greece and burned Clinton's car in the middle of Athens in 1996. Berisha has his first test in 2025 after the battle with Lulu and his group. To go to 2025 to break all kinds of prejudices to break English, American and Soviet 'non-women', Berisha has to get down to earth and not believe the lickers who deceive him, who come around and meet a handful people as tourist meetings and go and tell them what a thief Rama is. They know better how much of a thief Rama is and how much of a thief the mayors of the respective municipalities are.

- The dialogue group in the Parliament meets for the electoral reform, the main headlines are the vote of immigrants, which is still not agreed upon. Where is the impasse?

The impasse lies with Sali Berisha, who must say sorry for the 2008 agreement with Rama, under the pressure of Gërdec, must be publicly accepted. The impasse lies in the fact that open lists are needed, these 12 districts must be changed because Tritan Shehu won the mandate with 13,900 votes, Damian Gjiknuri with 6,800. If they understand and play for a stinking chair in 2025, it will be disastrous for the opposition. This is the bill for 34 political years of Sali Berisha as well. Both parties do not want the vote of immigrants.

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