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The USA warns of the "non-women" declaration of the Democratic Party,

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Alert for corrupt senior officials, the high-ranking US official lands in Tirana

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The alliance between Sali Berisha and Ilir Meta has broken, Myslym Murrizi


The works of the artist Michelangelo Pistoletto are exhibited in "Artivization for a responsible social transformation"

The works of the artist Michelangelo Pistoletto are exhibited in

"Artivization for a responsible social transformation" comes with the works of artist Michelangelo Pistoletto. The exhibition in Tirana narrates art as an expression of the opinion that the artist assumes the responsibility to put every human activity into communication, from economy to politics, from science to religion, from education to behavior. Exhibitions of the artist Michelangelo Pistoletto over the years have been presented in different countries in the world, among them the Louvre museum in Paris, while in our country he is presented with the exhibition "Artivizim for a responsible social transformation". The exhibition of the international master Michelangelo Pistoletto at the Center for Openness and Dialogue -COD is curated by the "Pistoletto Cittadellarte Foundation" with curator Francesco Saverio Teruzzi. Prime Minister Edi Rama, general director of COD Eridana Çano, director of the Italian Institute of Culture Alessandro Ruggera, curator Francesco Saverio Teruzzi, painter Naxhi Bakalli, lecturers of the University of Arts and other art lovers were also present at the opening of the exhibition. Divided into four rooms and eight stops, this exhibition at COD focuses on: "Loving the Different", "Mirror Works", "Cosmology", "Ecology", "Mythology", "Nutrition", "Writing" and "Metaverse" ". The announcement about "Artivization for a responsible social transformation" says that the exhibition reviews the guidelines of the art project through the works of the master and the birth and development of the "Cittadellarte" and the "Third Heaven" in the idea of ??a "global civilization" that eliminates distances preserving the differences. "The selection of works that are exhibited at COD, put emphasis on the role of the craftsman, a concept created by the "Pistoletto" foundation, which combines two words: art and activation. As a representation of the idea of ??use of art as an active tool to stimulate, engage and activate social change. It is an approach that goes beyond artistic expression, encouraging artists and people who work with art to become active agents of transformation through their works and their interactions with society. ", it says about the exhibition. This exhibition started with the invitation sent by the Italian Institute of Culture in Tirana, in collaboration with the "Pistoletto Cittadellarte Foundation" and the Center for Openness and Dialogue, with the curator Francesco Saverio Teruzzi and the project manager Alessandro Lacirasella, who bring to Tirana the work of one of the masters of world art, Michelangelo Pistoletto. The exhibition will remain open to the public until July 2.

 The first exhibition

 Michelangelo Pistoletto was born in Biela, in 1933. He started exhibiting in 1955 and in 1960 he opened his first personal exhibition at the Galatea gallery in Turin. Pistoletto has an estimated activity over the years. In 2003, he was awarded the Golden Lion for Lifetime Achievement at the Venice Biennale. In 2004 the University of Turin awarded him the Laurea Honoris Causa in Political Science. At that event, the artist makes public what constitutes the latest phase of his work, called the Third Heaven. In 2007, he received the Wolf Foundation Prize in Arts in Jerusalem, "for his constantly creative career as an artist, educator and activist, whose unstoppable intelligence has given life to pioneering art forms that contribute to a new understanding of the world". In 2013 the Louvre Museum in Paris hosts the first solo exhibition of the artist Michelangelo Pistoletto. This year he received the Praemium Imperiale for painting in Tokyo. Following his activity, in 2021, the Cittadellarte Universari is inaugurated, an exhibition space where the artist presents his latest research, and in December 2022, his last book, "Creation Formula", where he goes through the basic steps and the evolution of his entire artistic journey and his theoretical reflection.