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The USA warns of the "non-women" declaration of the Democratic Party,

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Alert for corrupt senior officials, the high-ranking US official lands in Tirana

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The alliance between Sali Berisha and Ilir Meta has broken, Myslym Murrizi


"Introduction to Cognitive Musicology" with authors Niels Trusbak Haumann and Qamil Gjyrezi a work of scientific value is promoted at the Academy of Sciences

"Introduction to Cognitive Musicology" with authors Niels Trusbak

The promotion of the book "Introduction to Cognitive Musicology" by authors Niels Trusbak Haumann and Qamil Gjyrezi took place at the Academy of Sciences, where academicians, professors of the University of Arts, musicians, instrumentalists, journalists and psychology researchers participated. The conversation at the promotion that took place on Wednesday with the co-author and translator Qamil Gjyrezi was moderated by Prof. Assoc. Dr. Edmond Bukhara. The meeting was opened by the academic associate Prof. Stefan Çapaliku, who spoke about the importance of studying, not only the history of arts, but also other fields related to the psychology of art and music. "Qamil Gjyrezi has brought us a valuable contribution in his translation. We are not only interested in the history of Albanian art, but we cannot achieve our mission if we do not have a theoretical literature, which accompanies our knowledge and the research we do in this field. Therefore, we thank once again prof. Gyrezin. At the same time at the table with him is our close associate prof. Edmond Buharaja", said Çapaliku. Prof. Assoc. Dr. Edmond Buharaja thanks to his study, academic, artistic experience and publications in the field of music brought many examples related to the book and his great experience in the field of music studies and creativity. As co-author and translator, Qamil Gjyrezi states that "Introduction to cognitive musicology" by Niels Trusbak Haumann is a work of scientific value in this contemporary sub-discipline with a promising future. “Niels Trusbak Haumann PHD, (Post-doc) is a technical researcher at Aarhus University and Aarhus University Hospital in Denmark. The author brings to his study, research during experience, in terms of scientific research, as well as academic studies over the years, in the genres: musicology, psychology, neurology, informatics. Scientific research methods take on a special importance in this study. Cognitive musicology is a contemporary sub-discipline of musicology that suggests drawing disciplines outside of traditional musicology to study and explain musical phenomena", says Gjyrezi.

Research work that started years ago

Professor Qamil Gjyrezi started his studies and publications on music therapy and cognitive sciences in 1996 after an experience in Denmark. He published in 2007 the book "Art therapy", in 2008 "Think positive" and in 2012 "Terapia della musica come interpretation della mente umana e cura" by EAI, Edizioni accademiche Italiane'. But Professor Qamil Gjyrezi says that seeing research with scientific research methods as necessary, he turned to the Danish researcher and professor Niels Haumann in his book "Introduction to Cognitive Musicology". According to Professor Gjyrezi, scientific research methods have a special importance in this work with scientific values. "I worked on the book's introduction and explanations, scientific terminology. The author has given me the right to publish this book published in DMO. This book is the beginning of the study in this scientific sub-discipline that helps traditional musicology a lot, to come up with scientific conclusions and it has lasted 4 years", says Gjyrezi.

Publishing a good opportunity for students and researchers

The translation "Introduction to Cognitive Musicology" by author Niels Haumann is a good opportunity for students, professors and researchers of music, traditional musicology, psychology, medicine, and this, according to Professor Qamil Gjyrezi, to get acquainted with scientific news in cognitive musicology . Professor Gjyrezi says that in the future he will continue the cooperation with the Art Center at the Academy of Sciences and Professor Buharan. "I think to present other scientific, theoretical and practical topics related to "Cognitive Musicology" and "Semantics of music", to deepen the study of music in general and Albanian music in particular. I wish the Academy of Sciences and its leaders Professor Gjinushi, Tole and Sinani, etc. success in promoting Albanian science and art. I also wish the Art Center and the academic director Stefan Çapaliku good luck and good scientific work for Albanian and foreign art", says professor Gjyrezi. Academician and composer Prof. was also present at this activity at ASH. Vaso Tole, professor Hajg Zacharian composer, professor Arben Basha from the University of Arts, painter and researcher professor Agron Mesi, painter Enos Dibra, journalist Edlira Birko and other friends and guests. A few days ago, the show on "An analysis of musical education and illiteracy in schools" was also held on RTSH. with host Edlira Birko in the show "Education Auditor", where professor Buharaja and professor Gjyrezi also participated.